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研究生: 劉俞宣
Liu, Yu-Hsuan
論文名稱: 增加離心收縮階段的重量負荷對向心收縮階段爆發力表現的影響
Acute Effects of Increased Eccentric Loading in Eccentric-Concentric Action on Power Performance
指導教授: 何仁育
Ho, Jen-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 掛勾裝置垂直跳仰臥推擲功率峰值
英文關鍵詞: weight releaser, countermovement jump, bench throw, peak power
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DPE.046.2018.F03
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:118下載:9
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  • 目的:在進行垂直跳及仰臥推擲時,增加不同的離心收縮負荷,是否能提升隨後向心收縮時的力量、速度與功率峰值的表現;並進一步檢驗最適當的離心收縮負荷是否與參與者的最大肌力/體重之倍數呈相關。方法:以 12名有阻力訓練經驗之健康男性,採用重複量數與平衡次序的實驗設計,讓參與者分別進行不同離心收縮負荷處理之垂直跳與仰臥推擲測驗,藉由掛勾裝置操弄下肢的離心/向心收縮負荷分別為50%/50%、60%/50%、70%/50%、80%/50%向心1RM;上肢的離心/向心收縮負荷為30%/30%、40%/30%、50%/30%、60%/30%向心1RM。參與者分別進行2組2次反覆之垂直跳與仰臥推擲測驗,並以測力板與位移計分析垂直跳與仰臥推擲之力量、速度和功率峰值,藉以評估在離心收縮階段增加重量負荷對向心階段爆發力表現之影響。統計以重複量數單因子變異數分析,考驗在4種不同離心收縮負荷下,垂直跳與仰臥推擲之力量、速度和功率峰值是否有差異;並以皮爾遜積差相關分析,探討最適當離心收縮負荷與參與者最大肌力/體重之倍數的相關性,顯著水準定為p ≤.05。結果:進行垂直跳時,發現當離心/向心收縮負荷為70%/50%向心1RM時,功率峰值 (4070 ± 519瓦特) 顯著大於傳統的離心收縮負荷50%/50%向心1RM (3853 ± 640瓦特; p <.05);進行仰臥推擲時,在4種不同離心收縮負荷下,其力量、速度與功率峰值皆未達顯著差異。此外,最適當的離心收縮負荷無論是與參與者的下肢或上肢最大肌力/體重之倍數皆未達顯著相關。結論:在進行垂直跳時,增加離心收縮時的負荷 (離心/向心收縮負荷為70%/50%向心1RM) 可以進一步提升隨後向心收縮時的功率峰值表現;然而,在進行仰臥推擲時,增加離心收縮時的負荷並不會提升隨後向心收縮時的爆發力表現。儘管,可以透過增加離心收縮負荷來進一步提升垂直跳的爆發力表現,但最適當離心收縮負荷的選擇並不會受到參與者肌力表現的影響。

    Purpose: To examine whether increasing the eccentric loading in eccentric-concentric countermovement jump and bench throw can further enhance peak force, peak velocity, and peak power of the jump and throw. Furthermore, the purpose was to examine whether the optimal eccentric loading was correlated with the participant’s maximal strength / body weight ratio. Methods: A total of 12 resistance-trained men participated in the experiment using repeated measures design and counter-balance order. All participants performed 4 different treatments at eccentric/concentric loading of 50%/50%, 60%/50%, 70%/50%, 80%/50% concentric 1RM for countermovement jumps and at eccentric/concentric loading of 30%/30%, 40%/30%, 50%/30%, 60%/30% concentric 1RM for bench throws using weight releaser. All participants performed 2 sets of 2 jumps and 2 throws during each treatment. Force and displacement of jumps and throws were obtained by using force plate and transducer and peak force, peak velocity, and peak power were calculated to assess the acute effects of increased eccentric loading on power performance of jumps and throws. One-way repeated measures ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data. The significant level was set at p ≤.05. Results: When performing countermovement jump, significantly greater peak power (4070 ± 519 W) was observed in 70%/50% treatment when compared with 50%/50% treatment (3853 ± 640 W; p <.05); However, no significant differences were observed among 4 treatments in peak force, peak velocity, and peak power. In addition, the optimal eccentric loading was not correlated with the participant’s maximal strength/body weight ratio for both countermovement jumps and bench throws. Conclusion: When performing countermovement jump, the accentuated eccentric loading (eccentric/concentric loads of 70%/50% concentric 1RM) can further enhance the concentric peak power. However, the accentuated eccentric loading has no benefit on power performance of bench throws. Even though the accentuated eccentric loading can further enhance the power performance, the selection of the optimal eccentric loading is not affected by participant’s maximal strength.

    中文摘要 i 英文摘要 ii 謝誌 iii 目次 iv 表次 vi 圖次 vii 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 問題背景 1 第二節 研究目的 5 第三節 研究假設 5 第四節 研究範圍與限制 5 第五節 研究的重要性 6 第六節 名詞操作性定義 6 第貳章 文獻探討 8 第一節 DAER訓練對肌肉適能的影響 8 第二節 DAER訓練在提升肌肉適能上的可能生理機制 15 第三節 本章總結 15 第參章 研究方法 17 第一節 研究參與者 17 第二節 實驗設計 17 第三節 實驗時間與地點 21 第四節 實驗方法與步驟 21 第五節 實驗控制 27 第六節 資料處理與統計分析 27 第肆章 結果 28 第一節 參與者基本資料 28 第二節 不同離心收縮負荷下,垂直跳與仰臥推擲時的力量、速度與功率峰值的表現 28 第三節 功率峰值在最適當的離心收縮負荷與傳統離心收縮負荷下的差異比較 31 第四節 參與者的肌力表現與最適當離心收縮負荷的相關性 33 第伍章 討論 36 第一節 增加離心收縮負荷對下肢與上肢力量、速度與功率峰值表現之影響 36 第二節 功率峰值在最適當的離心收縮負荷與傳統離心收縮負荷下的差異比較 38 第三節 參與者之肌力表現與最適當離心收縮負荷的相關性探討 39 第四節 結論與建議 40 引用文獻 42 附錄 47 附錄一 參與者同意書 47 附錄二 健康狀況與運動習慣調查表 50 附錄三 熟悉期紀錄表 54 附錄四 最大肌力測驗紀錄表 55 附錄五 正式實驗處理紀錄表 56

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