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研究生: 陳昀
Chen, Yun
論文名稱: 謝爾蓋‧普羅柯菲夫《F小調小提琴奏鳴曲作品八十》之分析與演奏詮釋
The Analysis and the Interpretation of Sergei Prokofiev’s Violin Sonata in F minor, Op.80
指導教授: 李燕宜
Lee, Yen-I
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 表演藝術研究所
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 143
中文關鍵詞: 《F小調小提琴奏鳴曲作品八十》大衛‧歐伊斯特拉赫普羅柯菲夫俄羅斯作曲家鋼琴合作
英文關鍵詞: Violin Sonata in F minor, Op.80, David Oistrakh, Prokofiev, Russian composer, Collaborative piano
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001527
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:92下載:21
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  • 謝爾蓋‧謝爾蓋維奇‧普羅柯菲夫(Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev, 1891-1953)為俄羅斯舉世聞名的作曲家之一,在其有生之年見證了俄羅斯帝國的衰亡、蘇聯的建立與兩次世界大戰,期間甚至有十餘年的海外生活,因此讓普羅柯菲夫的音樂作品有獨樹一格的魅力。

    1946年夏天第二次世界大戰甫結束,普羅柯菲夫完成了《F小調小提琴奏鳴曲作品八十》之創作,歷時八年,對於戰爭期間受到政治迫害的知識份子、受砲火荼毒的黎民百姓與蘇聯在戰役中的堅忍不拔並最終獲得勝利等有生動的描述;同年10月,小提琴家大衛‧歐伊斯特拉赫(David Oistrakh, 1908-1974)與鋼琴家列夫‧歐伯林(Lev Oborin, 1907-1974)在莫斯科首演,將此曲傳播至世界各地。

    本篇論文總共有六個章節:第一章為緒論,描述研究動機與目的和分析研究方法與架構;第二章為文獻蒐集,首先敘述十九世紀末至二十世紀中期俄羅斯地區的音樂歷史與發展,以更了解普羅柯菲夫當時的時代背景,接著再敘述他的生平及其作曲特色與各個時期的重要作品,並介紹他《F小調小提琴奏鳴曲作品八十》之創作背景與首演資料第三章為樂曲分析,以International Music Company於1960年出版的樂譜為依據;第四章為樂曲詮釋,從鋼琴合作的角度進行論述;第五章為不同有聲資料的比較,為樂 曲詮釋作進一步的探討;第六章為結語。

    Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev (1891-1953) was one of influential composers in Russia. When he was alive, he witnessed the collapse of Russian Empire, the foundation of Soviet Union and two World Wars. Besides, he had stayed abroad for more than ten years, which made his compositions more unique than others.

    In the summer of 1946, just after the end of World War II, he finished Violin Sonata in F minor, Op.80 after eight-year writing. In this work, he vividly described the political persecution from dictators, the catastrophe from wars, and the perseverance from the soldiers in Soviet Union to win the battles. In October of the same year, David Oistrakh (1908-1974) and Lev Oborin (1907-1974) performed this work and spread this masterpiece around the world.

    The thesis has six chapters. At first, the motivation, purpose, method and architecture of the research are described in chapter I. Next, in chapter II, an overview of the development of music in Russia in the late nineteenth century to mid-twentieth century is offered so that the researcher is more capable of realizing the environment of Prokofiev. Besides, the Prokofiev’s biography, composition style and critical works are also introduced. The background of Violin Sonata in F minor, Op.80 is illustrated in this chapter as well. Chapter III gives the analysis of composition, and the score refers to the one published by International Music Company in 1960. In chapter IV, the point of view of collaborative piano to discuss Prokofiev’s Violin Sonata in F minor, Op.80 is presented. Eventually, the comparison of several audio versions is shown in chapter V and followed by the conclusion in chapter VI.

    摘要 ii 目錄 vi 表目錄 vii 譜例目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法與架構 4 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 十九世紀末至二十世紀中俄國音樂史概述 9 第二節 謝爾蓋‧普羅柯菲夫生平 14 第三節 重要作品與寫作特色 21 第四節 《F小調小提琴奏鳴曲作品八十》創作背景與首演資料 30 第三章 樂曲分析 33 第一節 第一樂章 33 第二節 第二樂章 45 第三節 第三樂章 61 第四節 第四樂章 73 第四章 樂曲詮釋 89 第一節 第一樂章 89 第二節 第二樂章 97 第三節 第三樂章 109 第四節 第四樂章 115 第五章 有聲資料比較 127 第六章 結語 139 參考文獻 141


    Moore, Gerald.《無愧的鋼琴家》(The Unashamed Accompanist)。鄭世文譯。台北市:世界文物出版社,1995。

    Robinson, Harlow. Sergei Prokofiev: A Biography. New England: Northeastern University Press, 2002.
    Nestyev, Israel V. Sergei Prokofiev: His Musical Life. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1946.
    Burkholder, J. Peter; Grout, Donald Jay; Palisca, Claude V. A History of Western Music. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2014.
    Berger, Malvin. Guide to Sonatas: Music for One or Two Instruments. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1991.
    Katz, Martin. The Complete Collaborator: the pianist as partner. England: Oxford University Press, 2009.
    Savkina, Natalia. PROKOFIEV His Life and Times. New York: Paganiniana Publications, 1984.
    Morrison, Simon. Sergey Prokofiev and His Word. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2008.

    Taylor, Joshua J. Musically Russian: Nationalism in the Nineteenth. (Ohio: Cedarville University, 2016).
    Umetsu, Norio, Oriental Elements in Russian Music and the Reception in Western. (Japan: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, 2010).

    Blagoev, Boris. Sonata No.1 for Violin and Piano, Op. 80, by Sergei Prokofiev: A Guide to Interpretation. Louisiana State University Doctoral Dissertation, 2010.
    Lewis, Ronald Edwin. Influences Seen in Prokofiev's Piano Style. Texas: North Texas State University, 1970.

    Magil, Joseph. “Brahms: Violin Sonata No. 2; Prokofiev: Sonata No.1. American Record Guide” (January, 1999): 95.

    Sergei Prokofiev, Sonata No.1 in F minor, Opus 80, for Violin and Piano (New York: International Music Company, 1960).

    David Oistrakh & Lev Oborin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmKCbkvLm-o; accessed 1946.

    Shlomo Mintz & Yefim Bronfman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXETcdB1APo; accessed 1987.

    Gidon Kremer & Martha Argerich.
    https://ntnu.naxosmusiclibrary.com/catalogue/item.asp?cid=00028943180320; accessed 1992.

    Maxim Vengerov & Lilya Ziberstein.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwlsitKSexM; accessed 2006.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHRFlOVLgqA; accessed 2006.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWmx3LO5ogA; accessed 2006.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VApbUHaAo_s; accessed 2006.
