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研究生: 林芷筠
Chih-Yun Lin
論文名稱: 支鏈胺基酸與肌酸增補對耐力運動與瞬發力運動之貢獻
Contributions of Branched-Chain Amino Acid and Creatine Supplementations to the Endurance and Power Exercise
指導教授: 湯馥君
Tang, Fu-Chun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 支鏈胺基酸肌酸嘌呤代謝物麩醯胺羥基脯胺酸三甲基组胺酸尿液尿素氮蛋白質水解作用
英文關鍵詞: branched-chain amino acids, creatine, purine metabolites, glutamine, hydroxyproline, 3-methylhistidine, urinary urea nitrogen, proteolysis
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:104下載:26
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  • 本研究探討支鏈胺基酸與肌酸增補對於訓練良好之徑賽運動員進行耐力與瞬發力運動之影響。在本雙盲研究中,召募12位男性徑賽運動員(20.3 ± 1.4歲,174.0 ± 6.0公分)進行三個試驗(1st試驗:支鏈胺基酸增補與耐力運動、2nd試驗:肌酸增補與耐力運動、3rd試驗:肌酸增補與瞬發力運動)。在1st試驗及2nd試驗中,支鏈胺基酸或肌酸增補前、後,分別執行相同之耐力運動(耐力試驗:65-70%最大保留心跳率之60分鐘跑步)。在3rd試驗中,肌酸增補前、後進行相同之瞬發力運動(瞬發力試驗:100公尺衝刺)。於各個試驗中,支鏈胺基酸(白胺酸54%、異白胺酸19%、及纈胺酸27%)或肌酸增補劑之攝取皆為每人每日12克,且均為期15天。本研究測量身體組成、握力、血漿葡萄糖、乳酸、支鏈胺基酸、天門冬胺酸、麩醯胺、丙胺酸、游離色胺酸、次黃嘌呤與尿酸,以及尿液羥基脯胺酸、三甲基組胺酸、尿素氮及肌酸酐為研究依據。
    研究結果顯示,在耐力運動試驗中,支鏈胺基酸增補後,未改變受試者之身體組成,肌酸增補後,顯著增加受試者之體重 (p<.05),並有增加除脂體重及身體總水重之傾向。不論有無支鏈胺基酸或肌酸增補,對於握力表現皆無促進之作用。支鏈胺基酸增補顯著促進運動後恢復期血乳酸之清除 (p<.05)。進行耐力運動後,肌酸增補顯著降低運動後恢復期血乳酸之濃度 (p<.05)以及血漿游離色氨酸/支鏈胺基酸之比值 (p<.05)。支鏈胺基酸增補與肌酸增補(2nd試驗)均有增加血漿天門冬胺酸濃度之傾向,同時也有降低血漿麩醯胺、次黃嘌呤與尿酸濃度之傾向。支鏈胺基酸增補或肌酸增補(3rd試驗)後,皆顯著降低血漿丙胺酸濃度之恢復值 (p<.05)。支鏈胺基酸增補後,尿中代謝物並無顯著改變。不論在耐力運動前或瞬發力運動前,肌酸增補皆顯著降低血漿嘌呤代謝物與麩醯胺、尿液三甲基組胺酸與尿素氮濃度 (p<.05)。然而,在100公尺衝刺後,肌酸增補後之尿液羥基脯胺酸濃度顯著增加 (p<.05),但在耐力跑步後,肌酸增補則不影響尿液羥基脯胺酸濃度。

    The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) and creatine supplementations on the plasma and urinary metabolites of well trained athletes after endurance and power running. In this double-blind study, twelve male athletes (20.3 ± 1.4 y, 174.0 ± 6.0 cm) completed three trials (1st trial: BCAA supplementation & endurance exercise, 2nd trial: creatine supplementation & endurance exercise, and 3rd trial: creatine supplementation & power exercise). Within either trial of the 1st & 2nd trials, participants performed two identical 60-min running (endurance trial; 65-70% maximum heart rate reserved) exercises before and after 15 daily BCAA supplementation (12 g BCAAs/day/person; leucine 54%, isoleucine 19%, and valine 27%) or creatine supplementation (12 g creatine monohydrate/day/person). In the 3rd trial, participants preformed two identical 100 m sprint running (power trial) exercises before and after 15 daily creatine supplementation which was in accordance with the supplementary strategy of the endurance trial. Body composition and grip strength were measured, as well as the collection of plasma and urinary samples. Plasma samples were examined for the concentrations of glucose, lactate, BCAAs, aspartate, glutamine, alanine, free tryptophan (f-TRP), hypoxanthine, and uric acid. Urinary samples were examined for the concentrations of hydroxyproline, 3-methylhistidine, urea nitrogen, and creatinine.
    Body composition was not affected by BCAA supplementation. Creatine supplementation significantly increased the body weights (p<.05), and inclined to increase the fat-free mass and total body water of the endurance trial. Neither BCAA supplementation nor creatine supplementation affected the grip strength. BCAA supplementation significantly enhanced the clearance of plasma lactate after recovery from exercise (p<.05). Plasma lactate concentration and ratio of f-TRP/BCAAs after recovery from endurance running significantly decreased (p<.05) with creatine supplementation. Both BCAA supplementation and creatine supplementation (2nd trial) tended to increase plasma aspartate concentrations and decrease plasma glutamine, hypoxanthine, and uric acid concentrations. At recovery, plasma alanine concentration significantly decreased (p<.05) with BCAA supplementation and creatine supplementation (3rd trial), respectively. The concentrations of urinary metabolites were not affected by BCAA supplementation. Before running, plasma purine metabolite and glutamine, and urinary 3-methylhistidine and urea nitrogen concentrations significantly decreased (p<.05) in either trial with creatine supplementation. However, with creatine supplementation, urinary hydroxyproline concentration significantly increased (p<.05) in the power trial, whereas no influence in the endurance trial.
    The findings suggest that BCAA or creatine supplementation (2nd trial) led to spare glycogen and protein utilization, and decrease the purine nucleotide cycle activity in the muscle of well-trained athletes. But, creatine supplementation might induce collagen proteolysis in power athletes.

    目 次 中文摘要..................................................i 英文摘要................................................iii 謝誌......................................................v 目次....................................................vii 表次.....................................................xi 圖次....................................................xii 第一章 緒論................................................1 第一節 研究動機.............................................1 第二節 研究目的.............................................2 第三節 研究問題.............................................3 第四節 名詞定義.............................................3 第二章 文獻探討.............................................5 第一節 人體能量代謝系統......................................5 第二節 支鏈胺基酸增補與運動表現...............................9 第三節 肌酸增補與運動表現....................................12 第四節 嘌呤核苷酸循環 (Purine Nucleotide Cycle).............17 第五節 文獻探討總結.........................................22 第三章 研究方法............................................24 第一節 研究流程............................................24 第二節 研究架構............................................25 第三節 研究對象............................................26 第四節 研究設計............................................26 一、設計方式...........................................26 二、運動試驗...........................................26 三、增補方式...........................................27 四、飲食控制...........................................27 五、研究流程說明........................................27 第五節 研究地點............................................29 第六節 研究工具與方法.......................................31 一、資料收集與測量方法..................................31 二、檢體生化分析.......................................33 第七節 統計分析...........................................42 第四章 研究結果............................................43 第一節 支鏈胺基酸、肌酸增補與耐力運動.........................43 一、身體組成與骨質分析..................................43 二、運動表現分析........................................43 三、血液生化分析........................................43 四、尿液生化分析........................................45 第二節 肌酸增補、耐力與瞬發力運動.............................45 一、身體組成與骨質分析..................................45 二、運動表現分析........................................45 三、血液生化分析........................................46 四、尿液生化分析........................................46 第五章 討論................................................48 第一節 支鏈胺基酸、肌酸增補與耐力運動.........................48 第二節 肌酸增補、耐力與瞬發力運動.............................53 第六章 結論與建議...........................................57 第一節 結論................................................57 一、支鏈胺基酸與肌酸增補之於耐力運動......................57 二、肌酸增補之於耐力運動及瞬發力運動......................57 第二節 建議................................................57 第三節 未來研究之建議.......................................58 參考文獻...................................................70 一、中文部分...........................................70 二、西文部分...........................................70 附錄......................................................82 附錄一 人體試驗同意證明書....................................82 附錄二 受試者同意書.........................................83 附錄三 運動自覺量表 (RPE)...................................84 附錄四 受試者之身體組成資料表 (1st Trial)....................85 附錄五 受試者之身體組成資料表 (2nd Trial)....................86 附錄六 受試者之握力資料表....................................87 附錄七 受試者之血液生化分析表 (1st Trial)....................88 附錄八 受試者之血液生化分析表 (2nd Trial)....................89 附錄九 受試者之尿液生化分析表 (1st Trial)....................90 附錄十 受試者之尿液生化分析表 (2nd Trial)....................91 附錄十一 受試者之身體組成資料表 (3rd Trial)...................92 附錄十二 受試者之血液生化分析表 (3rd Trial)...................93 附錄十三 受試者之尿液生化分析表 (3rd Trial)...................94 表 次 表3.1 血漿胺基酸混合標準液中各胺基酸stock標準液之取量..........36 表3.2 血漿嘌呤代謝物混合標準液中各嘌呤代謝物stock標準液之取量...38 表3.3 尿液胺基酸代謝物混合標準液中各胺基酸代謝物stock標準液之取量........................................................39 表3.4 肌酸酐稀釋標準液、尿液稀釋液及反應試劑鹼性苦味酸之取量.....41 表4.1支鏈胺基酸與肌酸增補前後,耐力運動對於身體組成影響之分析(1st & 2nd trials).............................................59 表4.2支鏈胺基酸與肌酸增補對於耐力運動表現之影響分析.............60 表4.3 肌酸增補前後,運動對於身體組成影響之分析(2nd &3rd trials)...................................................61 表4.4 肌酸增補對於瞬發力運動表現之影響分析....................62 圖 次 圖2.1 肌酸合成途徑.........................................12 圖2.2 肌肉細胞中,嘌呤核苷酸循環 (Purine Nucleotide Cycle, PNC) 之執行,以及天門冬胺酸 (Aspartate)、延胡索酸 (Fumarate) 之循環利用..................................................18 圖2.3 支鏈胺基酸是將胺基氮集中至嘌呤核苷酸循環的主要媒介........21 圖3.1 研究流程示意圖........................................30 圖4.1 支鏈胺基酸與肌酸增補前後,耐力運動對於血漿代謝物改變之分析........................................................62 圖4.2 支鏈胺基酸與肌酸增補前後,耐力運動對於尿液代謝物改變之分析........................................................64 圖4.3 肌酸增補前後,耐力運動與瞬發力運動對於血漿代謝物改變之分析........................................................66 圖4.4 肌酸增補前後,耐力運動與瞬發力運動對於尿液改變之分析......68


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