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研究生: 葉伊婷
Yeh, Yi-Ting
論文名稱: 以語音辨識系統診斷高中生發音困難之評估研究
An Evaluation Study on Using an Automatic Speech Recognition System to Identify EFL Students’ Pronunciation Problems
指導教授: 陳浩然
Chen, Hao-Jan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 122
中文關鍵詞: 語音辨識英語為外語學習者口說困難發音人機評分比較觀感
英文關鍵詞: Automatic speech recognition, EFL learners, Speaking, Difficult pronunciation, ASR and human ratings, Perceptions toward ASR
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900721
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:158下載:52
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  • 對英語為外語的學習者來說,英語口說能力一直都是相當重要的技能。然由於諸多限制,口說能力的涵養時常受忽略且甚少被教學。隨著語音辨識技術(即ASR,Automatic Speech Recognition)的發展,教師們開始有更多機會鍛鍊學生的口語能力。本研究之目的,即是探究學習者如何與一個載有語音辨識技術的免費網站LearnMode互動,此網站不僅讓教師能自行設計練習題,也能幫助在學生低焦慮感的環境中,逐漸熟習開口說英語。對著ASR系統練習同時,此系統也在為學習者診斷其問題發音,並以顏色標記或評語的方式,提供學習者即時的修正性回饋。在本研究中,總計有66名高中學生成為受試者,他們完成了20個根據易混淆母音/子音設計的口說任務。此外,受試者也在完成任務後填寫了一份問卷,當中10位更接受了一對一的訪談,藉此深入了解他們對於語音辨識科技的觀感與態度。

    English speaking ability has been highly recognized as an important skill for EFL learners. Due to many constraints, though, the speaking skill cultivation is often neglected and seldom taught at school. With the developing of automatic speech recognition technologies, teachers can provide students with more opportunities to train their oral abilities. The current study investigates how learners interact with a website named LearnMode, enhanced by automatic speech technology which allows teachers to create their own speaking exercises and helps EFL learners get accustomed to speaking English under a low anxiety environment. In the meantime, the ASR system can diagnose their problematic pronunciation and offer immediate corrective feedback in the form of color highlight and comments. There are in total 66 senior high school students invited to complete 20 tasks with regard to difficult pairs of vowels and consonants. One questionnaire and one-on-one interviewed are also administered to probe into the learners’ perceptions and attitudes of the speech technologies.
       The result indicates that there is a high degree of agreement of the error detection between the automatic speech recognition system and human raters. In five randomly selected units among twenty, there are four units showing that over eighty-five percent of mispronounced words located by ASR technology and teachers respectively are the same. Also, it is shown that learners enjoy ASR assistance and are more willing to speak English but they still want teachers to help them refine their problematic sounds. With regard to the immediate feedback mechanism, participants consider the color highlight helpful, but they would love to have further instructions on how to make the adjustment. These findings can serve as useful information for teachers who would like to incorporate speaking enhancement into their teaching and for researchers who intend to develop better ASR technologies for language teaching and learning.

    Table of Contents CHAPTER ONE 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Problem Statement 3 1.3 Purpose of Study 6 1.4 Significance of Study 10 1.5 Definition of Terms 12 CHAPTER TWO 13 Literature Review 13 2.1 Automatic Speech Recognition Technology 13 2.1.1 A Revolutionary Character in CAPT 13 2.1.2 The Discrepancy Issue between ASR Systems and Human Raters 15 2.2 Automatic Speech Recognition for Pronunciation Instruction 17 2.2.1 Limitations in the Past 17 2.2.2 An Affectionate and Lovely Beginning 19 2.2.3 Deeper Investigation into the Principles for ASR-based CAPT 19 2.2.4 Diving into Procedures in ASR-based CAPT 22 2.3 ASR-based English Learning Programs and Its Exercise Design 24 2.4 Different Types of Feedback in ASR Technologies 35 2.4.1 Summary of the Feedback Types in ASR Programs 38 2.5 Automatic Speech Scoring and Its Accuracy 40 2.6 Learners’ Perceptions of Using Automatic Speech Technologies 42 2.7 The Summary of Literature Review 43 2.8 Research Questions 44 CHAPTER THREE 46 Methodology 46 3.1 Participants 46 3.2 Procedure of Study 48 3.3.1 The Oral Practice Task: 10 pairs of difficult pronunciation to EFL learners 50 3.3.2 LearnMode, a free learning website benefiting both teacher& students 51 3.3.3 Feedback form, Questionnaire and Interview 55 3.3.4 Human Raters and the Scoring 57 3.4 Data analysis procedure 58 3.4.1 Similarities and differences between the result of ASR and human raters 58 3.4.2 The feedback form and responses to the questionnaire and interviews 59 CHAPTER FOUR 60 Results and Discussion 60 4.1 Results Evaluated by Human Raters and the ASR Technology 60 4.2 The Problematic Words Ranked within 100th Detected by the ASR System 73 4.2.1 The 100th Problematic Words vs. the Basic 2000 Vocabulary of Junior High 76 4.3 The Relation between Participants’ Performance and the Text Nature 77 4.4 The participants’ responses to the questionnaires 79 4.4.1 Background information 79 4.4.2 Participants’ perceptions of four English skills 81 4.4.3 Participants’ emotions/ feelings while dealing with English speaking 81 4.4.4 Participants’ perceptions of feedback types and overall comments 82 4.4.5 Participants’ perceptions of the ASR system (open-ended question) 85 4.4.6 One-on-One Interviews 87 CHAPTER FIVE 95 Conclusion 95 5.1 Brief Summary and Pedagogical Implications 95 5.2 The Limitations and Future Research Directions 97 REFERENCES 100 APPENDICES 104 Appendix A. The Oral Practice Materials 104 Appendix B. Feedback Form 110 Appendix C. Questionnaire 113 Appendix D. One-on-one Open-ended Interview Questions 116 Appendix E. Mispronounced Wordlist and Its Error Rate 117

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