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研究生: 范斯淳
Fan, Szu-Chun
論文名稱: 科技史教學對高中學生批判思考影響之研究
A Study on the Influence of the History of Technology Teaching on Senior High School Students’ Critical Thinking
指導教授: 林弘昌
Lin, Hung-Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科技應用與人力資源發展學系
Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 202
中文關鍵詞: 批判思考能力批判思考傾向科技史科技與社會
英文關鍵詞: critical thinking abilities, critical thinking dispositions, history of technology, technology and society
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:263下載:28
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  • 本研究之目的在於探討科技史教學對於高中學生批判思考影響之情形。在科技史教學活動發展的過程中,本研究結合5E學習環教學模式與STS教學模式之概念形成本研究之教學模式,並選取傳播科技史料為內涵進行教材之設計。
    1. 科技史教學活動有助於提升參與本研究學生之評鑑能力,但對其整體之批判思考能力沒有顯著之影響。
    2. 對於科技史教學活動之興趣較高、參與程度與課堂反應較佳的學生,其批判思考能力之改變會有較佳的表現。
    3. 科技史教學可提升學生:「尋求可信的證據與資訊」、「心胸開闊」、「自我省思」等批判思考傾向。
    4. 學生在省思科技與社會互動的議題時,最容易感受到與生活經驗較為貼近之內涵,並能考慮到科技所帶來之正面與負面影響。但受限於所選擇之省思議題類型,較缺乏對政治、文化與軍事等面向之深入感受。
    5. 學生對於科技史教學活動整體之學習反應持正向的態度。
    6. 在教材設計與教師教學方面,學生喜歡以影片介紹科技史的方式,並認同教師針對科技與社會議題之提問以及學習單的設計有助其批判思考能力的提升。
    7. 在學生自身的學習觀感方面,學生認同小組討論可達到彼此激發的效果;但有半數學生認為課業壓力有時會影響其活動中的學習態度。
    1. 5E學習環結合STS教學模式之概念為利用科技史教授批判思考時可用之教學模式之一,教學策略可採用:多媒體運用、教師提問、小組合作、腦力激盪、5W1H、概念構圖等策略,並建議選擇與學生生活經驗貼近之科技史料做為教材內容。
    2. 教師教學前應先擬好提問之問題,並思考可能出現之答案與後續引導方式,在提問過程中需注意學生之反應,並給予適度的引導。
    3. 後續研究方面可針對不同之科技史料內容、研究對象進行教學實驗,並延長教學時間;另可發展符合教學內容之批判思考測驗做為研究工具。

    The purpose of this study was to explore the teaching in the history of technology in terms of its influence on senior high school students’ critical thinking. The teaching model of the study combined the teaching models of the 5E and the concepts of STS and used the materials of the historical communication technology to design the teaching materials for the study.
    This study applied the One-group Pretest-Posttest design. The research subjects were 79 tenth-grade students selected from two classes of a senior high school in Taipei City, and a 14-hour teaching experiment was con-ducted in seven weeks. This study used critical thinking test level I (CTT-I) to examine the differences of the students’ ability of critical thinking. The researcher also interviewed the students to understand their changes of criti-cal thinking dispositions, feeling and reflections about social issues associ-ated technology. At the end of the study, the teaching feedback questionnaire was used to collect students’ response to the history of technology teaching acitivities.
    Based on the findings and results of the study, this study offered the conclusions and suggestions as follows:
    1.The conclusions of this study included:
    a) The teaching modules used in the study improved students’ evaluation ability, but did not show significantly influences on students’ critical thinking ability as a whole.
    b) Students’ interest, their degree of involvement and reaction of the stu-dents could influence their critical thinking ability.
    c) The history of technology class could motivate students’ critical thinking dispositions, such as pursuing reliable evidence and information, being open-minded and self-reflection.
    d) When students were thinking about the social issues associated with technology, it is easier for them to think of things related to their life ex-periences and the positive and negative effects that technology had brought. However, the students were limited to the in-depth issues re-lated with politics, culture and military.
    e) All of the students attending in the study held positive attitude toward the activities of the history of technology class.
    f) As for the design of materials and teaching activities in the history of technology class, students liked their teachers to use instructional videos, and identified that the questions on the technology and social issues, as well as the critical thinking training through the worksheet could im-prove their critical thinking.
    g) The students also identified that group discussion could inspire the abil-ity of learning on their own. However, nearly half of the students thought that the academic stress would sometimes affect their learning attitude toward the group discussion.
    2.The suggestions provided by this research included:
    a) The combination of the 5E model and the concepts of STS teaching model could be one of the teaching models to improve students’ critical thinking through the history of technology class. The teaching strategies could adopt methods such as using multiple media, asking questions, group cooperation, brain-storming, 5W1H, and concept maps. Choosing materials closed to students’ life experience were also recommended.
    b) Before the class, the teacher should prepare questions, and think about possible answers and subsequent questions. During the class, the teacher should keep an eye on students’ reaction, and gave them proper instruc-tions.
    c) For the future studies, researchers can change the teaching contents for the history of technology class, choose different subjects for the teaching experiment, and lengthen the experiment periods. Besides, other than us-ing the standardized tests, the researchers can develop their own instru-ments to evaluate how students’ critical thinking is affected by the teach-ing materials.

    目 錄 VIII 表 次 X 圖 次 XII 第一章 緒 論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 名詞釋義 6 第四節 研究範圍與限制 8 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 批判思考 11 第二節 科技史 42 第三節 相關研究評析 57 第三章 研究設計與實施 65 第一節 研究架構 65 第二節 研究方法 67 第三節 研究對象 69 第四節 研究工具 70 第五節 教學實驗課程設計 74 第六節 研究流程 87 第七節 資料處理與分析 91 第四章 研究結果與討論 95 第一節 科技史教學對學生批判思考能力與傾向影響之分析 95 第二節 高中學生對於科技與社會互動議題感受之分析 120 第三節 學生對於科技史教學活動學習反應之探討 128 第五章 結論與建議 143 第一節 結論 143 第二節 建議 148 第三節 研究者省思 154 參考文獻 157 壹、中文部分 157 貳、外文部分 165 附 錄 169 附錄一 批判思考能力測驗使用同意書 170 附錄二 學習反應問卷 172 附錄三 半結構式訪談大綱 174 附錄四 科技史教學活動教案 175 附錄五 科技史教學活動學習單 181 附錄六 研究者觀察與省思札記與教室日誌 187

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