簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 羅怡
Luo, Yi
論文名稱: 昆明地區身心障礙者家長支持團體建構之行動研究
An Action Research on Establishing a Parent Support Group for Parents of Individuals with Disabilities in Kunming
指導教授: 胡心慈
Hu, Shin-Tzu
口試委員: 賴念華 邱春瑜
口試日期: 2021/01/26
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 133
中文關鍵詞: 身心障礙者家長親職教育支持團體行動研究
英文關鍵詞: parents of individuals with disabilities, parental education, support group, action research
研究方法: 行動研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100482
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:493下載:29
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  • 本研究主要目的為提升昆明地區身心障礙者家長的教養知能、情感態度、實踐能力,探索建構家長支持團體的歷程與模式,並分析家長的改變情形。本研究採取行動研究法,招募到昆明地區6位家長,透過評估他們的壓力與需求,結合線上課程並以家庭系統、生態系統為理論基礎,規劃「線上」和「線下」共八週團體的建構方案,展開行動並獲得省思,最後提出建構模式及建議。研究發現如下:
    1. 結合家長需求評估,設計「線上」和「線下」課程方案
    2. 建立微信群組家長參與「線上團體」,實體聚會家長參與「線下團體」。帶領者可透過zoom以同步視訊方式異地帶領團體。
    3. 有「專家諮詢」和「行動省思」的帶領者。
    1. 預備階段:完成家長招募、壓力需求評估和規劃課程方案,建立線上群組。
    2. 初始階段:團體共同確定目標和規範,家長逐步適應「線上」和「線下」的學習模式。。
    3. 轉換階段:團體開始深入學習課程,家長在疏離與敞開之間轉換。
    4. 穩定階段:團體進入穩定學習課程,分享逐步深入敞開,一起應用課程主題練習。家長回饋感到被支持和鼓勵。
    5. 結束階段:團體互動達到最高,完成團體評估,鼓勵成員將所學應用到日常生活。

    The main purpose of this research was to improve the parenting knowledge, emotional attitude and practical ability of parents of persons with disabilities in Kunming. The research was to explore the process and model of the construction of parent support group, and to analyze cases regarding changes that the parents underwent.
    This study used the action research method. The participants are six parents from the Kunming area in China. By assessing the pressure faced of these parents and their needs. The research based on the theories of family system and ecosystem, planning an action program which included "online" and "offline" groups for eight weeks.
    The conclusions were made by the action and reflection of the program. The findings were as follows:
    1. The construction model and course of action was suitable for local parents support group:
    (1) The group construct model based on using courses, group and leaders.
    i. Leaders designed "online" and "offline" courses based on parental needs assessment..
    ii. The parents participated in “online groups” which was established on Wechat by the leaders, and “offline groups” in-person meetings on weekday. While leaders led groups in different place by using Zoom.
    iii. The leaders had “expert consultant” and “action reflection”.
    (2) The course of action consisted five stages: preparatory, initial, transition, stabilization, and completion.
    i. Preparatory stage: Researcher recruited parents, assessed the stress of these parents, planned program, and established online groups.
    ii. Initial stage: Researcher set goals and norms with the parents and let them familiar with the "online" and "offline" learning modes.
    iii. Transition stage: Parents began to study the course in depth, and the parents transited from feelings of unfamiliarity to openness.
    iv. Stabilization stage: Parents studied the course steadily and gradually opened their mind to share feelings together. Parents felt supported and encouraged.
    v. Completion stage: Group interaction reached the highest level, group evaluation was completed, and members were encouraged to apply what they have learned in daily life.
    2. Growth and changes of the parents:
    (1) Parents' knowledge of their children's emotional and behavioral problems, career plans and employment had been improved.
    (2) In the parent-child relationship self-assessment, four parents had improved their relationship before participating the group.
    (3) The frequency of parents' online interaction support gradually increased, and the overall interaction frequency reached its peak by the end of the course.
    Finally, this research puts forward relevant suggestions for practical work and future research.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 6 第三節 名詞釋義 7 第二章 文獻綜述 9 第一節 身心障礙者的家長之親職壓力與需求 9 第二節 建構身心障礙者家長支持團體的理論基礎與實施方式 19 第三章 研究方法 29 第一節 研究設計 29 第二節 研究對象與研究場域 38 第三節 研究工具 44 第四節 資料的整理與分析 49 第五節 研究品質 54 第四章 結果與討論 57 第一節 團體建構之歷程 57 第二節 家長的改變與成長 85 第三節 研究者的省思與討論 94 第五章 結論與建議 101 第一節 結論 101 第二節 研究限制與建議 104 參考文獻 109 附錄 119

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