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研究生: 蔡秀芳
Tsai, Hsiu-Fang
論文名稱: 台灣傳統鞋類零售業轉型探析-以阿瘦皮鞋為例
Preliminary Exploration of Transforming Traditional Taiwan Footwear Retailing - Using A.S.O Shoes Co. as Reference Study
指導教授: 李靜芳
Lee, Chin-Fang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際時尚高階管理碩士在職專班
Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Global Fashion
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 53
中文關鍵詞: 鞋類零售業足部健康服務足部研發機能性鞋類商品鞋品客製化鞋通路優化
英文關鍵詞: footwear retail, foot health services, foot development, functional footwear, shoe customization, shoe path optimization
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GFEMBA.012.2018.F08
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:162下載:36
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  • 2017年的台灣零售產業,面臨營收成長趨緩、一例一休、基本工資調漲等政經因素,造成營運經營及成本上升的壓力,消費需求多變與消費型態的改變,更直接影響零售通路的營運成果。
    以鞋類零售品牌而言,國際品牌如美國Nine West、中國品牌百麗、台商達芙妮等均面臨破產清算、下市及營收大幅銳減等問題;台灣鞋類品牌商更需戒慎恐懼找出面對市場快速變化的成功與失敗要因、核心價值及如何應變詭譎多變的市場。

    In 2017, the retail industry in Taiwan faced political and economic factors such as a slowdown in revenue growth, one flexible day off per week, and raise in basic wages. This caused pressure on management and rising operation costs. Changes in consumer demand and consumption patterns are also directly impacting operation results of retail channel.

    For footwear retail industry, international brands such as Nine West (U.S. brand), Belle (Chinese Brand), and Daphne (Taiwan brand) are all facing with bankruptcy liquidation, delisting and/or revenue plunging situation. Taiwanese shoe brands need to be wary and quickly finding out reasons of success and failure, as well as core values and how to adapt to volatile markets, in order to survive in the rapid changing world.

    The author has more than one decade of employment service in A.S.O, which is one of the leading shoe retail channels in Taiwan. In this report, the author use A.S.O as real case study, to explore possibilities and options in diversifying commodity products to create customized personal services, developing and communicating health-values with professional consultants, upgrading retail layout and store service models, and innovating foot care with long-term R & D, which eventually help innovating and transforming the company for long-sustaining success in the footwear retail market. The author categorize the exploration study into three core transformation strategies - innovative research and development, optimization store experience, and upgrading service touching points.

    Finally, hope this practical case study can provide guidelines and suggestions for successful transformation of Taiwan's traditional footwear retailing, and help to promote the development of health consciousness in the service industry as well as creating new retail propositions for the New Retailing era to come.

    致謝 i 摘要 ii ABSTRACT iii 目録 iv 表目録 vi 圖目録 vii 第一章、緒論 1 第一節、研究緣起 1 第二節、研究動機 4 第三節、研究目的 5 第二章、文獻探討 6 第一節、名詞定義與零售產業概況 6 第二節、國內外鞋類品牌現況分析 10 第三章、研究方法 17 第一節、個案研究法 17 第二節、文獻回顧法 18 第四章、個案分析 19 第一節、阿瘦皮鞋現況分析 19 第二節、阿瘦皮鞋SWOT分析 22 第三節、營運策略轉型 34 第五章、結論與建議 50 第一節、聚焦「健康多元」商品與「專業知識」服務 50 第二節、擁抱數位科技、洞察消費者需求 51 第三節、三大轉型核心-創新研發、通路優化、服務體驗升級 52 參考文獻 53

    Making stores matter in a multichannel world,(December 2014),
    Nine West驚傳破產!將賣15億美元智慧財產權抵債?,上網日期2018年4月,檢自http://istyle.ltn.com.tw/article/7549/1
