研究生: |
蕭力旗 Li-Chi Shiao |
論文名稱: |
單晶微電腦在化學感測教學上之應用 Applications of One-Chip Microcomputer in Teaching of Chemical Detections |
指導教授: |
Shih, Jeng-Shong |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
化學系 Department of Chemistry |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 91 |
語文別: | 中文 |
中文關鍵詞: | 89C51 、ADC0804 、酒精偵測 、濁度偵測 、濕度偵測 、雨水導電度 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:115 下載:0 |
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Some teaching experiments on chemical detections were developed. Various detection systems with 8951 microcomputer interfaces including one-chip microcomputer 8951, ADC (Analog to digital converter), OPA (operational amplifier), LCD (Liquid crystal Display) and various sensors were prepared and applied to detect alcohols, turbidities of rivers, temperature, humidity of the air, electricity of rain and CO2 in the air respectively. Various sensors used in this study exhibited, quite sensitive to the environmental variations and showed the change in voltage output, which was converted into digital signal with ADC. The digital signal was transport to a microcomputer or a LCD display device.
In the detection of alcohols, a SnO2 semiconductor sensor with the 8951 microcomputer interface was employed to detect the alcohol contents after drinking various wines and commercial alcohol-relievers to study the alcoholic catabolism of the people.
In the detection of turbidities of rivers, a CdS photo-sensitive crystal with the 8951 microcomputer interface was applied as a quite sensitive sensor to detect the turbidities of main rivers in Taiwan, e.g., Tachia River, Tatu River, and Choshui River.
In the measurements of temperature/humidity, a thermal couple detector and a water-sensitive polymer detector with the 8951 microcomputer interface were applied to detect the changes of temperature and humidity within a year and the variations in one day from morning to night.
In electricity of rain measurements, use there Electric wires with the 8951 microcomputer interface was employed to detect the electricity of rains in each area in Taichung.
In the detection of CO2, the CdS photo-sensitive detection system was also used to detect the CO2 content in student’s breath after physical exercise.
Although one-chip microcomputer 8951 is just an 8-bit microcomputer, it has equipped the five main units and can be used for signal output and input, signal calculation, control and memory of the signal. The one-chip microcomputer 8951 has successfully applied as an excellent tool in the experimental Teaching.
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