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研究生: Sagar Talekar 德卡
論文名稱: 禪 與 道 對 20世紀抽象畫的影響--兼論研究者的體驗與表現
“Zen and Taoism Influence on 20th Century Abstract Painting -- and Researcher's Art Creation Experience”
指導教授: 蘇憲法
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 146
中文關鍵詞: 佛教冥想抽象表現主義
英文關鍵詞: Zen, Taoism, Buddhism, Meditation, Abstract Expressionism
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:178下載:83
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  • 緒論聚焦於東西方觀點下的禪與道,對其哲學及其對東西方藝術的影響進行相關文獻探究。縱然許多東西方藝術家的創作觀均深受禪與道的思想影響,將二者相互聯結的相關文獻卻極為不足。關於本研究的重要文獻均在此被詳盡地檢視。
    第三章重要性與預期結果主要焦注於禪與道的多樣色彩及抽象形式,例如:円相(Ensoえんそう日文音譯)、陰陽、圓、三角形、四方形 及螺旋或拙火(Kundalini梵文)。因此,本章透過不同藝術家作品的線條、書法、色彩、技法及風格來建構其所受到的禪與道之哲學性影響。
    二十世紀的眾多抽象藝術其根源是精神性的, 而其ㄧ則包含了神智學運動,

    First chapter focused on the introduction of Zen and Taoism philosophy by Eastern and Western viewpoints. Second part of this chapter investigates the literature review by number of books, novels, research papers, articles of Zen and Taoism philosophy, art influence on east and west. However, several painters from East and West have deeply influenced by this philosophy but there is very less information available about painting and philosophy connection. Some of literature are very important for this research and had details examination in this chapter.
    Second chapter Research background is constructed on Twentieth century artists, who can be safely said to be influenced by Zen and Taoism philosophy, were not interested in a photographic representation of an object but in interpreting its spirits. It has been Cosmo centric. Therefore this chapter examines western artists and their involvement and viewpoints and for Eastern mainly concern on Taiwanese and Indian artists works.
    Third chapter of significance and expected outcomes mainly focused on varied colors and abstract forms of Zen and Tao such as Enso, Yin-Yang, circle, square, triangular, spiral or (Kundalini). Therefore this Chapter is constructed on philosophical influence of Zen and Taoism by basic of line, calligraphy, color, techniques and styles by various artists.
    Fourth chapter is based on my own art experience and an influence of Zen and Taoism philosophy as well as the influence of abstract painters of 20th century. The guidance of my fine art professor Su Hsian-Fa and Hsiao Chong Ray, about collective unconscious, that all humans have common inherited archetypal and symbolic patterns of emotional and mental behavior which took me to the higher levels and in depth in abstract paintings creation inspired by Zen and Taoism Philosophy.
    Fifth chapter is main analysis of this research. It’s analyzed by number of artist of Europe and America. 20th century’s American artists explored the calligraphic brushstroke, which was an approach to abstract painting that focused on popular writings on Taoism and Zen and its ethics of direct action. American artists were searching beyond the limitations of their culture for motivation. Shodo, in general, served as inspiration to numerous Abstract Expressionist painters of the period.
    Japanese art and Zen Buddhism dominated in part because America’s political and economic ties with Japan were historically stronger than those with China or India.
    Especially European artists inspired by this philosophy and their composition were depending upon chance, random accident or highly improvisational execution, typically hoping to attain freedom from the past, from academic formulas and the limitations placed on imagination by the conscious mind.
    20th century most of abstract art was spiritual in its origin and one of them was theosophy movement, it can compare with many of spiritual techniques in Eastern systems of spirituality, to compare the different meditation techniques of Zen and Taoism in this chapter.
    Conclusion is arrived on Zen Philosophy is constructed on Nothingness whereas Taoist philosophy is constructed on Empty mind therefore this research focused on the aspects of comparative philosophical and painting study and view but not religious view.

    CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION OF ZEN AND TAO PHILOSOPHY BY ART VIEWPOINTS 藝術觀點下的禪與道及文獻回顧------------------------------01 1.1 Motivation and Introduction. 緒論----------------------------------------------------01 1.2 Zen and Taoism Comparisons. 禪宗與道家思想之比較---------------------------01 1.3 Zen and Taoism philosophy in Hinduism by art viewpoints. 從藝術觀點看印度教中的禪與道---------------------------------------------------------02 1.4 Zen and Tao philosophy in Buddhism by art viewpoints. 從藝術觀點看佛教中的禪與道------------------------------------------------------------04 1.5 Zen and Tao philosophy in 20th century by art viewpoints. 藝術觀點下二十世紀的禪與道------------------------------------------------------------09 1.6 Literature review 文獻回顧-------------------------------------------------------------10 1.7 Conclusion: 結語-------------------------------------------------------------------------16 CHAPTER TWO EASTERN AND WESTERN INFLUENCE ON ZEN AND TAO禪與道對東西方藝術的影響-------------------------------------------------------17 2.1 Eastern and Western view on Zen and Tao 禪與道的東方與西方觀點----------17 2.1.1 Zen and Tao influence on Western Art 禪與道對西方藝術之影響-------------17 2.1.2 Zen and Tao influence on Eastern Art 禪與道對東方藝術之影響-------------28 2.1.3 Zen and Taoism influence in Taiwan 禪與道對台灣之影響--------------------30 2.1.4 Zen and Taoism influence in India 禪與道對印度之影響-----------------------34 2.2 Conclusion: 結語-------------------------------------------------------------------------37 CHAPTER THREE GEOMATRIC ELEMENTS, STRUCTURE AND COLOR IN ZEN AND TAOISM禪與道之創作形式:幾何元素、結構及色彩-------------38 3.1 Line: 線條---------------------------------------------------------------------------------38 3.2 Form 形式---------------------------------------------------------------------------------41 3.2.1 Two main forms of symbolism in Zen and Taoism. 禪與道的二種主要象徵形式---------------------------------------------------------------42 Tao: 道---------------------------------------------------------------------------------42 Zen禪---------------------------------------------------------------------------------43 3.2.2 Circle圓--------------------------------------------------------------------------------43 3.2.3 Triangle三角形-----------------------------------------------------------------------45 3.2.4 Square四方形 ------------------------------------------------------------------------46 3.2.5 Spiral or Kundalini 螺旋或拙火----------------------------------------------------47 3.2.6 Signature style 特徵-------------------------------------------------------------------49 3.3 Space 空間 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------50 3. 4 Colors色彩-------------------------------------------------------------------------------53 3.4.1 Yellow黃色 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------55 3.4.2 Red 紅色--------------------------------------------------------------------------------57 3.4.3 Green 綠色-----------------------------------------------------------------------------58 3.4.4 Blue 藍色-------------------------------------------------------------------------------58 3.4.5 White and Black 白色與黑色--------------------------------------------------------59 3.5 Conclusion: 結語-------------------------------------------------------------------------62 CHAPTER FOUR ANALYSIS ON ZEN AND TAOIST ISFLUENCE ON ABSTRACT PAINTING 禪與道對抽象藝術的影響---------------------------------64 4.1 Zen and Taoism with Theosophy Movement 神智學運動中的禪與道---------------------------------------------------------------------65 4.2 Zen and Taoism Influence on Semi Abstraction 禪與道對半抽象藝術的影響---------------------------------------------------------------69 4.3 Zen and Taoism Influence with Geometry Abstraction 禪與道對幾何抽象藝術的影響------------------------------------------------------------74 4.4 Zen and Taoism Influence on Freeform Abstraction 禪與道對自由抽象藝術的影響------------------------------------------------------------79 4.5 Zen and Taoism Influences with Empty Color-Field Abstraction 禪與道對色空抽象藝術的影響-----------------------------------------------------------83 4.6 Zen and Taoism Influences with Shodo Calligraphic Abstraction 禪與道對書道抽象藝術的影響-----------------------------------------------------------89 4.7 Conclusion: 結語------------------------------------------------------------------------97 CHAPTER FIVE RESEARCHER’S (Sagar Talekar 德卡) EXPERIENCE WITH ZEN AND TAO研究者 (Sagar Talekar 德卡) 對禪與道之體驗與呈現------------98 5.1 Zen and Taoism influence in my painting禪與道對我的創作之影響------------98 5.1.1 Zen influence in my paintings 禪對我的創作之影響------------------------------99 Why Zen Buddhism Came to China from India? 為何佛教從印度來到中國-------------------------------------------------------------------99 Birth of Zen; Meditative Flower of Lord Buddha.禪之生;佛拈花微笑----100 Yellow in Meditation by Buddha. 在佛的冥想中的黃色-----------------------100 Self Realization 自我醒悟----------------------------------------------------------101 Zen Riddle; Fish and Bottle 禪宗打謎;魚與瓶--------------------------------102 Life is Transient; Zen philosophy of Basso. 生命無常:Basso的禪哲學-----103 Anand Shanti 心之平靜 --極樂世界---------------------------------------------103 Roop and Swaroop. 真我不生不滅 ----------------------------------------------104 Divine Mother is Calling. 聖母在呼喚 -----------------------------------------104 Lord Buddha’s Palm; May Coincidence? 如來神掌;是巧合嗎?-------105 ‘Sahaj’ means effortlessness or ‘ease’. Sahaj 意思說自在或是解脫------105 Untitled Meditation 凝思 ---------------------------------------------------------106 5.1.2 Buddhist Mandala Geometry Abstract Painting Series 2010-12 曼陀羅幾何抽象系列畫作2010-12------------------------------------------------------108 5.1.3 Taoist influence in my paintings 道對我的作品之影響------------------------111 Music of the contrast rhythms – Tao 對比律動的和諧曲--道 ---------------111 Mystic Supreme Source- Tao 神秘至高的源頭--道----------------------------112 Absolute and Eternal Tao 純粹永恆的道----------------------------------------114 In the depths of Tao’s selflessness 道深層的無私內涵 -----------------------114 Let the ego drown and enter in the mystery 放下自我,潛進奧秘-------------115 Perhaps, the Reflection of before God existence 也許,這是存在在神明之前的反映-------------------------------------------------------116 5.1.4 Conclusion: 結語----------------------------------------------------------------------118 CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSION 結論--------------------------------------------------119 PICTURES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------121 REFERENCES------------------------------------------------------------------------------138

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