研究生: |
林君齡 |
論文名稱: |
國民中學學校教師會運作之微觀政治個案研究 |
指導教授: |
Pan, Hui-Ling 王麗雲 Wang, Li-Yun |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2001 |
畢業學年度: | 89 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 175 |
中文關鍵詞: | 學校教師會 、微觀政治 |
英文關鍵詞: | School Teachers' Association, micropolitics |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:231 下載:54 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
1. 以不同地區、層級,或不同運作情形的學校或教師會作為研究對象。
2. 探討學校中不同的團體,如家長會。
3. 以教育革新為研究主題。
1. 繼續以微觀政治的角度來探討。
2. 以組織生命史的角度來探討。
The establishment of School Teachers Association had great impact on school principals, the administrative system and the ecology. In order to investigak the effects of School Teachers Association, this study employed the perspective of micropolitics to explore the interaction between School Teachers Association and the administrative system in a junior high school. The aim of the research was to analyze the micropolitics of power relation and the tactics employed in the school and to single out the factors that may affect the interaction.
To unravel the intricate relationship between School Teachers Association and the administrative system and to have a holistic picture of the impact it exerts on schools and the minor changes it causes, the research employed a qualitative case study, choosing one junior high school, Da-Shung, as the study subject and used methods such as interview and observation to collect data. The researcher spent roughly half an year in the field, from November 2000 to May 2001, interviewing sixteen famlty, including administrators and teachers, and observing once a week. Besides, relevant documents were collected..
After the half-an-year-long research, the researcher has the following findings:
Ⅰ. The establishment of School Teachers Association triggered a clash between members of School Teachers Association and the administrative system in the initial stage, which was later overcome. Then the school gradually stabilized.
Ⅱ. The power relationship between School Teachers Association and the administrative system, through constant negotiation, changed from power over toward power with.
Ⅲ. Ways of interaction during various phases influence the tactics employed by School Teachers Association and the administrative system.
Ⅳ. Teachers’ attitudes towards School Teachers Association had an influence on the interaction between School Teachers Association and the administrative system.
Below are some suggestions for School Teachers Association, the administrative system and further studies.
Ⅰ. For School Teachers Association
ⅰ(i) To change the mindset of teachers to earn their recognition and support.
(ii) To set short-term, medium-term and long-term goals which are concrete and attainable.
(iii) To strengthen teachers’ knowledge in laws as well as their professional ability to innovate schools.
(iv) Students’ rights should always come first while School Teachers Association tries to pursue interests for teachers.
Ⅱ. For the administrative system
(i) Principals and administrators should abandon the authoritarian approach to leading.
(ii) Schools should alter the authoritarian decision-making process, opening more seats in various meetings for members of School Teachers Association to eliminate conflicts and ensure the quality of decisions.
(iii) The administrative system should set up and lubricate a channel for communication with School Teachers Association and build a model for interaction.
Ⅲ. For further studies
ⅰ(i) With regard to participants and main theme:
(a) To recruit participating school or School Teachers Association of different areas, school levels or operating systems.
(b) To study various interest groups in schools like Parents Association.
(c) To take educational innovation as the main theme.
(ii) With regard to research perspective:
(a) To explore the theme in the light of micropolitics further.
(b) To analyze the situation from the angle of the history of organization life.
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