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研究生: 黃映琁
Ying-hsuan Huang
論文名稱: 四千年前北越Đầu Rằm遺址貝類殼體 穩定碳氧同位素所反映之環境意義
Paleoenvironment of northern Vietnam inferred from mollusk shells collected from Đầu Rằm archaeological site, c. 4000 B.P.
指導教授: 米泓生
Mii, Horng-Sheng
Li, Kuang-Ti
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 83
中文關鍵詞: 穩定同位素越南Đầu Rằm遺址貝類殼體古氣候
英文關鍵詞: stable isotope, Vietnam, Đầu Rằm archaeological site, mollusk shell, paleoclimate
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:100下載:13
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  • 本研究分析並比較下龍灣現生及Đầu Rằm考古遺址之貝類殼體同位素組成,以了解四千年前北越之古環境變遷。
    現生殼體之氧同位素數據皆可反映年際之循環變化,其極大值可對應至冬季低溫,極小值可對應至夏季高溫。將此生長模式應用於遺址殼體以判斷其死亡季節,推測居住於Đầu Rằm遺址之人類可能主要於春夏之交採集血蚶,於夏季與冬季採集珠螺、瘤珠螺、草蓆鐘螺。

    To understand the paleoenvironment of northern Vietnam in c. 4000 B.P, we analysed the isotope compositions of modern mollusk shells collected from Ha Long Bay and compared their oxygen isotope records to those of mollusk shells collected from Đầu Rằm archaeological site.
    The oxygen isotope data of individual modern mollusk shells reveals annual cycles with the maximum values corresponding to low temperatures in winter, and with the minimum values corresponding to high temperatures in summer. Thus, seasonal pattern can be recognized in modern mollusk shells and can be applied to mollusk shells collected from archaeological site. The Đầu Rằm ancient inhabitants might mainly collect Tegillarca granosa shellfishs between late spring to early summer and might collect Lunella coronata, Lunella granulate and Monodonta labio shellfishs in summer and winter.
    The average minimum d18O values of archaeological gastropod shells is 0.36‰ greater than that of the modern gastropod shells, while the average maximum d18O values do not show the difference significantly. The average maximum d18O values of archaeological Tegillarca granosa shells is 1.31‰ greater than that of the modern Tegillarca granosa shells, while the average minimum d18O values do not show the difference significantly. The results of this study indicate that the summer sea surface temperature (SST) in c. 4000 B.P. is approximately 1.5°C lower than modern SST. Moreover, the effects of freshwater in the winter in c. 4000 B.P. are much different from the effects of freshwater today.

    摘要..........i Abstract..........ii 誌謝..........iii 目錄..........iv 圖目..........vi 表目..........xi 第一章、緒論..........1 1.1 前言..........1 1.2 前人研究..........1 1.2.1 穩定碳氧同位素分析於古環境及考古遺址之應用..........1 1.2.2 4000年前古環境研究概況..........2 1.3 研究目的..........3 第二章、研究區域及材料..........5 2.1 研究區域..........5 2.1.1 Đầu Rằm遺址..........8 2.2 研究材料..........9 2.2.1 珠螺、瘤珠螺..........9 2.2.2 草蓆鐘螺..........11 2.2.3 粗紋蜑螺..........11 2.2.4 血蚶..........11 第三章、研究方法..........13 3.1 殼體標本及前處理..........13 3.2 X-ray繞射分析..........13 3.3 穩定碳氧同位素分析..........13 3.4 元素分析..........14 第四章、結果..........15 4.1 標本特性..........15 4.2 標本殼體之礦物組成..........18 4.3 穩定碳氧同位素記錄..........23 4.4 元素分析記錄..........34 第五章、討論..........35 5.1 殼體保存度..........35 5.2 現生標本與當地環境比較..........39 5.3 取樣間距對分析結果之影響..........41 5.4 古代標本與其環境意義..........45 5.5 Sr/Ca值討論..........50 5.6 北越下龍灣地區四千年前以來之氣候變遷..........52 第六章、結論..........57 參考文獻..........58 附錄一、下龍灣地區現生貝類殼體碳氧同位素分析數值..........67 附錄二、Đầu Rằm遺址貝類殼體碳氧同位素分析數值..........71 附錄三、Đầu Rằm遺址血蚶殼體鍶鈣分析數值..........83

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