簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳炘榆
CHEN, Hsin-Yu
論文名稱: 活動展場規劃設計專案執行模式之研究─以醫學會活動展示攤位為例
The project implementation of planning and designing of exhibition spaces - in the case of dispaly booths of the medical society activity
指導教授: 梁桂嘉
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 108
中文關鍵詞: 專案管理活動展場醫學會空間規劃設計
英文關鍵詞: project management, exhibition activities, the medical associations, space planning and design
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:269下載:9
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  • 在這場經濟風暴來臨的今日,參展預算的縮減下,如何能夠採取事倍功半及降低成本提高品質之情況,並呈現出相同質感、品質及服務的展場規劃與設計。但在現階段,不僅能夠提供完善的服務品質外,最重要的則是能與顧客維護長期的合作關係,而此包含了服務品質、服務價值以及客戶的滿意度等。



    In this economic turmoil of today, the exhibitors to reduce the budget, how to achieve very little can be taken to reduce costs and improve the quality and showed the same texture, quality and service planning and design exhibition. But at this stage can not only improve the quality of service provided, the most important is to work with customers to maintain long-term cooperative relationships, and this includes service quality, service value and customer satisfaction.

    In this study, the nature of qualitative research for the exploration of empirical research methods using case studies, analysis of the overall planning activities show how the development of their project and process steps, including business development, graphic design and space planning, staffing, time allocation, budget operations, engineering, contracting and construction management. Therefore taken to support project management operations, they will obtain the trust of customers for life, and to establish long-term advantages of cooperation.

    The main research content of this study is divided into the following points: 1.The definition of ad hoc knowledge; 2.Conduct of ad hoc planning; 3.The ad hoc case analysis; 4.The progress of project implementation and control; 5.Ad hoc analysis and improvement of the results. Exhibition of a planning activity, the case can be divided into the process: the beginning of the project Stage, the ad hoc analysis stage, the visualization project stage of project specific stage, Assessment Project stage, at every stage of work is extremely fine and connected, and the stage of time due to unforeseen delays in the progress of changes to the ad hoc and short duration of the urgency of a more refined, often difficult to assess the variables, resulting in more human resources, time control, technology integration and implementation of design concepts in the results, these have to be the beginning of the project planning stage, to make proper plans can in the process of implementation, the smooth completion of the project control .

    第一章 緒論 01 1-1 研究動機 01 1-2 研究目的 02 1-3 研究範圍與限制 03 1-4 研究步驟與流程 03 第二章 文獻探討 05 2-1 活動展場規劃與成效評估 05 2-1-1 活動展場規劃 05 2-1-2 活動展場評估基本要素 07 2-2 專案管理相關知識 10 2-2-1 專案定義與特性 10 2-2-2 專案管理之定義 12 2-2-3 專案管理之發展 18 2-2-4 專案的週期與專案管理之流程 22 2-3 實施專案管理之成功效益 28 2-3-1 專案成功之定義 28 2-3-2 專案成功之因素 29 第三章 活動展場專案管理案例分析 36 3-1 活動展場專案管理之個案一 36 3-1-1 個案背景一:GlaxoSmithKline 36 3-1-2 專案之開始(Initiation)階段 38 3-1-3 專案之分析(Analysis)階段 40 3-1-4 專案之視覺化(Visualization)階段 42 3-1-5 專案之具體化(Realization)階段 43 3-1-6 專案之評估(Evaluation)階段 45 3-2 活動展場專案管理之個案二 46 3-1-1 個案背景二:NOVARTIS 46 3-2-2 專案之開始(Initiation)階段 48 3-2-3 專案之分析(Analysis)階段 53 3-2-4 專案之視覺化(Visualization)階段 54 3-2-5 專案之具體化(Realization)階段 55 3-2-6 專案之評估(Evaluation)階段 58 3-3 活動展場專案管理之個案三 59 3-3-1 個案背景三:AstraZeneca 59 3-3-2 專案之開始(Initiation)階段 61 3-3-3 專案之分析(Analysis)階段 64 3-3-4 專案之視覺化(Visualization)階段 65 3-3-5 專案之具體化(Realization)階段 66 3-3-6 專案之評估(Evaluation)階段 69 3-4 活動展場專案案例成果分析 71 第四章 實務活動展場專案創作 72 4-1 個案公司 72 4-1-1 業務分類 72 4-1-2 業務開發 73 4-1-3 業主聯繫與溝通 74 4-2 初步設計 75 4-2-1 需求規劃及場地規劃配置 75 4-2-2 草案設計 77 4-2-3 設計提案 77 4-3 細部設計 78 4-3-1 預算作業 79 4-3-2 設計發展 81 4-3-3 攤位空間與規劃配置 83 4-4 工程發包階段 84 4-4-1 人力配置 84 4-4-2 風險管理 84 4-4-3 工程發包 85 4-5 施工管理 89 4-6 成果驗收 90 4-6-1 工程結算 92 4-6-2 檢討評估 92 第五章 研究結論 94 參考文獻 96

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    1.AstraZeneca 阿斯特捷利康
    2.GlaxoSmithKline 葛蘭素史克
    3.NOVARTIS 諾華
