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研究生: 許晨韋
論文名稱: 成年初顯期年輕人待業歷程與生涯調適力之紮根研究
A Grounded Theory Study on the Process of Unemployment and Career Adaptability in Emerging Adulthood
指導教授: 田秀蘭
Tien, Hsiu-Lan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 211
中文關鍵詞: 成年初顯期待業歷程生涯調適力紮根研究
英文關鍵詞: emerging adulthood, unemployment, career adaptability, grounded theory
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:140下載:43
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  • 本研究旨在探究成年初顯期之待業歷程與生涯調適力。研究者採用立意抽樣,以十位曾於二十到三十歲之年齡階段擁有半年以上待業經驗者為研究對象,探究其在待業期間運用何種內、外在資源進行生涯調適,度過待業狀態,之後從其經驗歸納出成年初顯期之待業歷程。研究者採用質性研究方法,以紮根理論之分析程序:開放編碼、主軸編碼、選擇性編碼進行資料分析。
    研究結果發現參與者成年初顯期待業經驗之生涯調適力包含外在環境資源與內在心理資源兩部分。外在環境資源內涵之核心主題為社會關係與環境品質,而社會關係之內容包含:(1) 從關係中獲得陪伴、支持與協助;(2) 安全、信賴的關係滿足被包容,接納的需求;(3) 關係允許自主,給與尊重。環境品質之內容包含:(1) 經濟能自我支持;(2) 家庭環境給與安全感;(3) 放鬆,自由的生活氛圍;(4)利於學習的環境;(5) 行業就業機會充足;(6) 社福資源的介入與協助。
    內在心理資源內涵之核心主題為朝生涯目標前進的動機、面對生涯目標的態度、為達成生涯目標採取的行為,以及壓力的因應與調適。朝生涯目標前進的動機包含:(1) 有改變的需求;(2) 生涯目標符合自身興趣;(3) 自我期許;(4) 期待獲得認同與肯定;(5) 追求理想的生活。面對生涯目標的態度包含:(1) 承諾投入追尋目標,為選擇負責;(2) 為達成目標而堅持;(3) 享受追尋目標的過程;(4) 勇於嘗試,面對挑戰;(5) 獨立思考,走自己的路;(6) 保持彈性。為達成生涯目標採取的行為有:(1) 積極行動,儲備實力;(2) 排除阻礙,全心投入;(3) 自我評估,選擇有利機會;(4) 反思過往經驗,發掘進步的可能;(5) 保持生活重心;(6) 運用周遭資源。壓力的因應與調適之內涵為:(1) 擁有個人化調適心情的方法;(2) 正視問題,改變現狀;(3) 賦予經驗正向意義;(4) 自我激勵;(5)重視生活品質;(6) 知足感恩。
    此外,參與者成年初顯期之待業歷程為從進入待業起,壓力來源與生涯調適力內、外在資源持續交互作用,直到結束待業。參與者在待業期間面臨壓力情境,生涯調適力協助其因應,繼續朝生涯目標邁進。本研究整理出成年初顯期待業期間之壓力來源有外在環境層面、個人生活層面、關係層面與自我感受層面。外在環境層面之壓力有:(1) 經濟環境不利於求職;(2) 不友善的職場;(3) 薪資水準過低。個人生活層面之壓力內涵為:(1) 兼職工作與學習上的挑戰;(2) 考試壓力;(3) 挫敗經驗;(4) 經濟壓力;(5) 其他生活壓力。關係層面之壓力包括:(1) 家人的關注;(2)承受期待;(3) 依賴產生罪惡感與羞恥感;(4) 同儕比較的壓力;(5) 孤獨感。自我感受層面之壓力有:(1) 自我懷疑;(2) 伴隨不確定而生的焦慮感;(3) 身分認同;(4) 生活缺少目標與意義感。

    The purpose of this study is to make a thorough inquiry about the process of unemployment and career adaptability in emerging adulthood. The researcher used purposive sampling to select ten study participants who had been through unemployment over half a year during their twenties. What kinds of internal and external resources were used to facilitate career adaptation, and the process of unemployment in emerging adulthood were induced and extracted from the experiences the participants shared. The researcher implied qualitative method and grounded theory as basis of data analysis. The steps include open coding, axial coding and selective coding.
    The result of the research presents that the career adaptability during emerging adulthood consists of two parts: external environmental resources and internal psychological resources. Social relationship and the quality of the environment are two main themes under external environmental resources. Social relationship contains:(1) Accompany, support and assistance from relationship; (2) Safe and trustworthy relationship which meets the need of being accepted; (3) Autonomy respected. The quality of the environment contains: (1) Financial independence; (2) Sense of security offered by family support; (3) Relaxing and free living atmosphere; (4) Environment beneficial for learning; (5) Sufficient job offers; (6) Social welfare intervention and assistance.
    Main themes under internal psychological resources are motivation, attitude and behavior toward career goals, and stress coping. Motivation toward career goals contains: (1) The need to change; (2) Correspondence between career goal and career interest; (3) Self-expectations; (4) Eager for approval and identification; (5) Pursuit of ideal lifestyle. Attitude toward career goals includes: (1) Committed and responsible for goals and choices; (2) Perseverance; (3) Enjoy the process of pursuing goals; (4) Courage to try and confront challenges; (5) Think independently. Behavior toward career goals contains: (1) Strengthen competence actively; (2) Move toward the goal whole-heartedly, remove distractions in life; (3) Seize favorable opportunities after self-assessment; (4) Reflect on experience and learn from it; (5) Maintain an orderly life; (6) Use resources around. Stress coping consists of : (1) Have personalized ways of emotional adjustment; (2) Face the problem, try to change the current situation; (3) Give experiences positive meanings; (4) Self-motivation; (5) Value the quality of life; (6) Be grateful for what one has.
    As the participants entered unemployment, there had been an interaction between life stresses and career adaptabilities till the unemployment was over. While they faced various kinds of stress, the career adaptability helps them to cope and move on. This study sorts out four aspects of stress during unemployment in emerging adulthood. Environmental stresses include: (1) Economic environment unfavorable to job seeking; (2) Unfriendly workplace. (3) Low salary. Personal stresses are: (1) Challenges in part-time job and learning; (2) Pressures from upcoming exams; (3) Experiences of frustration; (4) Financial stress; (5) Other stresses. Relational stresses include: (1) Attention from family members; (2) Undertake expectations; (3) Guilt and shame accompanying dependence; (4) Pressure from peer comparison; (5) Loneliness. Stresses from feelings about self are: (1) Self-doubt; (2) Anxiety deriving from uncertainty; (3) Identity confusion; (4) Lack of life goals and sense of meaning.
    According to the result of this study, young people unemployed who put themselves in pursuit of ideal lifestyle, confront uncertainty with autonomy and flexibility are able to deal with stresses under unemployment more properly, achieving successful adaptation and personal growth. Finally, the researcher gives limitations and advices about this study.

    誌謝詞 ............................................................................................................................... i 中文摘要 ........................................................................................................................... v 英文摘要 ........................................................................................................................ vii 目次 ................................................................................................................................ xi 表次 ............................................................................................................................... xiii 圖次 ................................................................................................................................ xv 第一章 緒論 ................................................................................................................... 1 第一節 研究動機、研究目的與問題 .................................................................... 1 第二節 名詞釋義 .................................................................................................. 12 第二章 文獻探討 ......................................................................................................... 15 第一節 生涯發展理論-以年輕人生涯發展為主 ................................................ 15 第二節 成年初顯期理論與相關研究 .................................................................. 27 第三節 生涯調適力理論與相關研究 .................................................................. 37 第三章 研究方法 ......................................................................................................... 51 第一節 採用質化研究-紮根理論 ........................................................................ 51 第二節 研究參與者 .............................................................................................. 54 第三節 研究工具 ................................................................................................. 57 第四節 研究實施程序 .......................................................................................... 60 第五節 資料整理與分析過程 .............................................................................. 64 第六節 研究倫理 ................................................................................................. 68 xii 第四章 資料分析與研究結果 ..................................................................................... 71 第一節 資料分析步驟與研究參與者A資料分析結果 .................................... 71 第二節 各受訪者訪談資料分析結果 ................................................................. 90 第五章 綜合討論與反思 ........................................................................................... 143 第一節 成年初顯期年輕人待業之生涯調適力 ............................................... 143 第二節 成年初顯期年輕人待業之動態歷程 ................................................... 163 第三節 研究者的省思 ........................................................................................ 172 第六章 結論與建議 ................................................................................................... 181 第一節 研究結論 ............................................................................................... 181 第二節 研究限制 ................................................................................................ 184 第三節 建議 ........................................................................................................ 185 參考文獻 ....................................................................................................................... 191 中文部分 ................................................................................................................ 191 西文部分 ................................................................................................................ 194 附錄 ............................................................................................................................... 203 附錄一 研究邀請函 ............................................................................................ 203 附錄二 研究參與同意書 .................................................................................... 205 附錄三 前導性研究訪談大綱 ........................................................................... 206 附錄四 正式研究訪談大綱 ................................................................................ 208 附錄五 研究參與檢核函-逐字稿與待業生涯小故事 ...................................... 209 附錄六 研究參與檢核函-資料分析結果 .......................................................... 210

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