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研究生: 黃明雄
論文名稱: 我不笨,我是他媽媽~一位智能障礙女性的育兒經驗敘說
指導教授: 胡心慈
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 智能障礙母親育兒經驗敘說研究質性研究
英文關鍵詞: intellectual disabilities, mother, the experience of raising and teaching children, narrative study, qualitative study
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:198下載:37
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  • 本研究以一位領有智能障礙手冊並育有子女的女性為研究對象,並邀請另外兩位重要關係人一同參與研究。採取敘事研究方法,主要透過訪談,佐以觀察,探究智能障礙女性的育兒經驗。
    四、因為教養能力的欠缺,面對孩子的行為問題,研究對象只能以蠻力制止, 進而造成其身體上的傷害


    This study described one study case, a mother, who has been
    diagnosed with an intellectual disability. In addition, the statements of two interviewees crucially important to this woman were involved. This study conducted the method of a narrative study and it explored how a woman with an intellectual disability raised her child mainly through
    interviewing and partly through observing.
    Through gathering, analyzing and explaining the information, the researcher presented vertically the process of the study case's life over these eighteen years in sequence by using a continue narrative way.Subsequently, the researcher used a horizontal description of main events
    to present those key factors which happened to the study case in the different stages of her life had a great impact on how she raised and taught her child.
    The finding of this study included: (a) the study case eldom
    obtained supports from her husband as well as the husband's family; and further, she almost weighed down by their stress; (b) the study case had apparent difficulties in her capability in raising as well as teaching the child and she was in financial difficulties; (c) the study case often
    suffered exclusion and unfair judgment from the society;(d) because the study case lacked capability of raising as well as teaching her child, she could only use physical strength to put a stop to her child's behavior problems; however, this approach caused physical injury to herself; (e) the study case endured high stress from her child, husband, family economy and the society; (f) although the study case was in such a difficult position, fortunately, she obtained a strong as well as principal support from her mother; besides, she intermittently obtained some people's assistance and social aids.
    In conclusion, there were more bitters than sweets to the study case when she raised and taught her child. She needed more opportunities to self-determine, more company as well as supports, more professional assistance, and more acceptance as well as respect, that is, she needed
    more necessary aids from an ecological point in order to make her raise her child more successfully.

    第一章 故事的發現………………………………………… 1 第一節 一齣虛構電影的感動……………………………… 1 第二節 一段真實故事的衝擊……………………………… 3 第三節 一個學術探討的缺憾……………………………… 4 第四節 一篇等待發掘的故事……………………………… 6 第二章 故事的背後………………………………………… 8 第一節 他們的天賦權利…………………………………… 8 第二節 他們的教養能力…………………………………… 11 第三節 他們的真實困境…………………………………… 13 第四節 他們的支持系統…………………………………… 16 第三章 故事的建構………………………………………… 20 第一節 用敘說描繪經驗…………………………………… 20 第二節 我眼中的她(他)………………………………… 22 第三節 怯生生的初試……………………………………… 24 第四節 研究參與者………………………………………… 32 第五節 我如何編寫一個故事……………………………… 34 第四章 這段屬於她的故事………………………………… 40 第一節 一路來的跌跌撞撞………………………………… 40 第二節 坎坷路上的荊棘與甘泉…………………………… 54 第五章 故事的終點與起點………………………………… 74 第一節 故事終點的省思…………………………………… 74 第二節 力有未逮之處……………………………………… 80 第三節 另一個故事的起點………………………………… 81 參考文獻………………………………………………………… 82 附錄……………………………………………………………… 91


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