簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳逸鋒
Chen I Feng
論文名稱: 詩意哲學的圖像建構-陳逸鋒「空間」與「白」系列作品探討
Construct the Image of Poetic Philosophy—The Work Series of I-Feng, Chen “Space” and “White”
指導教授: 朱友意
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 詩意現象學迴盪
英文關鍵詞: Poetic Flavor, Phenomenology, Reverberate
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:128下載:14
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  • 此創作研究命名為《詩意哲學的圖像建構》,旨在探討「詩意」,如何在視覺圖像中建構詩意的存有與詩意的體驗,筆者藉由巴舍拉現象學探討詩意象與藝術史脈絡來探究自身創作的圖像建構。要理性分析詩意如何顯現並不容易,與其釐清詩意為何,不如將焦點放在詩意的感受,既是回到詩意感的本身。「詩意」之所以能夠被感知,其因是情境的接受,它並不會突然出現,而意圖獲取詩意感,必先進入情境之中、沉溺於其中,迴盪在清新的詩意象裡,並持續的誇大。

    The creation of this research is “Construct the Image of Poetic Philosophy”. It is to investigate how the poetic can be constructed and experienced through visual art. The artist use “phenomenology of Gaston Bachelard” to explore the skeleton of poetry image and art history. By doing so, the artist would format the image of self creation. Concerning with the difficulty of reveling the poetry logically, source back to poetry itself and it’s feelings would be better. Poetic flavor can perceive due to scenario acceptance, and it would not appear in a sudden. To acquire the poetic flavor, we should enter deep into the atmosphere. To continue, the feelings can be extended and reverberate in the fresh poetic imaginary.

    It is meaningless to research the nature of phenomenology in experience of poetic flavor. It is only when substance includes inside the scenario that has the value to be cognized, besides, the imagination of space and substance should go former than thinking. The creation of form of expression is the transition point of poetic flavor. Through the investigation of art history’s skeleton can clarify the fountainhead of artistic form. There are several impact factors of artist’s mentality and painting form expression: from linear perspective of Renaissance, image close-up of Neorealism photography, painting class eliminate of academic art, image resemblance of Realism, image perception’s integration of Paul Cézanne, photo painting of Gerhard Richter’s indifferently emotion and so on. The working series of “Space” and “White” use oil painting as a main media. The use of materials is also an important issue discussed in this research. From the substrate’s select, primer layer’s process, painting layer’s produce, and protective layer’s experiment, are all closely connected with the art works.

    The artist use simple hue and form to model a pure visual experience in these series of works. It’s better to experience delicate materials from pure inner symbolic and simple visual structure. Furthermore, it would reveal the artist’s creative attitude and value of life.

    摘要ii 英文摘要iii 圖目錄iv 目次 第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究動機及目的1 第二節 研究範圍2 第二章 詩意建構7 第一節 詩意的體驗7 第二節 空間意象9 第三節 白與空白11 第三章 場景的躍升14 第一節 古典傾向與攝影經驗的混合14 第二節 畫科階級的間隙19 第三節 主題的消失與場景的躍升25 第四節 潔白的載體29 第四章 「空間」與「白」系列作品實踐33 第一節 創作媒材33 第二節 創作過程記錄35 第三節 創作內容39 結論51 附錄53 參考文獻63

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    14. Walter Benjamin,許綺玲譯,《迎向靈光消逝的年代》,台北,台灣攝影工作室,1991
    15. William Fleming、Mary Marien,宋協力譯,《藝術與觀念》,北京,北京大學出版社,2008
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    1. 邱俊達,《朝向詩意空間:論巴舍拉《空間詩學》中的現象學》,國立中山大學哲學研究所碩士論文,1999
    2. 黃亞紀,〈由李希特「全景」談起〉,《今藝術ARTCO》231期,2011年12月1日
    四、 網路資料
    1. 揭示另一種「真實」:李希特的繪畫藝術
    2. 以變為原則:傑哈‧李希特的藝術
    3. 維基百科〈十九世紀西方寫實主義運動的概念界定〉 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E7%8E%B0%E5%AE%9E%E4%B8%BB%E4%B9%89
