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研究生: 劉彥君
Liu, Yen-Chun
論文名稱: 在說話者聲音變異與噪音影響下—吸菸者與非吸菸者對中文摩擦音/ʂ/和/s/的區辨
Effects of Speaker Variability and Noise on Mandarin Sibilant Fricative Identification of /ʂ/ and /s/ by Smokers and Non-smokers
指導教授: 甯俐馨
Ning, Li-Hsin
口試委員: 洪右真
Hung, Yu-Chen
Chu, Man-Ni
Ning, Li-Hsin
口試日期: 2022/01/25
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 45
中文關鍵詞: 噪音說話者聲音變異吸菸摩擦音
英文關鍵詞: Mandarin Sibilant Identification, Noise, Smoking, Speaker Variability
研究方法: 實驗設計法比較研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200353
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:90下載:10
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  • 本論文目的在於討論吸煙和噪音如何影響普通話母語人士在由不同說話發出摩擦音的情境下的聽辨表現。研究採用了兩選項強制選擇題作為研究方法。 15名吸煙者及15名非吸煙者需在四種特定說話者噪音中選擇他們所聽到的實驗音檔為/ʂ/還是/s/。我們分析了受試者的反應時間、正確率、敏感度(d'分數)。研究結果指出,在反應時間上,吸菸對於受試者有負面影響,而噪音對摩擦音的分辨有著正面影響。正確率方面,吸菸對於受試者同樣有負面影響。噪音對/ʂ/的聽辨有負面影響,但對/s/的聽辨有正面影響。在敏感度上,d'分數顯現了吸煙者的劣勢。噪音對於吸菸者有正面影響但對非吸菸者有負面影響。簡言之,本研究發現吸菸對於摩擦音聽辨一致有負面影響,但由噪音造成的影響會因其他因素而異。

    The aim of this thesis was to determine the effect of smoking and noise on Mandarin native listeners' identification rate of sibilants produced by multiple speakers. A two-alternative forced choice identification task was used where 15 smokers and 15 non-smokers had identified whether a sound embedded in four levels of speaker-specific noises was /ʂ/ or /s/. Their reaction time, accuracy and sensitivity (d' scores) were measured. With regard to reaction time, we found the disadvantage of smoking and the advantage of speaker-specific noise on the identification of sibilants. Performance accuracy reflected a negative effect of smoking, a negative effect of speaker-specific noise on /ʂ/ perception, but a positive effect of noise on the perception of /s/. D' scores indicated the disadvantage of smoking, the advantage of speaker-specific noise for smokers and disadvantage of speaker-specific noise for non-smokers. In conclusion, smoking was commonly found to have a detrimental effect of on Mandarin sibilant perception. The effect of noise, on the other hand, seemed to vary depending on other factors.

    CHAPTER 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background XXX 1 1.2 Research goals XXX 2 1.3 Organization of the thesis XXX 2 CHAPTER 2. Literature Review 4 2.1 Effects of smoking on hearing XXX 4 2.2 The characteristics of fricatives XXX 8 2.3 The perception of Mandarin sibilant fricatives XXX 10 2.4 The effects of vowel context, speaker variability and noise on speech perception XXX 12 2.4.1 Vowel contexts of fricatives XXX 12 2.4.2 Speaker normalization in multiple speakers' condition XXX 14 2.4.3 Noise as an acoustic variability XXX 15 2.5 Research Questions XXX 17 CHAPTER 3. Methodology 18 3.1 Participants XXX 18 3.2 Materials XXX 18 3.3 Procedures XXX 20 3.4 Data Analysis XXX 21 CHAPTER 4. Results 23 4.1 Threshold Audiometry XXX 23 4.2 Reaction Time XXX 24 4.3 Accuracy XXX 26 4.4 D’score XXX 28 CHAPTER 5. Discussion 31 5.1 Threshold audiometry: the Disadvantage of Smoking XXX 31 5.2 Reaction Time: the Disadvantage of Smoking and the Advantage of Noise on the Identification of Sibilants XXX 31 5.3 Accuracy: the Disadvantage of Smoking, the Advantage of Noise on /s/ Perception and Disadvantage of Noise on /ʂ/ Perception XXX 34 5.4 D’ scores: the Disadvantage of Smoking, the Advantage of Noise for Smokers and Disadvantage of Noise for Non-smokers XXX 36 CHAPTER 6. Conclusion 38 References 40

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