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研究生: 許瑩瑩
Hee, Yeng Yeng
論文名稱: 社會取向成就動機、壓力與因應之質性研究:以台灣優秀跆拳道選手為例
Qualitative Research of Elite Taiwanese Taekwondo Athletes on Social Oriented Achievement Motivation, Stress and Coping.
指導教授: 陳秉華
Chen, Ping-Hwa
Chi, Li-Kang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 118
中文關鍵詞: 社會取向成就動機優秀運動員壓力動力壓力因應
英文關鍵詞: Social oriented achievement motivation, Elite athletics, Motivation, Stress, Stress coping
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203860
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:451下載:42
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  • 本研究旨在瞭解台灣優秀跆拳道選手之社會取向成就動機的內涵與影響、社會取向成就動機的動力與壓力之轉換因素、以及壓力因應與策略。本研究以半結構式訪談法蒐集8位參與者的競技生涯經驗,並以紮根理論分析資料。







    一、社會 取向成就動機 對個體 具積極與消影響。




    This study aims to understand the outstanding Taiwanese Taekwondo athletes’ connotations and influences of social oriented achievement motivation (SOAM), the dynamic exchange between stress and motivation that triggered by SOAM, and the coping strategies of social-oriented stress. Eight participants were interviewed on their athletic career experience in the present study using semi-structured interview. Collected data were then analyzed using grounded-theory methodology. Main findings of the study are as the following:

    First, SOAM consists of “to repay with glory”, “to prove oneself or organization’s competencies” and “sense of belongingness with organization”. The meaning of “to repay with glory” lies in repaying the goodness and kind assistance that have been given, while the meaning of “to prove oneself or organization’s competencies” lies in hoping to be seen and recognized by others. In addition, the meaning of “sense of belongingness with organization” lies in sharing the glory together with others.

    Second, the SOAM has influenced the participants in the following ways: “became more persistent in athletics career”, “impacted goal setting in their athletics career”, “became more serious and diligent in practice”, “to be cheered up at the critical moment of competition”, “feeling of pressure and worries during preparation” and “poor sleep due to too much worries before competition”.

    Third, the key factors of transforming stress to motivation include: “repeated practice”, “positive self-talk to increase confidence”, “be extremely focused, to prove oneself to others”, “encouraged by couch during transition period”, and “being understood by others”.

    Fourth, the key factors of transforming motivation to stress include: “high self-requirements”, “the mind of gain and loss on competation result”, “Too care about others’ critiques, perception and emotions”, “high self-requirements and not allow loss after gain accomplishment”, “distracted by significant others who watch the game”.

    Fifth, the coping strategies of social oriented stress take in “living with stress”, “relax by distracting self to block the feeling of pressure”, “self-assessment and problem solving”, “focused”, “clue suggestion strategy”, “emotional release”, “understanding self and environment”, “reduce perceived stress through social comparison”, “perspective taking”, “connect to external relational resources” and “spiritual”.

    Based on the above results, the present study concluded that:
    1. Social oriented achievement motivation has both positive and negative influences on individuals.

    2. Sense of control is the key factor between stress and motivation of social oriented achievement motivation. When individuals focused on internally-controlled goals, it increases the sense of control, and hence stress was transformed into motivation. Conversely, when individuals focused on externally-controlled goals, the sense of control reduced, and may cause motivation become stress. Besides, “personal’s view” influences how individuals interpret others’ responses, and determined whether the forces are stress or motivation.

    3. Individuals’ tress coping and regulation strategies were categorized into “employing internal resources”, “combined both internal and external resources” and “employing external resources”.

    Finally, findings and results of the present study were discussed. The researcher also presents some recommendations for athletics, coaches, parents and psychological practitioners. Limitations of present study and recommendations for future research were included.

    目次 謝誌 ..................................................i 中文摘要..............................................iii 英文摘要 ..............................................vi 表次 ..................................................ix 圖次 ................................................xiii 第一章 緒論..............................................1 第一節 研究動機與重要性 ................................1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 ...............................4 第三節 名詞釋義 .......................................5 第二章 文獻探討 .........................................7 第一節 跆拳道在台灣 ....................................7 第二節 成就動機及跨文化比較 ............................11 第三節 壓力、壓力因應模式與跨文化比較 ...................25 第三章 研究方法 ........................................33 第一節 質性研究取向 ...................................33 第二節 研究參與者 .....................................34 第三節 研究工具 ......................................36 第四節 研究程序 ......................................40 第五節 資料整理與分析 .................................43 第六節 研究檢核 ......................................46 第七節 研究倫理 ......................................47 第四章 研究結果與討論 ...................................49 第一節 優秀跆拳道運動員所處於的競技脈絡..................49 第二節 社會取向成就動機內涵與影響 ......................53 第三節 社會取向成就動機之壓力與動力之間的關係 ............62 第四節 壓力因應與策略 .............. ..................70 第五章 綜合討論 ........................................77 第一節 社會取向成就動機的內涵 ..........................77 第二節 社會取向成就動機之壓力與動力之間的關係 ............81 第三節 壓力因應與策略..................................86 第六章 討論與建議 ......... .............................91 第一節 結論...........................................91 第二節 研究限制與建議..................................93 第三節 實務建議 ......................................96 文獻參考 ...............................................99 中文部分 ........... ...................................99 英文部分 .......... ...................................104 附錄 .................................................113 附錄一 研究邀請函 ....................................113 附錄二 研究參與同意書 ................................115 附錄三 訪談大綱(第一版) .............................117 附錄四 訪談大綱(第二版)..............................118 附錄五 研究結果檢核回饋表 ............................. 119


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