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研究生: 賈大齡
論文名稱: 在遙遠的國度看見改變的力量:國際志工服務學習團體動力運作與學習成效之研究
See The Change in The Faraway Kingdom:The Study of Group Dynamic Process and Learning Effectiveness in International Volunteer Service-Learning.
指導教授: 劉杏元
Liu, Hsing-Yuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 308
中文關鍵詞: 團體動力國際志工服務學習反思學習成效團隊學習
英文關鍵詞: group dynamics, international volunteer Service-Learning, reflection, learning effectiveness
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:594下載:41
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  • 近年來,在政府及學校等相關單位的推動下,愈來愈多學生參與國際志工服務學習。茲因國際志工服務學習不僅需在一定時間內完成明確的服務目標,且需在異地直接面對不同文化的衝擊,這樣的因素聚合是可以引導學生從服務學習探索階段走向活化或內化階段。
    然而,國際志工服務學習雖可開拓學生的視野,並提升其自我學習;但在密集且深入與異地文化和人際互動的情境中,學生會面臨其價值觀與現實經歷衝突的挑戰。這些挑戰對心智仍在發展中的學生因此激發其自我學習及成長?亦或是因此猶豫、退卻,而喪失其生命發展的契機?端看在挑戰的壓力下,學生志工團體是否可以相互鼓勵支持以面對問題及是否能定心討論和及時提出具體成熟的解決問題方案。本研究旨在探討國際志工服務學習團體動力運作與學習成效。研究發問如下: (一)團體動力運用於國際志工服務學習方案,團體動力運作與學習的歷程為何?(二)團體動力融入國際志工服務學習方案,參與大學生的學習成效為何?(三)影響團體動力運用於國際志工服務學習之關鑑要素為何?

    In recent years, more and more students have participated in international volunteer service learning with the pushing of schools and government. Since the international volunteer service learning not only has to complete a clear target within a certain time, but also needs to face the impact of different culture in unfamiliar places. However, these integrated factors abovementioned can lead volunteer students to the stage of activation or internalization from the stage of service-learning exploration.
    International volunteer service learning can open student’s vision and enhance their self-learning, but they are forced to face the challenges due to the conflict between their values and the experienced reality in the intensive and in-depth interaction with other culture and people. Do these challenges stimulate the mental-development student’s self-learning and growth? Or, these challenges make participated students hesitant and retreat, thereby, lose their life opportunities for development? The answer of abovementioned question depends on that the volunteer students whether encourage each other to face the problems and propose the concrete and matured solutions in time. This study was focus on the investigation of group-dynamics process and learning effectiveness in international volunteer service learning. Research questions are as follows. (1) What are the process of group operation and development while applying group dynamics to the program of international volunteer service learning? (2) What are learning effectiveness of the participated students with group dynamic integrating into the international volunteer service learning program? (3) What are the key factors of affecting group dynamics used in international volunteer service learning?
    This study was a qualitative approach, and adopts purposive sampling. The twelve person of study are college students of two universities in northern part of Taiwan, and participate in the international volunteer service learning in India. The investigator plans group dynamic program and involves actually. The research data are collected through participant observation, reflection records of meetings, focus groups discussion, team action meeting and text analysis (student reflection log). The degree of faithfulness is established with triangulation inspection of study participants and peer check.
    The findings in this study are as below.
    (1) The process of group operation and development during international volunteer service learning is classified as four stages, i.e., formation, standard, implementation and ending. The impact factors of group dynamic to team development are pre-trip training to build consensus, clear purpose to enhance motivation, group reflection to generate power, deconstructing authority to promote feelings, and mutual support to transform learning. This study confirmed that using group dynamics in international volunteer organizations learning can effectively unite student volunteer groups, establish a standard, promote their collaboration, and solve problems while facing the different conflict situations.
    The learning effectiveness of the participated college students includes learning and dancing with foreign culture, perceiving and empathizing social difference, opening another learning window, realizing the potential human interaction and feeling the obvious self-growth. The most important factors of students achieving learning outcomes are continuous reflection in the context and team learning based on group dynamics.
    The key influence factors of applying group dynamics in international volunteer service learning are group-dynamic programs, structural reflection, balance of challenge and support, and learning in team. The main person in the process is the leader of reflection. Therefore, the matured and qualified with group dynamics teacher will help students deepen their learning through guide of in-depth reflection.
    Based on the research findings and discussions, five conclusions are proposed as follow. (1) International volunteer organization is a circular and dynamic process. (2) International volunteers can enhance student’s learning in the shortest time. (3) International volunteers can achieve both objectives of student services and learning. (4) Short-term international volunteers have difficulties to achieve reciprocal Empowerment. (5) Using group dynamics effectively is the success factor for international volunteers. Based on the above findings, this study aims the planning and future research of international volunteer service learning program conducted by the colleges to propose suggestions for higher education institutions to promote international volunteer service learning in the future.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 10 第三節 名詞釋義 11 第四節 研究範圍與限制 14 第五節 研究的價值與重要性 16 第二章 文獻探討 17 第一節 國際志工的理念與概況 17 第二節 台灣大專校院國際志工推動概況 33 第三節 國際志工服務學習相關理論 49 第四節 團體動力與團隊學習相關理論 59 第五節 「國際志工」與「團體動力」相關之研究 73 第三章 研究設計與實施 87 第一節 研究方法與架構 87 第二節 「聖地長征」服務學習方案介紹 91 第三節 研究參與者 100 第四節 研究程序與工具 102 第五節 資料整理與分析 108 第六節 研究信實度與研究者自我省察 112 第四章 研究結果與討論 117 第一節 團體動力運用於國際志工服務學習方案團體動力運作與學習歷程 117 第二節 團體動力融入國際志工服務學習方案參與大學生之學習成效 199 第三節 影響團體動力運用於國際志工服務學習之關鑑要素 240 第五章 結論與建議 261 第一節 結論 261 第二節 建議 267 參考文獻 273 中文部份 273 英文部份 280 附錄 289 附錄一 聖地長征反思討論議題 289 附錄二 聖地長征團隊十大目標 290 附錄三 反思日誌表 291 附錄四 國際志工服務學習焦點座談訪談大綱 292 附錄五 研究參與者訪談同意書 294 附錄六 研究參與者訪談要素稿範例 295 附錄七 研究參與者訪談要素編碼範例 302 附錄八 學生以心智繪圖撰寫反思日誌 305

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