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研究生: 詹玉貞
Yue-Jen Jan
論文名稱: 波利亞的解題步驟對國中數學資優生學習幾何證明成效之研究
A Study of the Performance of Polya's Problem Solving Heuristics on a Group of Seventh and Eighth Grade Mathematically Gifted Students in Learning Geometry Proofs
指導教授: 譚克平
Tam, Hak-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 135
中文關鍵詞: 波利亞的解題步驟幾何證明國中數學資優生
英文關鍵詞: Polya's problem solving heuristics, Geometry proof, junior high school mathematically gifted students
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:259下載:33
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  • 本研究所編排的幾何實驗教材,主要是按照波利亞的解題四步驟為原則而設計,其目的是想了解波利亞的方法是否對教導學生學習幾何證明有所幫助,亦即從了解題意、分析題目、由已知條件找到可供解題的線索、擬定證明的計畫、到實現計畫完整地把題目證明出來。本研究探討的是藉由這樣的教材編排對於學生解幾何證明題的表現是否有所提升。本研究另一個目的是想教導學生用兩欄式撰寫幾何證明寫法,並探討這種方式是否對學生寫幾何證明有幫助。本研究的研究對象為21名國中數學資優生,當中大部分曾代表台灣參加國際性的中小學數學競賽。本研究將這21名學生根據他們在前測的表現分成三組:「高證明能力組」、「中證明能力組」及「低證明能力組」。本研究在資料分析中所使用的評量工具有全等三角形問題(I)及(II)、圓的問題、共邊定理問題、共角定理問題、塞瓦定理問題、訪談問題(I)及(II)等八個問題。

    The geometry teaching material in this study is arranged mainly according to the Polya's 4-step problem solving heuristics with a purpose to understand if Polya's heuristics help guiding students in learning geometry proofs how to start from understanding the question, analyzing it, finding clues to answer from the given conditions, devising a plan to prove and completing the whole proof. This study wants to know if the arrangement of teaching material does upgrade students' performance in proving geometry. Another purpose for this study is to guide students in applying two-column writing as they prove geometric questions and to see if this style help their performance. I have 21 top junior high students in math as my study object. Most of them have represented Taiwan in international math competitions. They are divided, according to their proving competence showed in pre-tests, into 3 groups: high, middle and low. The measuring tools used for data analysis in this study are eight questions regarding the congruent triangles (I) and (II), circles, the coedged theorem, the coangular theorem, the Ceva's theorem and interview (I) and (II).
    Gathered from the data analysis, in the stage of "understanding questions," 85% of the students can grasp the given conditions and respond to the core geometric statement. The remaining 15% have no problem in understanding but have troubles in using the given data for proving the key geometric concept. However all of them can draw the diagram expressed in the question statement and mark proper places.
    In the stage of devising plan and executing it, the Polya's 4-step problem solving heuristics does not help the high level students very much. However, to the middle and low level students, it gives much help. The high level students are strong in proving and adapt to the arrangement of the teaching materials without much efforts. They have good performance from the second class on. For the middle and low level students, their teacher has to remind them constantly of how to devise a feasible plan and execute it accurately when they proceed to prove a geometric concept. They depend very much on the teacher's frequent encouragement and speaking to form such a problem-solving habit. Besides, from the findings, most of the 21 students who follow Polya's heuristics are correct in their proving steps, while some that do not follow are wrong in their steps. Only one or two students remain correct in their proving steps without following Polya's heuristics. I gathered that if a teacher wants to help students with correct geometry proofs, s/he has to repeatedly remind students of this heuristics.
    In the "reflecting" stage, this study intends to see how students extend their diagrams properly according to the question statement, after drawing, devising a plan and proving. From findings on their work, in "reflecting" on the coedged theorem, there are 11 students has such ability and one of them can even draw different figures with sufficient explanations responding to various questions. While the remaining students only mark out the difference with simple, or even little explanations. On co-angular theorem, 17 students have such reflecting power who are able to draw pictures different from the question statement and give proper explanation.
    Findings in their second class in learning geometry proving show that students have following difficulties in applying "two column" writing geometry proofs.
    1.Don't know how to write the reasons.
    2.In quoting the previous proofs, they don't know how to write the reasons.
    3.In writing the geometry proofs, they don't feel necessary to write the reasons.
    After this teaching experiment, students make much progress in this area. At the same time, their geometry proof writing become more logical in math with correct proving steps than before.
    Based on the findings and after-thoughts, this study suggests that teachers make students understand the importance of the stages in understanding the questions, devising a plan, executing the plan and reflecting in their teaching. Students should have time to think in class, while the teacher should help them timely in applying Polya's 4-step problem solving heuristics in their geometry proofs.
    For the future study, the program should have longer time frame and take different factors such as various learning styles, meta-cognition etc into consideration for a deep understanding.

    第壹章 緒論………………………………………..1 第一節 研究動機…………………………………………...1 第二節 研究目的…………………………………………...4 第三節 研究問題…………………………………………...5 第四節 名詞界定…………………………………………...6 第五節 研究之限制………………………………………...9 第貳章 文獻探討…………………………………...10 第一節 數學證明觀………………………………………10 第二節 幾何證明之學習…………………………………11 第三節 van Hiele幾何思考層次…………………………13 第四節 幾何證明的教學………………………………….19 第參章 研究方法……………………………………21 第一節 研究設計…………………………………………21 第二節 研究對象…………………………………………22 第三節 研究資源與工具之設計…………………………23 第四節 研究步驟與過程…………………………………25 第五節 資料處理…………………………………………27 第肆章 資料分析……………………………………28 第一節 學生解題步驟之整體分析………………………...30 第二節 學生以「兩欄式」撰寫幾何證明之分析…………84 第三節 針對學生解幾何證明題之van Hiele幾何思考層次 作分析……………………………………………102 第伍章 研究結果的討論與建議…………………104 第一節 研究結果的討論…………………………………104 第二節 教學上的建議……………………………………112 參考文獻……………………………………………..113 中文部份……………………………………………………..113 英文部份……………………………………………………..114 附錄…………………………………………………..117 附錄一 全等三角形問題(I)………………………………117 附錄二 全等三角形問題(II)……………………………...119 附錄三 教導所用的問題…………………………………121 附錄四 圓的問題…………………………………………122 附錄五 共邊定理的問題…………………………………123 附錄六 共角定理的問題…………………………………127 附錄七 塞瓦定理的問題…………………………………130 附錄八 訪談問題(I)………………………………………134 附錄九 訪談問題(II)……………………………………...135

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