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研究生: 林和駿
Lin, Ho-Jiunn
論文名稱: 農民曆二十四節氣的氣象意涵
The Meteorological Meaning of the 24 Solar Terms in the Chinese Farmer’s Calendar
指導教授: 洪致文
Hung, Chih -Wen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 93
中文關鍵詞: 節氣氣候全球暖化農民曆物候
英文關鍵詞: 24 solar terms, climate, global warming, traditional Chinese Calendar (Chinese Farmers’ Calendar), phenology
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201901058
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:227下載:0
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  • 年循環是大自然地表上最明顯的循環週期訊號,地球公轉太陽一週為一年,現今所通用的曆法,皆以年為週期。我們所存在的華人社會慣用的曆法為「農民曆」,是一種陽曆與陰曆結合在一起的曆法,以節氣詞為陽曆的刻度。本研究針對農民曆二十四節氣進行分析,探究節氣詞中與氣象有關的因子。二十四節氣詞中跟氣象有關係的為小寒、大寒、雨水、驚蟄、清明、穀雨、小暑、大暑、處暑、白露、寒露、霜降、小雪、大雪,共計有十四個。本研究使用氣象資料數據,欲了解這個中國漢代以前就完備的節氣詞之意涵,進而了解其適用的範圍與過去及未來的變遷。

    The annual cycle is the most apparent oscillation signal in the natural world on the earth's surface. The earth revolution is one year for the sun. Today's public calendars are all based on the annual cycle. The calendar used by the Chinese community is the Chinese Farmers’ Calendar. It is a calendar combining the solar calendar and the lunar one. This study analyzes the 24 solar terms of Chinese peasant calendar and explores the factors related to meteorology in the 24 solar-term systems. Among the 24 solar terms, there are 14 related to meteorology: Xiaohan (小寒: Cold), Dahan (大寒: most Cold), Yushui (雨水: Rain), Jingzhe (驚蟄: the Waking of Insects), Qingming (清明 (Clear and Bright), Guyu (穀雨: Grain Rain), Xiaoshu (小暑: Hot), Dashu (大暑: most Hot), Chushu (處暑: Heat hides), Bailu (白露: Dew), Hanlu (寒露: cold Dew), Shuangjiang (霜降: Frost), Xiaoxue (小雪: Snow) and Daxue (大雪: heavy Snow). This study uses modern meteorological observations to understand the meaning of the solar-term system established before the Chinese Han Dynasty and to understand the scope of application and the changes in the past and future.
    The study found the design logics of the solar-term system: The first priority is to fix the time of the summer solstice, the winter solstice, the spring equinox, and the autumn equinox. Secondly, to set beginnings of 4 seasons into the middle of 4 former terms. The above 8 terms are the solar terms of the astronomical factor, which is used to indicate the annual cycle of the sun's position. They are almost fixed and cannot be changed. Next, insert weather and phenological factors to remind the agricultural work. Temperature and rainfall factors related to plant cultivation have entered the solar-term system. The events related to the event "pole" point are Xiaoshu (小暑: Hot), Dashu (大暑: most Hot), Xiaohan (小寒: Cold), Dahan (大寒: most Cold), Bailu (白露: Dew). The "starting" point of the incident is Jingzhe (驚蟄: the Waking of Insects), Yushui (雨水: Rain), and Qingming (清明: Clear and Bright), Chushu (處暑: Heat hides), Shuangjiang (霜降: Frost), and Xiaoxue (小雪: Snow). Although the design of the solar-term system was initially used as the scale of the solar calendar, it cleverly included the concept of agricultural disaster prevention. The calendar maker emphasizes the time point of the water phase change, so the Chines Farmers’ Calendar can be said to be a set of agricultural meteorological disaster prevention.
    The solar-term system is still applicable in the birthplace of the solar terms. Dashu (大暑: most Hot) is just the hottest period in a year. Dahan (大寒: most Cold) is right on the coldest period. Qingming (清明: Clear and Bright) represents the time when the visibility of the scenery begins to improve. Shuangjiang (霜降: Frost) is the time when the frost starts to happen in the area. However, in Taiwan, only Xiaohan (小寒: Cold), Dahan (大寒: most Cold), Qingming (清明: Clear and Bright), Guyu (穀雨: Grain Rain), Bailu (白露: Dew), Hanlu (寒露: cold Dew), and Chushu (處暑: Heat hides) can be applied. The hottest time does not fall in the Dashu (大暑: most Hot), but the Xiaoshu (小寒: Cold). Statistics show that the highest and lowest temperatures in Taiwan and China's ancient capital in the past 60-80 years are scattered in 3-6 solar terms. There is no early or delayed trend. Only, there is an uptrend in the coldest and hottest day of temperatures. The results of using the CMIP5 climate model projection data to estimate possible future solar terms changes from 2075 to 2099 are the same as above. Unless once a time, some special events change the atmospheric environment, the future day of Dashu (大暑: most Hot) or Dahan (大寒: most Cold) will not be advanced or delayed. The function of the disaster prevention of the solar-term system is still reliable and play the role of` reminder.
    The 24 solar system is still applicable to the birthplace of solar terms. In addition, the results of regional temperature parameter analysis also show that the inland area of mainland China can still apply the system of the solar calendar. However, the regions of the Indo-China Peninsula and South-east Asia are not applicable. The temperature rhythms of South Korea, North Korea, and Japan are similar to those of the ancient capital of China, but the day of the highest temperature or lowest temperature occurrence has a larger bias from the description of the solar terms.

    摘要 vi Abstract viii 壹、前言 1 一、研究動機 1 二、文獻探討 1 三、 研究目的與提問 11 四、研究使用資料 12 五、研究方法 14 貳、中國古都地區的節氣與氣象 23 一、區域氣象的週期分析 23 二、古都地區的節氣與氣象 26 三、節氣詞制定邏輯整理 37 參、臺灣地區的節氣與氣象 39 一、區域氣象的週期分析 39 二、臺灣地區的節氣與氣象 43 三、臺灣地區與中國古都地區節氣比較 51 肆、大尺度環流變化與節氣年循環 55 一、 二十四節氣的大尺度環流系統I:立春至大暑 55 二、 二十四節氣的大尺度環流系統II:立秋至大寒 60 三、 二十四節氣的可能適用範圍-以大暑及大寒檢視 63 伍、氣溫年循環的氣候變遷 69 一、過去氣溫年循環的變化 69 二、未來氣溫年循環的變遷推估 72 三、大暑及大寒節氣的大尺度環流與變遷 76 陸、結論 81 柒、參考文獻 85 謝辭與心得 93

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