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研究生: 陳根旺
Gen-Wang Chen
論文名稱: 阿德勒取向探索活動對國小低自尊學生輔導效果之研究
A Study of the Guidance Effects of Adlerian- Oriented Adventure Activities for Elementary School Students with Low Self-Esteem
指導教授: 張景媛
Chang, Ching-Yuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 228
中文關鍵詞: 探索活動阿德勒取向探索活動自尊國小低自尊學生
英文關鍵詞: Adventure activity, Adlerian-oriented adventure activity, Self-esteem, Elementary school students with low self-esteem
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:460下載:136
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摘 要

A Study of the Guidance Effects of Adlerian- Oriented Adventure Activities for Elementary School Students with Low Self-Esteem
Gen-Wang Chen
The purpose of this research was to explore whether the high-grade elementary school students with low-esteem could enhance their self-esteem by participating Adlerian-oriented adventure activities. The contents of Adlerian-oriented adventure activities in this study were based on the three primary principles of curriculum plan in Adventure Education and the major concepts of Adler Psychology. The three principles included: (1) experiential learning circle; (2) challenge by choice; (3) full value contract. The major concepts of Adler Psychology included social interest, life style, strivings for superiority, creative self, and so on. Adlerian-oriented adventure activities in this study included 25 units of activities. 13 units were practiced in first semester and 12 units in second semester. The sequences of this activities included acquaintance activities, de-inhibitizer activities, trust and empathy activities, communication activities, cooperation activities, problem-solving activities and social responsibility activities.
This research adopted experimental design, and administered in the first semester and the second semester. There were 28 fifth-grade elementary school students in Taipei used as the participants (experimental group 14, control group 14). The students in experimental group participated Adlerian-oriented adventure activities. The students in control group didn’t take part in any group activity. The independent variables were Adlerian-oriented adventure activities and stages (previous, median, post and after-post test). The dependent variables were participants’ psychological self-esteem, physical self-esteem, academic self-esteem, interpersonal self-esteem and family self-esteem. In order to understand the delayed effects of Adlerian-oriented adventure activities on the participants, the after-post test was administered one and a half months after the activity was finished.
The collected data were analyzed by split-plot design. The main findings were as follows:
1.The experimental group had higher academic self-esteem scores in post-test than those of the control group. It showed that the Adlerian-oriented adventure activities were helpful to enhance the academic self-esteem of low-esteem elementary school students.
2.There were no differences of psychological self-esteem, physical self-esteem, interpersonal self-esteem and family self-esteem scores in post-test between experimental and control group.
According to the results, from the long-term viewpoints, Adlerian-oriented adventure activities were helpful to enhance the academic self-esteem of high-grade elementary school students with low-esteem. Additionally, from the interview with the experimental group, the researcher found that the students could apply their personal understanding to the daily life, and improved their self evaluation and perception in the self-esteem in psychological, physical and interpersonal aspects.

目 錄 誌謝詞…………………………………………………………………I 中文摘要………………………………………………………………III 英文摘要………………………………………………………………V 目錄……………………………………………………………………VII 表目次…………………………………………………………………IX 圖目次…………………………………………………………………X 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………1 第二節 研究問題與假設…………………………………………4 第三節 名詞釋義…………………………………………………5 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 探索教育的由來及內涵…………………………………9 第二節 探索心療的意義與內涵…………………………………19 第三節 探索活動設計的原理與內涵……………………………37 第四節 自尊的意義與內涵………………………………………44 第五節 探索活動與自尊的相關實證研究………………………56 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究對象…………………………………………………63 第二節 實驗設計…………………………………………………65 第三節 研究工具…………………………………………………66 第四節 實施程序…………………………………………………81 第五節 資料分析…………………………………………………83 第四章 研究結果與討論 第一節 阿德勒取向探索活動對國小高年級低自尊學生影 響之統計分析…………………………………………85 第二節 國小高年級低自尊學生參與阿德勒取向探索活動之 回饋與訪談……………………………………………94 第三節 研究者帶領活動之省思分析…………………………120 第四節 結果討論………………………………………………127 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論……………………………………………………135 第二節 建議……………………………………………………137 參考文獻 中文部分……………………………………………………………144 英文部分……………………………………………………………146 附 錄 附錄一:正式量表:國小學童自尊問卷………………………………153 附錄二:阿德勒取向探索活動方案……………………………………157 附錄三:活動回饋單……………………………………………………209 附錄四:整體活動回饋表………………………………………………219 附錄五:訪談學生大綱…………………………………………………221 附錄六:訪談導師大綱…………………………………………………223 附錄七:研究者省思札記表格…………………………………………224 附錄八:訪談學生記錄舉隅……………………………………………225 附錄九:研究者省思記錄舉隅…………………………………………228 表目次 表2-4-1 評量自尊的相關量表……………………………………………55 表2-5-1 國外探索活動的實證研究………………………………………57 表2-5-2 國內探索活動的實證研究………………………………………61 表2-5-3 國內增進低自尊、低自我概念的相關研究……………………62 表3-1-1 研究樣本在「國小學童自尊問卷」分量表前測總分、百分 等級與全量表總分………………………………………………63 表3-2-1 本研究的實驗設計………………………………………………65 表3-3-1 問卷抽樣人數及有效樣本人數分配表…………………………68 表3-3-2 心理自尊分量表之項目分析與因素分析………………………68 表3-3-3 生理自尊分量表之項目分析與因素分析………………………69 表3-3-4 學業自尊分量表之項目分析與因素分析………………………70 表3-3-5 人際自尊分量表之項目分析與因素分析………………………71 表3-3-6 家庭自尊分量表之項目分析與因素分析………………………71 表3-3-7 心理自尊分量表及其因素的Cronbachα係數與折半信度……73 表3-3-8 生理自尊分量表及其因素的Cronbachα係數與折半信度……73 表3-3-9 學業自尊分量表及其因素的Cronbachα係數與折半信度……74 表3-3-10 人際自尊分量表及其因素的Cronbachα係數與折半信度……74 表3-3-11 家庭自尊分量表及其因素的Cronbachα係數與折半信度……74 表3-3-12 國小學童自尊問卷的重測信度…………………………………75 表3-3-13 上學期「阿德勒取向探索活動」方案大綱……………………77 表3-3-14 下學期「阿德勒取向探索活動」方案大綱……………………78 表4-1-1 兩組學生「心理自尊」四階段之平均數與標準差………………85 表4-1-2 兩組學生「心理自尊」分量表的變異數分析摘要表……………86 表4-1-3 兩組學生「生理自尊」四階段之平均數與標準差………………87 表4-1-4 兩組學生「生理自尊」分量表的變異數分析摘要表……………88 表4-1-5 兩組學生「學業自尊」四階段之平均數與標準差………………89 表4-1-6 兩組學生「學業自尊」分量表的變異數分析摘要表……………89 表4-1-7 兩組學生「學業自尊」單純主要效果的變異數分析摘要表……90 表4-1-8 兩組學生「人際自尊」四階段之平均數與標準差………………91 表4-1-9 兩組學生「人際自尊」分量表的變異數分析摘要表……………91 表4-1-10 兩組學生「家庭自尊」四階段之平均數與標準差……………92 表4-1-11 兩組學生「家庭自尊」分量表的變異數分析摘要表……………93 表4-3-1 實驗組學生上學期「整體活動回饋表」填答人數百分比………99 表4-3-2實驗組學生下學期「整體活動回饋表」填答人數百分比………101 圖目次 圖2-2-1 探索經驗歷程 ……………………………………………………36 圖2-3-1:經驗學習環………………………………………………………37 圖2-3-2:探索活動波段……………………………………………………42 圖4-1-1:實驗組控制組心理自尊折線圖…………………………………87 圖4-1-2:實驗組控制組生理自尊折線圖…………………………………88 圖4-1-3:實驗組控制組學業自尊折線圖…………………………………90 圖4-1-4:實驗組控制組人際自尊折線圖…………………………………92 圖4-1-5:實驗組控制組家庭自尊折線圖…………………………………93

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