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研究生: 丁素宜
論文名稱: 應用激勵─保健理論探討我國大學圖書館館員工作滿意之研究
Investigating Job Satisfaction of Academic Librarians with Motivation-Hygiene Theory
指導教授: 林呈潢
Lin, Cheng-Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖書資訊學研究所
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 179
中文關鍵詞: 激勵-保健理論 Motivation-Hygiene Theory兩因素理論 two-factor theory工作滿意 job satisfaction大學圖書館館員 academic librarians
英文關鍵詞: Motivation-Hygiene Theory, two-factor theory, job satisfaction, academic librarians
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:155下載:70
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  • Herzberg認為導致工作滿意與不滿意,兩種工作態度並不是同一個連續體(continuum)的兩端,而是有其不同的連續體,其中一個的兩極是「滿意」與「沒有滿意」(no-satisfaction),另一個連續體的兩極是「不滿意」與「沒有不滿意」(no-dissatisfaction)。本研究應用Herzberg於1959年提出激勵-保健理論(Motivation-hygiene Theory)來了解我國大學圖書館館員工作滿意度,進而探討我國大學圖書館館員工作滿意的激勵因素(Motivation factors)及保健因素(Hygiene factors)有那些因素。透過訪談及問卷調查方式,蒐集資料,歸納研究結果並提出建議,做為改善大學圖書館員工作品質、提升士氣之參考。
    一、 影響我國大學圖書館員工作滿意的激勵因素有:認可(Recognition)、成就(Achievement)、成長(Possibility of growth)、責任(Responsibility)、工作本身(Work itself)、與同儕關係(International relations-peers)、地位(Status)、工作保障(Job security)等8項;不滿意的保健因素有:與上司關係(International relations-superior)、督導技術(supervision-technical)、學校政策與行政(School policy and administration)、升遷(Advancement)等4項。
    二、我國大學圖書館員整體工作滿意程度,經問卷抽樣調查361位大學圖書館館員,14項工作滿意因素和整體工作滿意分數的平均值均未達滿意指標(平均數4)。因此,我國大學圖書館館員的工作滿意度並不理想。館員滿意度最高的前三項是:人際關係、責任、工作狀況(Work conditions);滿意度最低的前三項是:升遷、地位、學校政策與行政。
    三、個人屬性(individual attributes)與大學圖書館館員工作滿意的關係,會因個人屬性的不同而有顯著差異,其中館員的性別(sex)、年齡(age)、學歷(education)、學科專業背景(profession)、服務年資(service)、工作職務(position)、服務單位(organization)等不同屬性,在某些因素的滿意度,達到顯著差異。 因此,主管激勵館員努力工作,達成工作目標時,最好考慮館員個別差異、期望,提供不同的激勵方式,才能達到激勵館員,增進工作效能。

    Herzberg considers that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction are not both ends of a continuum but two individual continua: one with satisfaction and no-satisfaction at the ends, and another with dissatisfaction and no-satisfaction. This study investigated the job satisfaction of academic librarians with the motivation-hygiene theory proposed by Herzberg (1959) in order to find out the motivation and hygiene factors of academic librarians in Taiwan. Data were collected through interviews and surveys, and recommendations were made based on data analysis as a reference for improving the work quality and raising the morale of academic librarians.
    Results of analysis of data collected from individual interviews and survey are as follows:
    1.The 8 motivation factors affecting job satisfaction of Taiwanese academic librarians include recognition, achievement, possibility of growth, responsibility, work itself, interpersonal relationship—peers, status, and job security. The 4 hygiene factors affecting job dissatisfaction include interpersonal relations—superior, supervision-technical, school policy and administration, and advancement.
    2.In overall job satisfaction of Taiwanese academic librarians, results on the survey on 361 academic librarians indicate that the mean of neither the 14 job satisfaction factors nor the overall job satisfaction fulfill the satisfaction index requirement (mean=4). This suggests that the job satisfaction of Taiwanese academic librarians is below average. The 3 factors with the highest satisfaction include interpersonal relationship, responsibility, and work conditions; and the 3 factors with the lowessatisfaction include advancement, status, and school policy and administration.
    3.The correlations between individual attributes and job satisfaction of academic librarians are statistically significant as a result of a difference in individual attributes. The satisfaction in some factors is statistically significant in the following individual attributes: sex, age, education, profession, service, position, and organization. Therefore, a supervisor should consider the individual differences and expectations of academic librarians and apply various motivations when motivating them to achieve work goals in order to motivate librarians and enhance job performance.
    4.Results of comparing two research methods, interviews and surveys, indicate that the homogeneous motivation factors include recognition, achievement, responsibility, and job itself; and all 4 factors are correlated with the job content. The homogeneous hygiene factors of both methods include advancement, and school policy and administration; and both factors are determined by the feelings during the on-the-job scenario.
    5.Some of the 14 factors proposed in the motivation-hygiene theory by Herzberg are supported, while some are not, when applying them to investigate the job satisfaction of Taiwanese academic librarians.

    目 次 摘 要 I 目 次 V 表 次 VII 圖 次 IX 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 名詞解釋 4 第四節 研究流程 6 第二章 文獻分析 8 第一節 激勵與激勵理論 8 第二節 激勵-保健理論 23 第三節 工作滿意與相關影響因素 39 第四節 影響圖書館員工作滿意的相關因素 46 第三章 研究設計與實施 54 第一節 研究架構 54 第二節 研究對象 55 第三節 研究方法 55 第四節 正式問卷及資料處理 63 第四章 研究結果分析 65 第一節 訪談內容分析 65 第二節 問卷分析 78 第三節 綜合討論-HERZBERG激勵保建理論與我國大學圖書館館員工作滿意的關係 107 第五章 結論與建議 115 第一節 結 論 115 第二節 建 議──激勵因素的運用 119 第三節 未來研究建議 121 參考文獻 123 一、中文部份 123 二、西文部份 127 附錄一 134 附錄二 135 附錄三 140 附錄四 173

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