簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 胡藹玲
Hu, Ai-ling
論文名稱: 女性自覺團體方案對參加者女性主義意識的影響之研究
The Feminist Consciousness-Raising Groups’ Programs’ influences toward the feminist awareness of the participants
指導教授: 彭淑華
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 社會教育學系
Department of Adult and Continuing Education
論文出版年: 2001
畢業學年度: 89
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 161
中文關鍵詞: 女性主義女性自覺團體女性意識女性主義意識
英文關鍵詞: feminism, Feminist Consciousness-Raising Groups, Feminist Consciousness
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:126下載:25
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  • 摘 要
    台灣的婦女團體自1987年開始推展女性自覺團體至今已經超過十年,團體內容是根據全美婦女組織NOW(National Organization for Women)在1960、1970年代在全美各地所使用的女性主義意識覺醒團體(Feminist Consciousness-Raising Group)方案所改編而成,目的是藉由團體成員彼此的經驗分享,使參與者對女性在社會上共同的弱勢處境有所認知,拒絕社會賦予女性的傳統性別角色,並瞭解性別歧視是集體的問題,必須靠集體的方式與力量才能解決。本研究是以參與台北市女性權益促進會1999年某梯女性自覺團體的六位成員為研究對象,以質性研究的方式,透過參與觀察及訪談,來瞭解女性自覺團體對她們的女性主義意識有什麼樣的影響。

    It has been over 10 years since the Feminist Groups of Taiwan began to promote and develop Feminist Consciousness-Raising Groups from1987, the contents of these groups were based on the programs used in all over the United States by NOW (National organization for Women) in 1960 and 70. The purposes of which are to make the participants recognize the minority situation women are facing in the society, reject the social traditional sexual role playing, and understand that the sexual discrimination is a collective problem, so that can only be solved in a collective way. The objects of this study are six members from the Feminist Consciousness-Raising Group held by the Taipei Association for the Promotion of Women’s Rights in 1999, through a way of quality research, participation, observation and interviews, researcher tries to understand the Feminist Consciousness-Raising Groups’ influences toward their feminist awareness.
    In the ten times group discussion with nine main themes, this research picked out three main themes which are more important to analyze: “Rape and Violence” , “Women, Sex and Choices” and “Mother-Daughter Relationships”, add into other discussions made by researcher about “Collective Sexual Awareness” like the recognition of sexual role model, the awareness of the situation of women, and their point of view toward the feminist movement, from pre-interviews, groups discussions and post-interviews, researcher tries to realize the changes of their point of view about these four topics and find out whether there is a shaping process of feminism.
    This research categorizes the influences toward the six members into four types: Mei-sho is the one who hold the original feminist consciousness, Gia-yu holds her original idea of individualism, Shiau-ya holds her original patriarchal thoughts, the other three members Jay-yi, Pei-shan and Cho-li accepts some thoughts of feminism after joined the group, their original thoughts of patriarchy are gradually de-constructing. Besides, this research also approaches the motivation and needs about why the six members joined the group, their feelings and gains from this group, and their suggestions and ideas about this group, to sort out the reasons which influence the members’ level of participation and how much they accept feminist consciousness.
    On a whole, it is easier for the Feminist Consciousness-Raising Groups to make the participants aware the universality of some women’s situation and change their original action and willingness to act, but if you try to make them realize the reason which creates the women’s collective situation-- the activation from the ideology of the patriarchal society, it seems to become more difficult. So the suggestion is that these groups can strengthen the members realization of this part of problem, but the premise is to recognize the situation of women by a way of sharing their experiences. Besides, the suggestions to the operation of Feminist Consciousness-Raising Groups are: think about the position of these groups, strengthen the pre-explanation about them , and the sift through process of members, pay attention to the experiences of leaders, use multiple materials in group discussions, and the de-stigmatization of Feminist Consciousness-Raising Groups.

    目 錄 第一章 緒論------------------------------------- 1 第一節 研究動機與緣起---------------------------- 1 第二節 研究主題---------------------------------- 3 第三節 名詞界定---------------------------------- 3 第二章 文獻探討---------------------------------- 5 第一節 女性主義意識的內涵與發展------------------ 5 第二節 Mezirow觀點轉換理論----------------------- 12 第三節 女性自覺團體方案及相關研究---------------- 15 第三章 研究設計---------------------------------- 24 第一節 本研究關照的角度-------------------------- 24 第二節 研究程序與研究對象------------------------ 25 第三節 研究工具---------------------------------- 26 第四節 資料整理與分析---------------------------- 29 第五節 信度與效度-------------------------------- 29 第六節 研究倫理考量------------------------------ 30 第四章 研究發現--------------------------------- 32 第一節 強暴與暴力-------------------------------- 32 第二節 女人、性與選擇---------------------------- 55 第三節 母女關係---------------------------------- 76 第四節 整體性別意識------------------------------ 93 第五節 關於團體---------------------------------- 115 第五章 結論與建議-------------------------------- 129 第一節 六位成員女性主義意識的發展---------------- 129 第二節 關於女性自覺團體的討論-------------------- 132 第三節 建議-------------------------------------- 135 第四節 研究限制---------------------------------- 137 參考文獻----------------------------------------- 139 附錄一:女性自覺團體方案內容--------------------- 141 附錄二:訪談大綱--------------------------------- 160 附圖及附表目錄 圖一:研究步驟------------------------------------ 25 表一:研究對象基本資料表-------------------------- 26 表二:女性自覺團體進程表-------------------------- 28 表三:「強暴與暴力」比較表------------------------ 52 表四:「女人、性與選擇」比較表-------------------- 73 表五:「母女關係」比較表-------------------------- 90 表六:「整體性別意識」比較表---------------------- 112 表七:「關於團體」比較表-------------------------- 127

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