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研究生: 李誠桓
Li, Cheng-Huan
論文名稱: 以利益關係者理論探討節慶活動關鍵評估因子
Determining key evaluation factors in festivals: A stakeholder theory approach.
指導教授: 方進義
Fang, Chin-Yi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 132
中文關鍵詞: 節慶活動利益關係者理論修正式德爾菲法非對稱影響分析
英文關鍵詞: festival, stakeholder theory, modified Delphi method, impact asymmetry analysis
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001357
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:120下載:0
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  • 臺灣各縣市舉辦了無數的節慶活動,大至跨年晚會及臺灣燈會;小至地方音樂會或是農漁產業活動,不論是為了提供居民及遊客一個休憩身心的機會,或是為了行銷城市特色及推廣當地產業,節慶活動同時都提供了良好的機會來達成這些目的,現在節慶活動儼然已成為推廣城市或文化的重要手段,而過往研究皆表示節慶活動會對舉辦地的經濟、社會及文化造成不同的影響,不管是大量的經濟效益、對當地社會造成正向影響或是社會成本或是對於當地文化的保存與延續都是過往節慶活動研究證明活動所會造成的效應,而利益關係者理論廣泛應用在決策上,進行決策時必須考慮相關的利益關係者,因為利益關係者的影響力會影響決策的成敗,所以不管是公司組織或是節慶活動的主辦單位在進行活動的籌備與規劃時都必須考量到活動對利益關係者的影響。
    研究採用修正式德爾菲與非對稱影響分析(Impact-Asymmetry Analysis, IAA);第一階段修正式德爾菲問卷設計引用過去研究文獻蒐集關鍵評估因子經過產業、官方、學界11名專家進行兩輪專家問卷,發展出以主辦單位(O)、政府機構(G)、當地居民(L)、遊客(T)、當地產業(B)、志願者(V)為主要利益關係者及其29項評估因子為本研究架構。而第二階段IAA資料蒐集以2020年2月8日至23日舉行之臺灣燈會現場內及活動所屬的利益關係者為研究對象;採李克特七點量表,針對主辦單位、政府機構、當地居民、遊客、當地產業、志願者各別發放問卷,共回收了936份問卷;有效問卷為894份;回收率達95.5%,研究透過IAA進行分析並繪製IAA矩陣圖。
    研究繪製了評估因子的分布;找出了各利益關係者評估因子的屬性類別劃分,並藉由IAA的總體滿意程度影響範圍 (Range Impact on Overall Customer Satisfaction, RIOCS) 來瞭解評估因子的影響程度,以主辦單位來說能否在社區中佔據重要位置是最重要的;以政府機構而言促進公共基礎設施是首要目標;對當地居民來說增加社區幸福感是最需要重視的;遊客則是考量能否在參與活動的過程中有自我實現機會;而對當地產業最優先注重的是能否提高營收機會;最後對於志願者來說能夠幫助當地社會是最期待的,考量評估因子屬性及影響程度可提供利益關係者做為未來策略的擬定,而第一階段的節慶活動利益關係者評估因子也加強了節慶活動內的相關研究資料。

    In recent years, countless festivals have been held across Taiwan, ranging from New Year ’s Eve and Taiwan Lantern Festival to small local concerts or agricultural and fishery industry activities, whether it is to provide residents and tourists with a chance to relax or to advertise Characteristics of cities and promote local industries, festival activities also offer a good opportunity to achieve these goals. Now festival activities have become an important mean of promoting cities or culture, and previous studies have indicated that festival activities will generate economic, social and other different effects to the culture, whether it is a large amount of economic benefits, a positive impact on the local society or social costs, or the preservation and continuation of the local culture are the effects proved by related festival researches in the past. The theory of stakeholders is widely used in decision-making, and relevant stakeholders must be considered when making decisions, because the influence of them will affect the results of decision-making, so whether a corporation or a sponsor of the festival event is under activities preparation process, it is a must to consider the impact of activities upon stakeholders.
    The research used modified Delphi and Impact-Asymmetry Analysis (IAA); the first phase of the modified Delphi questionnaire design used past studies to collect key evaluation factors. Two experts from 11 experts from industry, government and academia conducted two rounds The questionnaire developed the main stakeholders and its 29 evaluation factors with the sponsors (O), government agencies (G), local residents (L), tourists (T), local industries (B), volunteers (V) This research framework. The subjects of the second stage of IAA data were the attendees and the stakeholders of Taiwanese Lantern Festival held from February 8 to 23, 2020. The Likert seven-point scale was adopted in the questionnaire, which was distributed among the organizers, government agencies, local residents, tourists, local industries, and volunteers. A total of 936 questionnaires were collected; 894 valid questionnaires were counted; the recovery rate reached 95.5%. The study analyzed and drawn the IAA matrix through IAA.
    The study found out the attribute category the evaluation factors of various stakeholders, and understood the influence degree of the evaluation factors through the IAA's overall satisfaction degree, which is Range-Impact on Overall Customer Satisfaction (RIOCS). For the organizer, whether it can occupy an important position in the community is the most important purpose; for government agencies, the promotion of public infrastructure is the primary goal; for local residents, increasing community happiness is the biggest concern; for tourists, considering whether there is an opportunity for self-realization in the process of participating in the activity; would be the most important factor; the most important thing for the local industry is whether it can improve revenue opportunities; and for volunteers, helping the local society is their first priority. The degree of influence can provide stakeholders with the preparation of future strategies, and the first phase of the festival ’s stakeholder assessment factor also strengthens relevant research materials in the festival.

    中文摘要 i 英文摘要 iii 目次 v 表次 vii 圖次 x 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 7 第三節 研究範圍 7 第四節 研究重要性 8 第五節 研究流程 9 第貳章 文獻回顧 11 第一節 節慶活動的定義與文獻探討 11 第二節 利益關係者理論 16 第三節 節慶活動內利益關係者 19 第四節 修正式德爾菲法(Modified Delphi Method) 24 第五節 非對稱影響分析法(Impact-Asymmetry Analysis, IAA) 26 第參章 研究方法 29 第一節 研究對象與資料蒐集 29 第二節 研究工具及資料分析方法 30 第三節 研究架構 38 第四節 前測結果 42 第肆章 研究結果 49 第一節 問卷回收節果 49 第二節 樣本描述性統計 49 第三節 信度分析 59 第四節 IRPA與IAA分析結果 60 第五節 結果分析與討論 75 第伍章 結論與建議 79 第一節 結論 79 第二節 理論貢獻 80 第三節 管理意涵 83 第四節 研究限制與未來研究建議 90 參考文獻 91 附錄 103 附錄一 第一次修正式德爾菲法問卷 103 附錄二 第二次修正式德爾菲法問卷 112 附錄三 正式施測問卷 121

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