研究生: |
蔡明書 Tsia Ming-Shu |
論文名稱: |
不同休閒生活型態高齡者下肢肌力探討 A study of Muscular Strength of Lower Limbs of the Elderly with Different Lifestyles and Recreations |
指導教授: |
Lin, Man-Hway |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2008 |
畢業學年度: | 96 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 113 |
中文關鍵詞: | 生活型態 、高齡者 、身體活動量 、下肢肌力 |
英文關鍵詞: | lifestyle, the elder, physical activities, mudcular strength og lower limbs |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:551 下載:82 |
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在研究裡,研究對象共有214位60~80歲的高齡者,以每日平均身體活動量達200 kcal者為動態生活型態,未達者則區分為靜態生活型態,因此研究受試者中共有102位動態生活型態之高齡者,平均年齡69.47±6.05歲;有112位靜態生活型態之高齡者,平均年齡69.61±5.98歲;主要檢測項目有: 30秒坐站、6分鐘走路及8英呎起立前進往返。檢測所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、二因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關進行統計分析處理。
(一) 動態生活組的下肢肌力30秒坐站、6分鐘走路及8英呎起立前進往返表現顯著優於靜態生活組(p<.05)。
(二) 在動態生活組中,男、女在下肢肌力30秒坐站、6分鐘走路及8英呎起立前進往返表現之間並無顯著差異。
(三) 在靜態生活組中,男、女在下肢肌力30秒坐站、6分鐘走路及8英呎起立前進往返表現,女性組在30秒坐站顯著優於男性組(p<.05),但其餘兩項並無明顯差異。
(四) 下肢肌力檢測項目30秒坐站、6分鐘走路及8英呎起立前進往返三者之表現具有高相關。
根據研究結果,動態生活組之下肢肌力明顯優於靜態生活組,探討其原因是足夠的身體活動量(每日達200 kcal以上)能讓動態生活的高齡者之下肢肌力表現比靜態生活的高齡者來的優異;因此透過本研究的發現建議高齡者從事動態生活型態,以讓身體擁有足夠肌力,持續健康生活,同時建議政府在規劃高齡者之教育白皮書時,應加強高齡者的運動休閒方案,以提升高齡者的動態生活機會。
There is different quantity of physical activities for the elders with different lifestyles. It will influence the elders’ performances of muscular strength. Therefore, through different quantity of physical activities, this research divides the elders’ lifestyles into two groups--active and static ones in order to study muscular strength of lower limbs. This research also discuss differences between males and females.
A total of 214 elderly subjects ranging from sixty to eighty years old are grouped according to their ages and levels of physical activity. Those who reach the average 200k calories of physical activities per day are regarded as the active group, and those whose calory in takes less then that are grouped. Therefore, among the objects of the study, there are 102 elders belonging to the dynamic group with the average age of 69.47±6.05 years old. And there are 112 elders belonging to the static one with the average age of 69.61±5.98 years old. The main measured items include the followings: chair sit and stand in 30 seconds, 6-min walk, and 8-ft up-and-go. Then the obtained data are analyzed in the ways of descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, and two-way ANOVA. The results of the study show the following characteristics:
First, the performances of the objects’ lower limbs in the dynamic group are superior to those in the static one in the aspects of chair sit and stand in 30 seconds, 6-min walk, and 8-ft up-and-go. And the differences are distinctive. Second, there are no significant differences between the male and female in the dynamic active group considering their performances of chair sit and stand in 30 seconds, 6-min walk, and 8-ft up-and-go. Third, the female objects in the static group perform better than the male ones in the item of chair sit and stand in 30 seconds (p<.05). However, there are no significant differences in the other two items of 6-min walk, and 8-ft up-and-go.
Finally, there are certain positive and negative relations among the performances of the three measured items of muscular strength of lower limbs--chair sit and stand in 30 seconds, 6-min walk, and 8-ft up-and-go.
According to the results of the study, the muscular strength of lower limbs in the active group is apparently better than that in the static one. The reason why it is better is that sufficient quantity of physical activities makes better muscular strength of the lower limbs. Hence, through the findings, it is recommended that the elders should involve in the active lifestyle in order to stronger muscular strength for healthy lives. Meanwhile, it is suggested that the official of the government should promote sports and recreations for the elders to pursuer active life styles.
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