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研究生: 李紫璿
Li, Tzu-Hsuan
論文名稱: The Gates of National Taiwan Normal University—Historical Development and Architectural Significance
The Gates of National Taiwan Normal University—Historical Development and Architectural Significance
指導教授: 辛蒂庫絲
Candida Syndikus
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 藝術史研究所
Graduate Institute of Art History
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 145
中文關鍵詞: 校門校園建築國立臺灣師範大學都鐸復興式建築哥德復興式建築日治時期日本建築中國建築陳濯
英文關鍵詞: Campus gate, Campus architecture, National Taiwan Normal University, Tudor Revival architecture, Gothic Revival, Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule, Japanese architecture, Chinese architecture, Chen Zhuo
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900590
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:560下載:74
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A mighty entrance gate opens at He-ping East Road, on the main campus of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), directly in front of its Administration Building. Taihoku High School, the predecessor of the university, was established in 1922, during the Japanese colonial period. Its campus was created in 1929, but initially there was no similar gate. Over time, as the school campus was transformed into that of the university, the architecture of the gate at the main entrance had three main iterations: the first of 1949, the second of 1955, and the third of 1975–76. A renovation of the third gate in 2017–18, altered aspects of its appearance further.
Stylistically, the different versions of the gate show syntheses of Chinese and Western features. In the design of the third gate, the architect, on the one hand, tried to create a formal coherence with the basically Western-style Administration Building, which dated from the Japanese colonial period, and to retain certain elements from the second gate, on the other. The formal development of the three gates has to be considered against the background of the NTNU history, in particular, the changing educational systems that followed each other in rapid succession. The varying forms of the gates can be taken as a case study of how iconographic language reflected changing cultural in NTNU school buildings and in twentieth-century Taiwanese architecture.
In this thesis, comprehensive descriptions and analyses of the three iterations of the gate will be provided for the first time, beginning with the background of the original entrance of the Japanese period, and concluding with the existing gate. The primary goal of the study is to explain the gates’ formal development in reference to their historical and cultural circumstances, and to interpret the buildings’ iconography as examples of campus architecture.

English Abstract i Chinese Abstract ii Acknowledgement iii 1. Introduction 1 2. State of Research 4 3. Historical Background: From Taihoku High School to National Taiwan Normal University 11 4. The Transformation of the Gate 14 4.1. The Gate of Taiwan Provincial Teachers College (1949) 14 4.2. The Gate of Taiwan Provincial University of Education (1955) 16 4.3. The Gate of National Taiwan Normal University (1975–76) 19 4.4. The Restoration of 2017–18 21 5. The Architect of the Present Gate 26 5.1. The Old Library of National Taiwan Normal University (1952–57) 27 5.2. The Old National Central Library at Nanhai Academy (1955) 31 5.3. The Main Building of Sacred Heart High School for Girls (1960) 32 5.4. The College of Liberal Arts at Fu Jen Catholic University (1963) 33 6. The Role of the Campus Entrance Gate 35 6.1. Enclosure and its Environs 36 6.2. Campus Landscape and Landmark 41 7. The Structure of the Campus 47 8. Conclusion 55 9. Bibliography 58 Appendix I: Illustrations 67 Appendix II: Architectural Drawings of the Present Gate 130 List of Photographic Credits 140 Appendix I: Illustrations 140 Appendix II: Architectural Drawings of the Present Gate 145

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