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研究生: 黃聖富
Huang, Sheng-Fu
論文名稱: 大專公開一級男子籃球員在賽季期體能表現的變化:先發與替補球員的差異探討
Performance Changes During a Competitive Season in University Basketball Association Division I Men’s Basketball Players: Examining Differences Between Staters and Nonstarters
指導教授: 何仁育
Ho, Jen-Yu
口試委員: 鄭景峰
Cheng, Ching-Feng
Lu, Yu-Cheng
Ho, Jen-Yu
口試日期: 2023/07/19
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動競技學系
Department of Athletic Performance
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 週期化阻力訓練肌力敏捷
英文關鍵詞: periodization, resistance training, strength, agility
研究方法: 實驗設計法準實驗設計法主題分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301605
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:64下載:8
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  • 目的:探討大專公開一級男子籃球員,在賽季期間先發與替補球員於不同階段的體 能表現差異。方法:15名大專公開一級男子籃球員,賽季期進行24場比賽結束後,將最 多先發次數與上場時間球員定義先發 (n=5,每場平均上場時間為24.8 ± 2.8 分鐘),其餘 則為替補球員 (n=10,每場平均上場時間為8.2 ± 7.0 分鐘)。賽季期共進行19週,參與者 每週進行1-2次阻力訓練,總計26次訓練,阻力訓練強度設定在80%1RM以上。所有球員 分別在賽季期三個階段進行體能測驗,體能測驗內容包含負重蹲舉、仰臥推舉、反向跳、 深蹲跳、20M衝刺、5-10-5、T-test敏捷、無氧動力等測驗。結果:無論是先發或替補球 員,在賽季期三個階段的負重蹲舉、仰臥推舉、反向跳、20M衝刺、5-10-5、T-test、疲 勞指數皆有顯著差異 (p<.05);其中,上下肢肌力表現、5-10-5與T-test隨著賽季期逐漸提 升;相反地,反向跳與20M衝刺則隨著賽季期逐漸下降,但先發與替補兩組別間在任何 階段上,體能表現皆無顯著差異 (p>.05)。結論:賽季期每週1-2次阻力訓練,強度設定 80%1RM以上可以提升運動員在肌力與敏捷表現,但無法維持爆發力表現。此外,先發 球員並不會受到上場時間較長的因素,導致在賽季期體能表現下降的情況。

    Purpose: To discuss the differences in the performance at different phases during a competitive season between starters and nonstarters of the university basketball association division I men's basketball players. Methods: 15 division I men's basketball players, after 24 games during a competitive season, were assigned to starters (n=5, average playing time on the game 24.8 ± 2.8 minutes), and nonstarters (n=10, average playing time on the game 8.2 ± 7.0 minutes). The season period was 19 weeks. All players performed resistance training 1-2 times per week, for a total of 26 training sessions. The resistance training intensity was set at above 80% 1RM. All players received performance tests during three phases of a competitive season, including back squats, bench press, countermovement jumps (CMJ), squat jumps, 20M sprints, 5-10-5, T-test agility, and anaerobic power. Results: whether starters or nonstarters, there were significant differences in the back squats, bench press, CMJ, 20M sprints, 5-10-5, T-test, and fatigue indexes during the three phases of a season (p<.05). The upper and lower body muscle strength, 5-10-5, and T-test significantly increased throughout the season. On the contrary, the CMJ and 20M sprint significantly decreased throughout the season. However, there was no significant difference in performance between starters and nonstarters at any phases (p>.05). Conclusions: It is effectively to improve the strength and agility of men’s basketball players by performing resistance training 1-2 times per week at intensity above 80% 1RM during a competitive season. However, the power performance may not be able to be maintained. In addition, the performance of the starters may not be affected by the longer playing time during a competitive season.

    第壹章 緒論.............................................................................1 第一節 前言.............................................................................1 第二節 研究目的.....................................................................3 第三節 研究假設.....................................................................3 第四節 研究範圍及限制...........................................................3 第五節 研究重要性.................................................................4 第六節 名詞操作性定義.........................................................4 第貳章 文獻討論....................................................................6 第一節 籃球員在賽季期體能表現變化....................................6 第二節 先發與替補在賽期體能表現差異................................8 第三節 本章總結..................................................................10 第參章 研究方法..................................................................12 第一節 研究對象..................................................................12 第二節 實驗時間與地點.......................................................12 第三節 實驗設計..................................................................13 第四節 實驗方法與步驟.......................................................18 第五節 實驗控制..................................................................25 第六節 資料處理與統計分析................................................25 第肆章 結果.........................................................................27 第一節 參與者基本資料.......................................................27 第二節 肌力與爆發力表現的變化.........................................28 第三節 速度與敏捷表現的變化............................................30 第四節 無氧動力表現的變化...............................................33 第伍章 討論........................................................................35 第一節 先發與替補在賽季期肌力與爆發力表現的差異........35 第二節 先發與替補在賽季期速度與敏捷表現的差異............38 第三節 先發與替補在賽季期無氧動力表現的差異................40 第四節 結論與建議................................................................41 參考文獻...............................................................................42 附錄......................................................................................49 附錄一、受試者同意書.........................................................49 附錄二、健康狀況與運動習慣調查表....................................52

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