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研究生: 許敏柔
Hsu, Min-Jo
論文名稱: 基隆火山群安山岩岩象學與石英來源之再探討
A further study on petrography and the origin of quartz in the andesite from Chilung Volcano Groups
指導教授: 賴昱銘
Lai, Yu-Ming
口試委員: 劉德慶
Liu, Teh-Ching
Yeh, En-Chao
Lai, Yu-Ming
口試日期: 2023/07/10
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 基隆山基隆嶼石英岩象學
英文關鍵詞: Chilungshan, Chilungyu, Quartz, Petrography
研究方法: 調查研究主題分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301602
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:50下載:16
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  • 基隆火山群位於北台灣火山活動帶的東北部,其火山體包含了基隆山、本山、武丹山、草山與雞母嶺。此外,在基隆市東北方外海的基隆嶼因形成年代、岩性特徵和地理位置皆與基隆火山群十分接近,經常被歸類於基隆火山群中一起討論。在北台灣火山活動帶中的火成岩中,僅在基隆火山群裡發現火成岩中含有肉眼可辨的石英顆粒,這是很特別的現象,而此現象與基隆火山群的岩石命名有緊密的關聯。從較早的文獻至今,學者們有著不同的發現與討論,經由岩象觀察、主要元素含量、氧同位素、實驗岩石學等方式,探討應稱呼其為石英安山岩、安山岩或含有石英的安山岩等稱呼上的分歧,而本研究在前人文獻的基礎之上,再以岩象學礦物計數、全岩地球化學分析結果,來加以探討這個議題,認為基隆火山群的火山岩應稱為安山岩或含有石英的安山岩。

    The Chilung Volcano Groups is located in the northeastern part of the Northern Taiwan Volcanic Zone, including volcanoes such as Chilungshan, Penshan, Wutanshan, Tsaoshan, and Chimuling. Additionally, Chilungyu, located off the northeastern coast of Chilung City is frequently discussed in connection with the Chilung Volcano Groups due to its similar eruption age, petrographic characteristics, and geographic location. Among the igneous rocks in the Northern Taiwan Volcanic Zone, a distinctive feature unique to the Chilung Volcano Group is the presence of visible quartz grains in its igneous rocks. Previous researchers have provided various rock classifications for volcanic rocks from the Chilung Volcano Group, including dacite, andesite, and quartz-andesite. Their studies contented petrographic observations, whole-rock geochemistry, oxygen isotopic analyses, and experimental petrological study. Based on previous studies, this study examines this issue with classification by whole-rock major elements and petrography, and concludes that the volcanic rocks of the Chilung Volcano Groups should be referred to as andesite or quartz-andesite.
    Regarding the unique quartz grains found in the volcanic rocks of the Chilung Volcano Groups, this study investigate their origin using petrographic analysis combined with electron images of quartz grains. In the electronic images, it was observed that most quartz grains have smooth surfaces or conchoidal fractures. Petrographic observations revealed that some quartz grains are euhedral and single-particle, possibly indicating their crystallization from the magma itself. On the other hand, a small portion of quartz grains in the electronic images exhibit slightly uneven surfaces resembling sedimentary rocks, and petrographic observations showed that these quartz grains have rounded appearances, suggesting they might have been captured from surrounding sedimentary rocks. Furthermore, in petrographic observations, it was discovered that the quartz grains exhibit embayment texture, which could be the result of the magma melting and eroding the surrounding sedimentary rocks, or it could be due to unstable conditions caused by temperature and pressure changes as the quartz grains formed in the magma chamber and experienced variations during the magma ascent process. Taking into consideration all these features, this study concludes that the quartz grains in the volcanic rocks could have originated from either crystallization within the magma or from being captured from sedimentary rocks.
    This study employs methods including whole-rock major and trace elements, whole-rock strontium-neodymium isotopes, and the observation of quartz grain characteristics. By referencing previous literature, it is suggested that Chilungyu and the Chilung Volcano Group likely originate from distinct magma reservoirs.

    第一章 前言 1 1.1北台灣火山活動帶岩象組合 1 1.2基隆火山群-石英顆粒的來源 2 1.3基隆嶼的歸屬 4 第二章 地質背景 6 2.1地質概況 6 2.2基隆火山群 8 2.2.1基隆火山群火山岩命名議題 9 2.2.2基隆山與基隆嶼 11 第三章 研究方法 17 3.1樣本採集 17 3.2岩象學分析 18 3.2.1岩石薄片製作 18 3.2.2礦物計數 18 3.3掃描式電子顯微鏡分析 20 3.3.1樣本分析前處理-分礦 20 3.3.2掃描式電子顯微鏡分析 20 3.4全岩主要元素分析 22 3.4.1樣本分析前處理 22 3.4.2燒失量試驗 (Loss on ignition, L.O.I.) 22 3.4.3全岩主要元素分析 23 3.5全岩微量元素分析 24 3.5.1岩石樣本分析前處理-溶樣 24 3.5.2 USGS岩石標準樣品 25 3.6全岩鍶釹同位素分析 28 3.6.1岩石樣本分析前處理-溶解樣本粉末 28 3.6.2鍶釹同位素化學分離步驟 29 3.6.3質譜儀分析 31 第四章 結果 33 4.1岩象學觀察-礦物比例與特徵 33 4.2石英顆粒的電子影像 40 4.3全岩主要元素分析結果 47 4.4全岩微量元素分析結果 54 4.5全岩鍶釹同位素分析結果 58 第五章 討論 64 5.1基隆火山群火山岩之命名 64 5.1.1前人文獻在基隆火山群火山岩命名之根據 64 5.1.2本研究對於基隆火山群火山岩之命名 66 5.2石英來源之探討 67 5.2.1石英空間分布情形 67 5.2.2石英顆粒特徵歸納以及石英的來源 67 5.3基隆山與基隆嶼地球化學特性 71 5.3.1地球化學前人文獻 71 5.3.2 本研究地球化學結果 71 5.4石英來源與基隆火山群成因研究之建議 73 第六章 結論 74 參考文獻 76 附錄1石英顆粒的電子影像 84

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