研究生: |
羅力 Lo, Li |
論文名稱: |
海洋永續:一位海洋紀錄片工作者的實踐歷程 Ocean Sustainability: The Practical Journey of an Ocean Documentary Worker |
指導教授: |
Fang, Wei-Ta |
口試委員: |
Fang, Wei-Ta 吳靖國 Wu, Chin-Kuo 張子超 Chang, Tzu-Chau 謝玉玲 Hsieh, Yu-Ling 杜聖聰 Tu, Sheng-Tsung |
口試日期: | 2024/05/28 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
永續管理與環境教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Sustainability Management and Environmental Education |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 218 |
中文關鍵詞: | 環境紀錄片 、紀錄片製作 、敘事研究 、實踐 、環境教育 |
英文關鍵詞: | environmental documentary, directing the documentary, narrative research, practice, environmental education |
研究方法: | 敘事分析 、 半結構式訪談法 、 自我民族誌敘事分析 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400795 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:692 下載:13 |
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第一階段接觸海(in environment)是敘說羅力導演海洋生活環境當中的覺察與行動,在完成海洋居民生活專輯及製作清除沈船環境紀錄片之後,發現真實體驗、與受訪者良善對話和影像紀錄是實踐環境教育的重要因素;第二階段學習海(about environment)是敘說羅力導演回到學校培養環境知識與環境素養的歷程,透過導演的課程筆記、研究論文以及和教授們對話後,導演建構出環境教材架構和紀錄片製作實踐環境教育的循環架構:(一)以傳統生活智慧為基礎融入當代環境知識,是社區環境教材發展的基礎。(二)生活實踐、永續管理及影像紀錄是社區執行環境紀錄片製作循環與實踐環境教育循環的核心內容;第三階段奉獻海(for environment)是敘說羅力導演以參與式陪伴和社區使用影像紀錄來實踐環境教育的完整歷程,過程中發現:(一)社區紀錄片的拍攝過程可以讓長輩擁有成就感;(二)能引發社區居民對環境的覺知;(三)讓傳統智慧融入當代知識可以產生新世代面對環境的觀點;(四)讓社區居民對生態環境擁有真實的感受;(五)讓製作團隊在面對生活環境時有多元的發展空間;(六)能拉近社區居民產生如親人般的互動;(七)讓製作團隊與受訪者擁有檢視過去和思考未來的能力;(八)讓社區居民更加珍惜彼此。
This study uses a self-narrative method to describe the practical process of the documentary filmmaker Li Lo's transformation from a professional soldier who protects the family and the people to a career of ocean sustainability; the researcher collected Director Li Lo's life notes, study notes, and videos Starting from the creation and verbatim transcripts and records of conversations with witnesses, the narrative research method is used through self-reflection from the emic perspective and analysis and interpretation from the etic perspective, focusing on Director Li Lo's contact with the sea, the sea of learning, and the sea of dedication. The three stages of action experience propose a teaching structure and learning model for practicing environmental education through video recording.
The first stage of contact with the sea (in environment): Narrate Director Li Lo's awareness and actions in the marine living environment. After completing the album on marine residents' life and producing the documentary on shipwreck clearance, he discovered that real experience, good dialogue with interviewees and video recording are important factors in the practice of environmental education.
The second stage of learning sea (about environment): Narrating Director Li Lo's journey back to school to cultivate environmental knowledge and environmental literacy. Through the director's course notes, research papers, and conversations with professors, the director constructed an environmental teaching material structure and a circular structure for documentary production to practice environmental education: (1) Integrating contemporary environmental knowledge based on traditional life wisdom is the basis for the development of community environmental teaching materials. (2) Life practice, sustainable management and video recording are the core contents of the community’s environmental documentary production cycle and practical environmental education cycle.
The third stage of dedication to the sea (for environment): Narrating the complete process of Director Li Lo's practice of environmental education through participatory companionship and community use of video records, he discovered that: (1) the shooting process of community documentaries can give elders a sense of accomplishment; (2) it can trigger community residents' concern for the environment Awareness; (3) Integrating traditional wisdom into contemporary knowledge can create a new generation’s perspective on the environment; (4) Let community residents have a real feeling about the ecological environment; (5) Let the production team have diversity when facing the living environment (6) It can bring community residents closer to interact like family members; (7) It allows the production team and interviewees to have the ability to examine the past and think about the future; (8) It allows community residents to cherish each other more.
Therefore, research shows that the cultivation of community environmental education talents and community development need to be centered on participatory companionship and good dialogue, allowing community residents to experience games in their childhood and adolescence to get close to the community living environment, and to demonstrate innovation in youth and adulthood. and development ambition, and then gradually form the inheritance of community life wisdom in middle age and old age. Therefore, community residents can create their own value and sense of accomplishment at every stage of development. Director Li Lo's construction of video records and practical environmental education Important findings after the model.
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