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研究生: 吳珮如
Wu, Pei-Ju
論文名稱: 學習焦慮與測驗焦慮對英語學習者在聽力成就表現與聽力能力自覺的影響
The Effects of Learning Anxiety and Test Anxiety on EFL Learners’ Listening Performance and Self-Perceived Listening Ability
指導教授: 曾文鐽
Tseng, Wen-Ta
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 聽力學習焦慮聽力測驗焦慮自覺能力第二語言聽力成就表現
英文關鍵詞: listening learning anxiety, listening test anxiety, self-perceived ability, L2 listening performance
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202636
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:128下載:16
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  • 本研究旨在探討學習焦慮與測驗焦慮如何影響第二外語學習者的聽力成就表現以及聽力能力的自我評估。研究受測對象為八百七十八位台灣高中生,藉由聽力學習與測驗焦慮量表蒐集學習者對於課堂聽力活動以及重大聽力考試的相關經驗與態度,經由相關與多元迴歸分析討論焦慮是否會促進或阻礙聽力表現與自我能力評估,並檢視自我評估與真實成績之間是否存有落差的現象。

    Listening comprehension plays a pivotal role in foreign language learning. Rather than passively receiving streams of aural input, learners are required to actively engage in listening tasks with a view to mastering the skill. Given its transient nature and heavy cognitive load imposed on learners (I. Chen & Chang, 2009), listening comprehension is ubiquitously perceived to be challenging and anxiety-provoking in EFL context (Farrell & Mallard, 2006; Goh, 2000; Graham, 2006; Vandergrift, 2007). Consequently, the current study sets out to explore the relationships among learning and test anxiety constructs, learners’ self-estimates of listening ability and actual listening performance. Additionally, the extent to which anxiety constructs predict learners’ estimates and actual performance under high-stakes evaluative situation will also be examined.
    A total of 878 senior high school students in Taiwan participated in the current study. The questionnaire inclusive of the Listening Learning Anxiety Scale, the Listening Test Anxiety Scale, together with a self-rating section of listening ability was administered. Grades from four term exams were averaged as an indicator of listening performance. Pearson product-moment correlation and hierarchical multiple regression were operated to identify how anxiety constructs play crucial roles in facilitating or debilitating self-estimates and listening performance.
    As opposed to the broad consensus on the detrimental effects of anxiety constructs on performance (Hembree, 1988), unexpected and diverse results were observed in the current study. Five predominant anxiety variables were able to significantly predict listening performance. While subsets of classroom learning anxiety served as debilitators in general, potential facilitative effects of test anxiety were detected. More in-depth analysis and possible extrapolation of the findings will be critically demonstrated. In addition, the existing discrepancy between self-estimates and actual listening performance is another issue worthy of attention.
    Overall, the present study hopes to provide a more thorough view towards how factors of learning and test anxiety help or hamper students’ listening performance. Possible causes and pedagogical suggestions will be discussed accordingly.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Chinese Abstract i English Abstract ii Acknowledgement iv Table of Contents vi List of Tables ix List of Figures xi CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background and Motivation 1 Purpose of the Present Study 6 Research Questions 7 Significance of the Present Study 7 Organization of the Thesis 8 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW The Role of Listening Skill in Language Learning 9 How Aural Inputs are Processed in the Brain 9 Why Listening is Perceived Difficult for L2 Learners 10 Difficulties in Listening Comprehension 11 The Importance of Addressing Foreign Language Learning Anxiety 13 Dimensions of FL Learning Anxiety in the Area of Listening 13 Measuring FL Listening Learning Anxiety and Performance 14 The Importance of Addressing Test Anxiety 16 Test Anxiety 16 Dimensions of Test Anxiety 17 Test Anxiety Models 18 Measuring Test Anxiety and Performance 19 Learners’ Self-Perceived Ability and Objective Test Performance 23 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY Participants 25 The Pilot Study 26 Instruments 27 Listening Learning Anxiety Scale 27 Listening Test Anxiety Scale 31 Learners’ Self-Estimates of Listening Ability and Actual Performance 34 Procedures 35 Data Analysis 36 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS Correlation Analysis 38 Regression Analysis 43 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION The Relationships among Learning and Test Anxiety Constructs, Self-Estimates of Listening Ability and Actual Performance 51 The Relationships among Learning and Test Anxiety Constructs 51 Detecting Discrepancy between Self-Perceived Ability and Actual Performance 53 Measuring the Effects of Learning and Test Anxiety Constructs on Self-Perceived Ability and Actual Performance 54 The Predictive Power of Learning and Test Anxiety Constructs on Self-Estimates of Listening Ability and Actual Performance 56 The Effects of Learning Anxiety Constructs on Self-Perceived Ability and Actual Performance 56 The Effects of Test Anxiety Constructs on Self-Perceived Ability and Actual Performance 57 Summary of Major Findings 60 Pedagogical Implications 62 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research 64 REFERENCES 66 APPENDICES 75 Appendix A. The Questionnaire of Listening Learning Anxiety and Listening Test Anxiety 75 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.Distribution of Participants’ Proficiency Level 26 Table 2.Listening Learning Anxiety Scale 30 Table 3.Listening Test Anxiety Scale 33 Table 4.Correlation Matrix between the Four Learning Anxiety Variables and the Four Test Anxiety Variables 40 Table 5.Correlation Matrix among the Four Learning Anxiety Variables,Learners’ Self-Perceived Listening Ability, and Listening Performance 41 Table 6.Correlation Matrix among the Four Test Anxiety Variables, Learners’ Self-Perceived Listening Ability, and Listening Performance 43 Table 7.Diagnosis of Multicollinearity between Predictors of Learning Anxiety and Test Anxiety over Learners’ Self-Perceived Listening Ability 45 Table 8.Diagnosis of Multicollinearity between Predictors of Learning Anxiety and Test Anxiety over Actual Listening Performance 46 Table 9.Results of Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis: Predicting Learners’ Self-Perceived Listening Ability from Learning Anxiety Variables and Test Anxiety Variables 49 Table 10.Results of Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis: Predicting Actual Listening Performance from Learning Anxiety Variables and Test Anxiety Variables 50 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Diagram of Data Analysis of the Current Study 36

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