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研究生: 楊惠雅
Yang, Hui-Ya
論文名稱: 重體力負荷之中高齡人工物料搬運勞工之職務再設計
Job Accommodation for Middle and-Old Aged workers of Heavy Manual Labor:Experiences from A Manual Materials Handling Worker
指導教授: 張千惠
Chang, Chien-Huey
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 復健諮商研究所
Graduate Institute of Rehabilitation Counseling
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 重體力負荷中高齡人工物料搬運勞工職務再設計
英文關鍵詞: Heavy Manual Labor, Middle and Old Age, A Manual Materials, Job accommodation
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GRC.003.2018.C01
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:501下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在探究果菜市場重體力負荷之中高齡人工物料搬運勞工的核心工作、就業困境與職務再設計,以及職業災害發生後,因應工作需求及體力退化之核心工作、就業困境與職務再設計(本研究採廣義職務再設計定義,亦即,排除職場上任何障礙之方式)。透過質性研究法之個案研究方式蒐集相關資料,輔以研究者訪談札記、參與現場拍照、錄影,並以質性研究軟體NVivo第十版進行分析,研究結果如下:

    The purpose of this study was to explore the employment dilemma and job accommodation of elderly material handling workers with the heavy workload in the fruit and vegetable market, as well as the employment dilemma and job accommodation in response to job demand and physical deterioration after their occupational disasters. Through the case study method of qualitative research , and collecting relevant materials, researcher's interview notes, photographing and video recording onsute situation, and analyzing through the qualitative research software NVivo. The research results were as:The employment dilemma of the elderly manual material handling workers in the heavy load included:(1) Physical fatigue such as:long working hours, heavy handling, and increacing the speed in order to finish the job earilier;
    (2) Psychological pressures such as:the fear to loose the job, the increase of work during the important holidays, and the lack of rest time to consume water;(3) Poor employment conditions such as:no insurance, poor employment environment, and salary affected by the climate.
    The employment pressure of the elderly manual material handling workers in the heavy physical load after the occupational disaster includes:(1) Physical fatigue such as:long working hours, physical impact due to night shift, and the worse physical conditions after the occupational disaster;(2) Psychological stress such as:fear to loose job and life, unable to find a more suitable and easier job;(3) Poor employment conditions such as:unable to apply for compensation or job accommodation services for middle and old ages and senior workers, unable to afford the health insurance, and poor employment environment. In response to the above difficulties, the redesign of the position to be considered included: the redesign of the position of the physical fatigue caused by physiological factors was mainly to adjust the working method - the sharing of work between the colleagues during the packaging and transportation process. Psychological factors was the fear to lose their jobs. Because the employer usually hav’en enough workers, the emploees would not lose their jobs. It was just a personal psychological factor. For those who have no time to drink water, it was recommended for the participants to replenish the right amount of water before workingand the employer place mineral water or glass of water, so that the manual workers could replenish water when doing their work; the employment dilemma of the workplace factors was related to the overall environment, and it could not be done just by the job redesign.
    The employment distress of the traditional manual material handling labor among the heavy physical load after the occupational disaster included: (1) The physical factors such as the long working hours, the long night shift, the physical impact, and the employment after the occupational disaster is even worse. (2) Psychological factors such as: After the disaster, the worker wanted to sue the employer but was afraid to lose the trail. As a result, he will not be able to go back to the original workplace. When the occupational disaster occured, he might lose his life. After the disaster, he wanted to change to a more suitable job but has difficulties to find. (3) Difficulties in the workplace factors: employers did not offer insurance so the workers could not apply for claims and re-design services, some people earn less than the monthly expenses, and the family expenses could not be paid even by the health insurance. Some employees got the insurance by the unions because their employers did not offer it.
    After the occurrence of occupational disasters, the job accommodation of physical exertion due to physiological factors was mainly related to:(1) Adjusting the working method - taking turns to carry and carry it with colleagues, so that the research participants had enough rest time to slow down the body when there was no rotation. (2) Providing employment aids - providing Japanese belts to reduce waist and knee burden. Due to psychological factors, the redesign of their duties was mainly for family support. Others considerations were advised to improve their employment conditions due to the psychological dilemma caused by employers or the workplace. The employment dilemma caused by workplace factors was related to the overall environmental factors, and it could not be done just by the job accommodation
    The study found that the adjustment work methods should be carefully considered (not just the auxiliary tools), the workplace conditions need to be improved, and the interaction of environmental and personal factors affects the health and work performance of the workers. Most workers do not know their own rights, and the current regulations dose not offer protections,either. Finally, this study is focused on an individual worker, the workplace (environment), and the suggestions to the related government departments.

    第一章 緒論 11 第一節 研究動機 11 第二節 研究目的與問題 12 第三節 名詞解釋 13 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 重體力負荷與人工物料搬運 15 第二節 職業災害定義與職務再設計對中高齡勞工之影響 17 第三節 中高齡職務再設計與人工物料搬運之輔具 23 第三章 研究方法 27 第一節 研究設計 27 第二節 研究架構與研究歷程 29 第三節 研究參與者 36 第四節 研究者角色與省思 43 第五節 資料蒐集 44 第六節 資料整理與分析 46 第七節 研究信實度 49 第四章 研究發現與討論 51 第一節 果菜市場重體力負荷之中高齡人工物料搬運勞工的核心工作、就業困境與職務再設計 51 第二節 職災發生後重體力負荷之中高齡人工物料搬運勞工因應工作需求及體力退化的核心工作、就業困境與職務再設計 64 第三節 綜合討論 77 第五章 結論與建議 81 第一節 結論 81 第二節 研究建議 83 第三節 研究限制 85 後記 87 參考文獻 89 附錄 96 附錄一、 研究參與者訪談同意書 96 附錄二、 重體力負荷之中高齡人工物料搬運勞工之職務再設計訪談大綱 97 附錄三、 職災後重體力負荷之中高齡人工物料搬運勞工之職務再設計訪談大綱 100 附錄四、 研究者研究札記 103 附錄五、 研究參與者檢證確認書 104 附錄六、 三角檢驗檢證確認書 105 附錄七、 Nvivo 10資料整理 106 附錄八、 Nvivo 10綜合分析圖 107 附錄九、研究參與者綜合功能性能力評估 108

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