研究生: |
林哲安 Lin, Jer-An |
論文名稱: |
推動臺灣生態農業—以新南田董米為例 Promotions of Taiwan’s Ecological Agriculture - A Case Study of Shinnan Tiandong Rice |
指導教授: |
Fang, Wei-Ta 袁孝維 Yuan, Hsiao-Wei |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
環境教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Environmental Education |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 72 |
中文關鍵詞: | 新南田董米 、生態農業 、環境態度 、環境行為 、羅吉斯廻歸分析 |
英文關鍵詞: | Shinnan Tiandong Rice, ecological agriculture, environmental attitude, environmental behavior, logistic regression analysis |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204927 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:362 下載:12 |
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本研究針對新南田董米網路預購者及新南休閒農業區現場遊客進行問卷調查,在統計分析上係採用SPSS 22軟體,首先進行敘述統計分析,就網路預購者與新南遊客之個人背景及各項觀點列出其次數分配表。結果顯示,網路預購者以「新南田董米推廣者的環境行動」及「為保護水田環境盡一份心力」為主要購買理由,同時對農業及農民轉型也相當重視;新南遊客的購買理由則以「為保護水田環境盡一份心力」及「支持宜蘭在地農產品」最多。兩者對新南田董米最大的顧慮同為「很少煮飯」,顯示外食習慣是影響購買意願的重要因素。
最後則以羅吉斯廻歸(logistic regression)分析影響遊客購買新南田董米意願之因素。由研究結果得知,對購買意願有顯著影響的變數包括滿意度、推薦意願及重遊意願、所得、參加環保團體、賞鳥經驗等六項;至於重視米口感程度、栽培過程不用農藥認同度、價格平價的認同度、包裝精緻與否認同程度、新南田董米支持程度、性別、年齡、學歷、參加社團投入的程度、賞鳥活動的投入程度,皆無顯著差異。
In recent years, farm houses have been sprawled over Yilan County severely, which destructed scenic paddy fields and badly influenced the inhabitation of waterfowl. As a response to the peril, this study established “Shinnan Tiandong Rice” Shinnan Village, Jhuangwei Township. In appealing for waterfowl benign and paddy-field guarding, Shinnan Tiandong Rice sells homegrown rice which increases the income of the farmers as well as protects paddy field inhabiting waterfowl. Through the operation of ecological agriculture, the farmers may achieve the consensuses of paddy-field guardianships.
The customers purchase Shinnan Tiandong Rice in advance via internet and the tourists visiting Shinnan Leisure Agricultural Area have been surveyed by questionnaire and are statistically analyzed with SPSS 22. First of all, the frequency distribution table is established by carrying the descriptive statistic analysis on the social-economic characteristics and the viewpoint of each aspect of the customers purchase Shinnan Tiandong Rice in advance through internet and the visitors of Shinnan Leisure Agricultural Area. Results show that for the customers who purchase in advance via internet, the major reasons of purchasing are “the environmental actions of the Tiandong Rice promoter” and “contribution of personal effort to rice-paddy environment protection”, they also take account of the transformations of agriculture operation and the farmers’ attitude. The majority of the tourists visiting Shinnan Leisure Agricultural Area decide to purchase because of “the environmental actions of the Tiandong Rice promoter” and “supporting local Yilan agricultural products”. The key scruple of purchasing is “rarely cook” which denotes eat out frequently is an important factor that influences the purchase intention.
Secondly, difference analysis is applied to show the differences on aspects of environmental attitude and intention of environmental behavior changes between tourists who have participated rice husking activity and those who did not to reveal the influences of the Shinnan Tiandong Rice related activities created in accordance with ecological agriculture and the spirit of green tourism on the environmental attitude and the environmental behavior of the tourists. Results show that the purchase intention and the aspects on loyalty and intention of environmental behavior changes of the tourists that have participated rice husking activity are significantly higher than those that did not, which indicates the important role of experiencing activities on the promotion of Tiandong Rice and ecological agriculture products.
Finally, factors that influence tourists’ purchase intention of Tiandong Rice were analyzed with logistic regression. Analytical results display significant factors that exhibit significant influence on purchase intention are degree of satisfaction, recommendation intention and revisit intention, income, participation of environmental protection organization, and bird watching experience. Degree of attention on the mouth feel of the rice, degree of approval on chemical-free cultivation and common selling price, degree of approval on elaborately packed, degree of support on Tiandong Rice, gender, age, educational background, and degree of participation into civic organization and bird watching activities shows no significant on the subject studied.
Results demonstrate above will be integrated into the suggestion on follow-up sustainable developing direction of Tiandong Rice and the reference for the promotion of ecological agriculture in Taiwan.
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