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Author: 郭諭陵
Yu-Ling Guo
Thesis Title: 舒茲的現象社會學及其教育蘊義之研究
A Study of Alfred Schutz's Phenomenological Sociology and Its Implications for Education
Advisor: 陳奎喜
Chen, Kuei-Hsi
Chang, Chien-Chen
Degree: 博士
Department: 教育學系
Department of Education
Thesis Publication Year: 2002
Academic Year: 90
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 264
Keywords (in Chinese): 舒茲現象社會學教育
Keywords (in English): Alfred Schutz, phenomenological sociology, education
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • 舒茲(Alfred Schutz,1899~1959)是20世紀最具代表性的社會思想家之一;他巧妙地結合E.Husserl的現象學和M. Weber的理解社會學,形成獨具一格的理論風貌──現象社會學。本研究旨在闡明舒茲現象社會學的思想淵源、主要內涵、得失長短及其在教育上的意涵。首先,釐清舒茲現象社會學之思想淵源,包括哲學淵源、社會學與心理學淵源,期能發現舒茲心智脈絡之所由生;其次,闡述舒茲現象社會學之主要內涵,包括科學社會學、知識庫、知識社會學、多重實體等四部分,期能掌握舒茲思想之精義;復次,論述舒茲現象社會學之特色與優點、貢獻與影響、問題與缺失,以彰顯舒茲思想之正負面評價;最後,深究舒茲現象社會學在教育上所彰顯的意義,以揭露舒茲思想在教育方面之適用性或價值性。
    一、舒茲的思想淵源,主要可從E. Husserl和M. Weber等人的思想看出端倪。

    Alfred Schutz (1899~1959) was one of the typical figures of sociologists in twentieth century. He combined properly E. Husserl’s Phenomenology with M. Weber’s sociology of understanding and made it become a unique theory – phenomenological sociology. The main purpose of this study is to inquire the origin of Schutz’s thought , main content, strong and weak points of Schutz’s phenomenological sociology, and the educational meanings implicated in it. Firstly, it is to clarify the origin of Schutz’s phenomenological sociology, including philosophical origin , sociological and psychological origin, and so we may understand how his thought and its context engendered; secondly, it is to explain the main content of phenomenological sociology, including sociology of science, stock of knowledge, sociology of knowledge, and multiple realities, for grasping the essence of Schutz’s thought; thirdly, it is to discuss the distinguishing features and good points, contribution and influence, and its problem and weakness of Schutz’s phenomenological sociology, so to manifest the positive and negative evaluation; lastly, it is to interpret the educational meanings implicated in Schutz’s phenomenological sociology, for revealing the applicability and value of Schutz’s thought in education.
    The important findings of this study are as follows:
    1.The origin of Schutz’s thought can be found mainly from the thought of E. Husserl and M. Weber.
    2.The essence of scientific research method,according to Schutz, is to take scientific attitude to make scientific construction.
    3.For Schutz, the research methods of the social sciences and the natural sciences have similarities and differences; the special methodological strategy of the social sciences is “understanding”.
    4.Schutz’s important description about stock of knowledge includes static analysis and dynamic analysis for stock of knowledge.
    5.Schutz’s sociology of knowledge includes the general thesis of the reciprocity of perspectives, the social origin of knowledge , and the social distribution of knowledge.
    6.According to Schutz, the social reality is multiple realities, each reality has a particular cognitive style, and the reality of everyday life is the paramount reality.
    7.Schutz’s phenomenological sociology is distinctive in its nature.
    8.Schutz’s contribution to the social sciences is remarkable.
    9.The problem and weakness of Schutz’s thought can be grasped mainly from the part of Schutz’s description of sociology of science, conception of multiple realities, and the different interpretations to Schutz’s thought.
    10.Schutz’s phenomenological sociology implicates lots of educational meanings.

    目 錄 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………….1 第一節 研究動機與目的……………………………………1 第二節 研究範圍與架構……………………………………6 第三節 研究方法與步驟……………………………………7 第四節 研究限制…………………………………………….9 第二章 舒茲現象社會學的思想淵源………………………11 第一節 哲學淵源………………………………………….11 第二節 社會學與心理學淵源……………………………18 第三章 科學社會學……………………………………………31 第一節 科學態度………………………………………….31 第二節 科學建構………………………………………….35 第三節 社會科學與自然科學研究法的通用性………..45 第四章 知識庫…………………………………………………55 第一節 知識庫的靜態分析………………………………55 第二節 知識庫的動態分析………………………………70 第五章 知識社會學…………………………………………..103 第一節 觀點相互性的一般論題………………………..103 第二節 知識的社會起源………………………………..106 第三節 知識的社會分配………………………………..110 第六章 多重實體……………………………………………..127 第一節 概說………………………………………………127 第二節 日常生活實體…………………………………..132 第三節 其他的實體……………………………………..147 第七章 舒茲現象社會學的評論……………………………153 第一節 特色與優點……………………………………….153 第二節 貢獻與影響……………………………………….157 第三節 問題與缺失……………………………………….174 第八章 舒茲現象社會學的教育蘊義………………………195 第一節 科學社會學的教育蘊義………………………..195 第二節 知識庫的教育蘊義……………………………..198 第三節 知識社會學的教育蘊義………………………..215 第四節 多重實體的教育蘊義…………………………..222 第九章 結論與建議…………………………………………..233 第一節 結論………………………………………………233 第二節 建議………………………………………………244 參考文獻…………………………………………………………247

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