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研究生: 鄧欣亞
Teng, Hsin-Ya
論文名稱: 台灣中英自由口譯員初入市場概況初探
An Exploratory Study of Taiwan-based Chinese-English Freelance Interpreters' Methods of Market Entry
指導教授: 陳子瑋
Chen, Tze-Wei
口試委員: 陳子瑋
Chen, Tze-Wei
Chang, Albert L.
Ju, Mingli
口試日期: 2022/01/20
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 自由工作者自由譯者進入市場同化自主性零工經濟
英文關鍵詞: freelancer, freelance interpreter, market entry, assimilation, autonomy, gig economy
研究方法: 紮根理論法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200119
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:114下載:22
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  • 即有文獻針對自由口譯員的專業培訓、能力、就業力等方面已有諸多研 究,並探討以上面向與口譯員職涯表現與台灣自由口譯市場概況之關係。然而, 尚未有研究完整討論新手口譯員初期步入市場的時光。本研究旨在探討口譯員 如何從新手口譯員漸漸立足於台灣的中英自由口譯市場。研究專訪了十五位結 業於台灣翻譯研究所之現行中英自由口譯員。十五位口譯員於自由市場年資為 三到十九年不等。

    本研究採用紮根理論,透過訪談瞭解個人動機、打入市場方式和立足市 場定義之間的共同點和差異性。作者以"自由譯者市場同化性”模型做為理論架 構,透過紮根理論進行比較及概念化,進一步瞭解台灣中英自由譯者初入市場 之關鍵技能。研究結果顯示,除了最為基本的口譯語言能力,人脈經營能力、 人際互動能力、經營管理能力皆扮演重要的角色。市場新手利用關鍵技能進而 最大化運用多方接案管道 (前輩介紹、客戶介紹、其它工作介紹等),於建立口 碑同時消弭焦慮感,從而逐漸從市場新手蛻變為立足市場之自由譯者。此篇研 究更深入討論「立足市場」之定義。

    Much has been said about aspects such as professional interpreters’ professional training, competence and employability and how these aspects relate to the freelance market and an interpreters’ professional career. Yet, existing literature does not provide enough information on the initial period of market entry for market newcomers. This study set out to explore how interpreters move from newcomers to establishing themselves in the Chinese-English freelance interpreting market in Taiwan, specifically zooming in on a group of Chinese-English freelance interpreters who have completed translation and interpretation graduate program from a given university in Taiwan, with varied years of experience.
    The study used grounded theory approach to look for commonalities and differences in personal motives, market entry approaches and one’s definition of establishing one-self in the market among this group of interpreters. The researcher used a “freelance market assimilation model” as the theoretical framework to analyze how newcomers integrate into the freelance market. The study found that aside from technical competence as a prerequisite criterion, networking, social and business competence are valuable competence that can help a newcomer to maximize market entry channels (referrals from senior interpreters, clients and other work) to land more work. During the encounter stages of establishing a successful track record and managing uncertainties, freelance interpreters gradually metamorphose into an established market presence. The study also deduced a common definition for“establishing oneself" in the market.

    Chapter 1 – Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Research Purpose and Questions 2 1.3 Chapter Structure 3 Chapter 2 - Literature Review 5 2.1 Freelance Interpreting 5 2.2 Freelance Interpreting Market in Taiwan and Barrier to Entry 7 2.3 Market Entry 10 2.4 Entry Strategies Previously Discussed 11 2.5 Capabilities in the Gig Economy 16 2.6 Freelance Market Assimilation Framework 17 Chapter 3 – Research Methods 21 Overview 21 3.1 Participants 21 3.2 Materials 25 3.3 Procedure 27 Chapter 4 – Results 29 4.1 Entry Barriers 29 4.2 Core Competence 37 4.3 Channels for Market Entry 57 4.4 Opportunity/Lucky Break 67 4.5 Managing Uncertainty 68 4.6 Sense of Establishment 72 4.7 Chapter Conclusion 74 Chapter 5 – Discussion 77 5.1 The Market 77 5.2 Market Entry Competence 82 5.3 Market Entry Strategies 83 Chapter 6 – Conclusion 87 6.1 Study Overview 87 6.2 Major Findings 88 6.3 Pedagogical Implications 92 6.4 Contributions 92 6.5 Study Limitations 93 6.6 Recommendations for Future Research 93 . . References 95 Appendices 105

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