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研究生: 顏慶雲
論文名稱: 台北市立療養院恐慌症團體治療與恐慌症個別治療對於病患自我照顧行為效果之比較
A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Group Therapy V.S. Individual Therapy in Treating Panic Disorder
指導教授: 簡錦標
Chien, Ching-Piao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
畢業學年度: 82
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 療養院自我照顧
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:129下載:0
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  • 本研究主要目的在比較臺北市立療養院所實施的恐慌症團體治療和個別治療,治療後對於病患的自我照顧行為增進的效果;同時探討治療前、後,病患的恐慌症知識、治療態度和自我照顧行為是否有差異?並了解患者病情改善的影響因素。
    重要結果歸納如下:1)病患基本資料分析-男性(57.69%)稍多於女性,平均年齡40.42 歲,已婚者佔大多數(80.77%),1/2以上病患為中社經階層;平均罹病月數51.35個月;全部個案都是經多次及複向求醫之後慕名來市療求醫。2)治療前,所有病患的恐慌症知識、治療態度、自我照顧行為分數皆無差異;治療後之各項分數均明顯高於前測。3)恐慌症知識和治療態度得分(=後測分數-前測分數),兩組之間無差異;在自我照顧行為總分、自我照顧行為分類當中的預期性焦慮的處理、懼曠逃避行為的處理3項目,實驗組優於對照組。4)影響自我照顧行為的因素為診別、年齡、罹病月數、治療態度,解釋量達53.85%。5)經過三個月初期治療,多數患者(73.08%)回復工作狀態。6)治療後的恐慌發作和強度顯著改善,實驗組的沒有的發作比率(80%)高於控制組(36.4%);兩組的發作強度則無顯著差異。7)自我照顧和為得分愈高,恐慌發作的機率愈低。8)恐慌病患主觀認為病情改善的影響因素:醫師的專業能力優於藥物療於病友和家屬的協助。

    This study is to (1) investigate the efftiveness of group therapy and individual therapy practiced in Taipei City Psychiatric Center, (2) evaluate patients' knowledge of panic disorder, attitudes towards treatments and self-care behaviors after tow different types of treatment and (3) comprehend the factors which promote progress.
    This study is based upon the patients of qualified panic disorder group therapy and indivedual therapy wigh total of 26 patients at Taipei City Psychiatric Center.
    The panic disorder group therapy was treated as an experimental group while the individual therapy as a control group. The results from interviews,questionnaires before the treatments and after treatments, and regular progress observing were all carefully recorded during the treatment course (12 weeks )from October 1993 to April 1994.
    After the study, the researcher reports that
    (1) Some significant facts are concluded from the basic data analysis.
    a. The number of male subjects (57.69%) are slightly higher than female subjects.
    b.The average age is 40.42.
    c. The number of married patients (80.77%) are significantly higher than the others.
    d. More than 50% of total studied patients are from the middle class.
    e. The average morbidity month is 51.35 months.
    f. All patients came to Taipei City Psychiatric Center after various psychiatric or non-psychiatric treatments at other centers or hospitals had failed.
    (2) There was no differences found when investigating patients'“knowledge of panic disorder”,“attitudes towards treatments”and“self-care behavior” before the treatments. However, patients obtain higher scores on every question after the treatments.
    (3) When the scores of “panic disorder knowledge” and “attitudes towards treatments” are studied, there were no differences found between the experimental group and control group. However, when investigating patients' scores of “self-care behaviors”and its subordinative observing questions-- the abilities of handling“anticipatory anxiety” and “phobic avoidance”, the experimental group obtain higher scores than the control group.
    (4) The factors which promote the improvement are treatment course, age, morbidity month, and attitudes towards treatments. These four factors could explain 53.85% variance of self-care behaviors.
    (5) After a tree months initial treatment, 73.08% of total patients were recovered to the normal working codition.
    (6) The condition of “panic attack ”and “degree of panic ”had been significantly improved after the treatments. Non-panic attack rate of the experimental group (80%) is higher than the control group (36.4%). No significant difference was found regarding to the degree of panic between two groups.
    (7) The patients with higher scores on “self- care behavior”were at lower risk of having panic attack.
    (8) The panic disorder patients' subjectively believed that doctor's professional qualification was more important than medication or assistance from family or other patients.
    The researcher concluded that (1) both grop therapy and individual therapy should be practiced since they both are effective, (2) when individual therapy is used, the ability of handling“ anticipatory anxiety ”and “phobic avoidance” should be constantly traced, and (3) the treatments practiced in Taipei City Psychiatric Center should be introduced to psychiatric institutes.
