簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李美玲
LEE Mei-Ling
論文名稱: 中國近代女子教育研究(1912~1949)
A Study of the Girls' Education in Modern China (1919~1949)
指導教授: 周愚文
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 中國中國近代女子教育婦女史
英文關鍵詞: China, Modern China, women's history, girls' education
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:580下載:0
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本研究所得結論有六: 一、清末以前傳統女子教育,無論在教育目的、內容、方法等,均與男子不同,根本無所謂男女教育機會的均等。二、清末時,新式女子教育興起,女子可入學堂接受教育;稍後,女子教育納入學制系統,成為正式教育一部分。但是就教育目的、內容、方法等方面而言,離男女教育機會均等理想仍有相當大的差距。三、民國成立後,男女教育均依一學制、法規辦理,打破清末兩性雙軌學制系統的區別與限制。而自民國成立至國民政府播遷來臺前(1912-1949),就教育相關法令規定的應然面而言,各級女子教育主要發展情形如下: 1.女子初等教育於民初即開放男女同校,男女課程差異的問題則在稍後的課程改革中消失。2.女子中等教育一直存在男女分校或分班及課程差異的問題。3.女子普通高等教育及高等職業教育較無明顯男女差異,而高等師範教育在分校或分部及課程上,則仍有男女不同。四、就女子教育實施概況的實然面而言,各級女子教育主要發展情形如下: 1.民初女子初等教育仍有男女分校情形,女子小學校數量少。稍後,隨女子小學校數量漸增、小學校男女同校日漸普遍等各項因素的改善,小學女生總人數及百分比均逐年增加。教學方面也因課程改革及重視團體生活訓練,使初等教育男女差異逐漸消失。2.民國以來女子中等教育學校數量少且集中於少數省區,教學方面雖也有各項才藝的培養,但仍偏重女紅類科目;而程度偏低、缺乏實習等,更為女子中等職業教育發展的問題。接受中等教育的女生雖逐年增加,但男女學生數仍有相當大的差距。3. 早期教會興辦女子高等教育為女子提供高等教育機會。至民國八年(1919)女子方享有高等教育權,稍後,女子爭取高等教育機會、男女同學等發展,使女子高等教育向男女教育機會均等的理想邁進。五、民初《壬子癸丑學制》及十一年(1922)《壬戊學制》的頒布為影響中國近代女子教育發展過程的重要轉折。六、中國近代女子教育在追求男女教育機會均等理想過程中遭遇的問題,主要為男女課程差異及男女同學問題,而其背後隱涵「男女有別」、「男主外、女主內」的傳統觀念及性別差異意識型態,為值得吾人思考的關鍵。

The main purposes of this study are to inquire the historical background of Girls' Education and the process and problems in its development in Modern China. Besides, some implications to current education are made according to the findings of this study. This study is a historical approach. Literature review is used. Besides, theoretical analysis and the method of the statistics are undertaken too.
The main findings of this study are as follows: 1. Compared with boys, the education opportunity of girls in the ancient China are unequal. 2. " New girls' education " began since the late Chin Dynasty. It is the first time that girls could take formal education (schooling) which was also a part of the national education system,however there were still unequal in that system. 3. Since the Republic of China was established in 1912, education for both genders is under the same school system and regulated by the same regulations. Co-education existed in the primary level. The difference in curriculum for boys and girls disappeared in the later reform. However, both of them were still obstacles in the secondary and higher levels. 4. In practice, the number of elementary schools and that of girls' students increased by and by. However, that of secondary schools for girls was few and only available in restricted areas. As to opportunity for girls in higher learning was less than that of both. In general, the total amount of girls' student in each level was less than that of boys. 5.Two school systems, in 1912 and 1922, were the critical point in the development of girls' education, which were important to the accomplishing goal of equality. 6.Behind the unequal phenomena in girls' education, stereo-type gender ideology existed, which assumed that boys and girls are different natively, then social roles should be played differently too, indoor one for girls but outdoor one for boys.
