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研究生: 張藝懷
Zhang, Yi-Huai
論文名稱: 明代中晚期道教五嶽真形圖之研究
A Study of Wuyuezhenxingtu Pattern in mid-late Ming Dynasty
指導教授: 曾肅良
Tseng, Su-Liang
口試委員: 曾肅良
Tseng, Su-Liang
Liu, Jing-Min
Lien, Chi-Yuan
口試日期: 2023/06/05
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 藝術史研究所
Graduate Institute of Art History
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 172
中文關鍵詞: 五嶽真形圖道教圖像紋飾系統壯遊文房養生
英文關鍵詞: Wuyuezhenxingtu, Taoist image, Decorative system, Traveling, Nourishing Life
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300757
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:185下載:0
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In this paper, the Wuyuezhenxingtu in the middle and late Ming dynasty refers to the images depicting the true form of the five mountains, referring to a large number of artifacts in the middle and late Ming dynasty on the display of the five mountains with Taoist color decoration. The so-called “Five Mountains” refer to the five famous mountains that stand in China. They are Mount Tai in the east, Mount Mount Hua in the west, Mount Song in the middle, Mount Heng in the north and Mount Heng in the south. In Taoism, “True form” refers to the shape of the true mode of existence of the essence of things, which is characterized by unpredictable changes. The image that depicts the zhenxing(true form)is the zhenxingtu.

Although previous studies have noted that there are many systems and patterns of the image system of the five mountains, the source of the wuyuezhenxingtu, which is not found in the Daozang, is still unknown. According to the judgment of previous scholars, I speculates that it should be related to the popularity of the new Taoism sect and the inscription/Seal script in the Song and Ming dynasties.

The strong Taoist overtones of the image of the wuyuezhenxingtu and its mysterious symbols, which resemble script, are reminiscent of the legendary origin of the wuyuezhenxingtu in the Han dynasty. The fact that such motifs are found on objects reflects the visual preferences of the mid-to late-Ming dynasty: a strong preference for script(zi), images with strong Taoist overtones, and ancient/elegant decorations and objects. These qualities are exemplified in the decorative system of late Ming objects.
The popularity of the wuyuezhenxingtu pattern highlights the unique social atmosphere of the mid- to late-Ming period: travel, recreation, and literary recuperation. With the popularity of travel in the mid-to late-Ming period, the imagery of the wuyuezhenxingtu was deeply rooted in people's minds, and they often served as travel protectors, as intermediaries for recreational travel, and even as mediums for religious retreats.

第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究回顧 3 第三節 研究範圍與限制 6 第四節 研究目的與方法 7 第五節 章節安排 7 第二章 明中晚期五嶽真形圖的來源 9 第一節 道教文獻中的五嶽 9 第二節 道教圖像中的五嶽 12 第三節 五嶽真形圖在明代中晚期的傳衍 15 第三章 五嶽真形圖的紋飾特徵 20 第一節 五嶽真形圖作例的探討 20 第二節 明代中晚期器物紋飾系統及其特質 43 第三節 明代中晚期的視覺偏好 49 第四章 五嶽真形圖的使用及其社會氛圍 56 第一節 五嶽真形圖載體的功能與使用情境56 第二節 壯遊與臥遊的社會氛圍 61 第三節 文房養生的社會氛圍 70 第五章 結論 73 附錄:現存五嶽真形圖之作例 75 圖版 83 参考書目 164

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