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研究生: 林寀雯
Lin, Tsai-Wen
論文名稱: 以測驗和眼動型態建構交互作用效果的圖文閱讀理解模式
Constructing a model of reading comprehension of interaction effect with figure and text by test and eye movement
指導教授: 吳昭容
Wu, Chao-Jung
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: 交互作用效果統計圖文閱讀理解眼動型態圖文整合
英文關鍵詞: interaction effect, statistical figure and text, reading comprehension, eye movement, integration of figure and text
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:482下載:26
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  • 本研究以眼動資料與測驗結果,建構交互作用效果的統計圖文閱讀理解模式。論文中包含三個研究。研究一發現交互作用效果對於一般成人而言是複雜的概念,不同領域專家的看法也不完全一致。但交叉型態的圖示能使讀者連結到「交互」的字面意義,協助判讀。因此,研究二以交叉統計圖的有無為實驗操弄,發現統計圖確實影響閱讀理解的歷程和效果,但提升幅度未如預期的佳。於是,研究三以圖文訊息對應性和圖形對稱性的觀點,修改統計圖,並以讀者閱讀理解表現與眼動資料討論圖文整合的歷程。


    This study composing of three researches aimed to construct a model of reading comprehension of interaction effect with statistical text and figure. First, it was found in the Research 1 that interaction effect is a complicated concept for the public and field experts hold diverse perspectives of it even though. Yet, the cross-over figure could prime readers to associate the shape of cross-over with the surface meaning of “interaction”. Hence, adding a cross-over figure of interaction effect was used as the manipulation in the Research 2, which was explored to influence the process and the performance of reading comprehension. Nevertheless, the effect of adding a cross-over figure was not as great as the expected. Accordingly, consistency of information between figure and text and symmetry of figure were operated in the Research 3 to explore the effect on participants’ performance and process of reading comprehension.
    Two sub researches were involved in the Research 1. Research 1-1 aimed to explore how the public comprehended interaction effect with 12 participants. Participants would read an interaction effect example and then they were asked to interpret interaction effect in the following two tests and make explanations. It was revealed that participants’ interpretation was the surface meaning of interaction and they claimed the difficulty of description of simple main effect. Furthermore, some participants with basic statistical background knowledge could make simple explanations of data analysis. Research 1-2 aimed to come by the important concepts of interaction effect to make the following experimental materials. 16 participants were field experts of medicine, physics and psycho-statistics. Participants would read two text of interaction effect and then interpret interaction effect both with verbal explanations as well as drawing figures. It was found that experts of psycho-statistics focused on the concept of variable and test significance and were inclined to utilize general principles of statistics to interpret different text, meanwhile experts of other fields emphasized on the mechanism of interaction effect. Last, fundamental and advanced concepts of interaction effect were obtained.
    The Research 2 aimed to explore the effect on participants’ reading comprehension of interaction effect from text and text with figure. There were 60 participants. A group test was held with 301 participants to confirm the readability and the difficulty of experimental materials and to design the experimental procedure before the formal experiments. One-factor between groups was used in the Research 2 with text group as control group and text with figure group as experimental group. EyeLink 2000 was utilized to record participants’ eye movement during experiments.
    It was explored that adding a statistical figure promoted participants’ accuracy of performance of reading comprehension especially on items belonging to fundamental concepts, which revealed the effect of statistical figure on benefitting participants to grab the surface representations from figure. Total fixation duration were not on increase; participants distributed reading time on figure to save the reading time on text. For another thing, text with figure group performed less semantic integration in the end of sentences, which could refer to it that participants in this group consumed less mental effort on reading text for they had intention to depend on figure.
    The Research 2 aimed to realize how the effect of manipulations, involving consistency of information between figure and text and symmetry of figure impacted on participants’ reading comprehension. There were 70 participants. Experimental materials were text with two unsymmetrical cross-over figures (experimental group 1), text with two symmetrical cross-over figures (experimental group 2), and text with one symmetrical cross-over figure (baseline group). Results are shown as follows. First, there is no test significance of performance of reading comprehension between experimental group 2 and baseline group. However, eye movement between these two groups revealed differences on the process of reading comprehension that experimental group 1 would read the figures during reading text meanwhile experimental group 2 would read the figure after reading the whole text. Second, differences of eye movement between experimental group 1 and baseline group showed that unsymmetrical figures facilitated participants to contemplate the meaning of this representation so as to spend more time on text and eye movement across figures. Additionally, experimental group 1 would refer to two figures simultaneously for they regarded two figures independent. Yet, experimental group 1 would trace back to the figure just next to the read text for they held two figures independent were the same. Last, the effect of two manipulations would influence enhance both basic and advanced concepts of interaction effect.
    Composition was concerned as the integrative concept to combine all the manipulations in this study so as to construct the model of reading comprehension of statistical text with figure. Semantic and spatial representations of figure benefited readers to form concepts of interaction effect and save the reading time on text. Salience of figure guided readers to refer to figure during reading text. Finally, symmetrical and unsymmetrical figures would influence the reading time and integration of figure and text.
    Keyword:interaction effect, statistical figure and text, reading comprehension, eye movement, integration of figure and text

    緒論...............................1 研究背景與目的......................1 統計學上的交互作用效果及其類型......4 圖文整合閱讀理解之理論及其眼動研究..10 圖文整合眼動研究的分析指標.........16 研究一.............................19 研究1-1 ..........................19 研究對象..........................19 實驗材料..........................19 實驗程序..........................20 結果與分析........................21 研究1-2...........................23 研究對象..........................23 實驗材料..........................23 實驗程序..........................24 結果與分析........................25 研究1-1與1-2之綜合討論.............28 研究二..............................31 研究對象..........................32 實驗材料..........................32 實驗程序..........................38 結果與分析........................39 討論.............................52 研究三...........................57 研究對象.........................59 實驗材料.........................59 實驗程序.........................60 結果與分析.......................61 討論............................68 綜合討論...........................73 參考文獻...........................85 附錄..............................93 附錄一...........................93 附錄二...........................97 附錄三..........................101 附錄四..........................103 附錄五..........................105 附錄六..........................107 附錄七..........................109 附錄八..........................113 附錄九..........................115 附錄十..........................117

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