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研究生: 江佩娟
論文名稱: 台灣北部及南部地區赤尾青竹絲冬季的溫度選擇及耗氧量之探討
A study on the temperature selection and oxygen consumption of Chinese green tree viper, Trimeresurus s. stejnegeri, from northern and southern Taiwan in winter
指導教授: 杜銘章
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 1-50
中文關鍵詞: 蛇類赤尾青竹絲溫度選擇耗氧量冬眠冬天
英文關鍵詞: snake, Trimeresurus s. stejnegeri, temperature selection, oxygen consumption, hibernation, winter
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:218下載:0
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  • 動物常以冬眠方式渡過嚴寒以節省能源。冬眠時有些外溫動物會主動選擇較低溫的棲息環境,且當溫度一樣時其新陳代謝速率也會較非冬眠的動物低。冬天時台灣北部的赤尾青竹絲(Trimeresurus s.stejnegeri)較不易發現。因此我懷疑北部的族群在長期冬天低溫的環境壓力下,可能演化出如溫帶蛇類冬眠的行為,而南部的族群則因缺少寒冬壓力會像一般熱帶的爬行動物沒有冬眠的現象。藉著探討南北兩地的赤尾青竹絲在冬天時對於溫度選擇及耗氧量是否不同,我將可以澄清上述的問題。

    Hibernation is usually adopted by animals to save energy in the cold winter. Some reptiles may select lower body temperature or depress metabolic rates when they are in hibernation condition. In northern Taiwan, it is much harder to find a Trimeresurus s. stejnegeri than in southern Taiwan during winter. Consequently, I predict the northern population of T. s. stejnegeri may reveal hibernation behaviors as many temperate snakes. Whereas, without a long-term cold pressure, the southern snake population may lack hibernation behaviors as most tropical reptiles. By comparing the thermopreferrenda and oxygen consumption of both snake population in the winter, I may clarify above prediction.
    Thermopreferrenda and oxygen consumption of 4 groups snakes, that were 1.northern population, 10℃ acclimation 2.northern population, 20℃ acclimation 3.southern population, 10℃ acclimation and 4.southern population, 20℃ acclimation were compared from December, 1998 to the beginning of March, 1999. Thermopreferrenda behaviors were tested in a thermogradient. No significant difference of thermopreferrenda was found among the four groups.
    Oxygen consumption was conducted in a walking chamber, of which the temperature was controlled the same as each group's acclimation temperature. Oxygen consumption was different only when acclimation or testing temperature is different. Therefore, the results contradicted my prediction. It seems the phenomenon, that the northern T. s. stejnegeri becomes more secretive than southern population in winter is simply due to a passive reaction to cold weather rather than hibernation behavior.

    中文摘要----------------------------------------------------------------Ⅰ 英文摘要----------------------------------------------------------------Ⅲ 一、 前言----------------------------------------------------------------1 二、 材料與方法------------------------------------------------------6 (一)採集地點------------------------------------------------------6 (二)研究材料------------------------------------------------------7 A. 實驗動物------------------------------------------------------7 B. 實驗器材----------------------------------------------------- 8 (三)研究方法------------------------------------------------------8 A. 實驗前之飼養-----------------------------------------------9 B. 實驗步驟-----------------------------------------------------10 C. 資料的收集分析-------------------------------------------11 三、 結果--------------------------------------------------------------13 (一)赤尾青竹絲的溫度選擇--------------------------------13 (二)赤尾青竹絲的耗氧量分析-----------------------------14 四、 討論--------------------------------------------------------------15 五、 參考文獻-------------------------------------------------------26 附表一~七------------------------------------------------------------ 34 附圖一~四------------------------------------------------------------ 41 圖版一~三------------------------------------------------------------ 45 附錄一~四------------------------------------------------------------ 47

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