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研究生: 林儒瑤
Lin, Ju-Yao
論文名稱: 幸福雙人舞:舞者婚姻之維繫
Happy Pas de Deux:The maintenance of dancers’ marriage
指導教授: 周麗端
Chou, Li-Tuan
口試委員: 利翠珊
Li, Tsui-Shan
Huang, Shu-Man
Chou, Li-Tuan
口試日期: 2022/10/26
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 126
中文關鍵詞: 職業舞者婚姻維繫家庭壓力理論主題分析法
英文關鍵詞: professional dancers, marriage maintenance, Family Stress Theory, Thematic Analysis
研究方法: 主題分析半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205641
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:125下載:18
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  • 本研究旨在探討職業舞者婚姻維繫中的挑戰與因應,透過深度訪談7對,婚姻關係滿意,且婚齡在5年以上,婚姻關係穩定的職業舞者夫妻,從家庭壓力理論的視角出發,以主題分析法分析探究,職業舞者在維繫婚姻的歷程中,會遇到什麼樣的壓力事件及如何去因應。研究結果如下:

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the challenges in marriage maintenance of professional dancers and their coping strategies. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with seven couples of professional dancers, who have been married for more than five years and with stable marriage status. Based on Family Stress Theory, this study examined stressful events the couples encountered in their marriage and their coping strategies, and was analyzed through thematic analysis. The results of the study are as follows:
    I. Challenges of Marriage Maintenance of Professional Dancers
    1. Professional dancers' inconsistent working hours make it difficult for couples to get along.
    2. Professional dancers' unstable income puts the family's finances in jeopardy
    3. Professional dancers' temptations to extramarital affairs challenge their marital fidelity and trust.
    II. Common Challenges in Marriage
    1. Different communication styles increase misunderstandings and conflicts between couples.
    2. Emotions, expenses, and time constraints regarding child-rearing add to couples' marital stress.
    3. Conflicts between mothers and daughters-in-law affect couples' relationship.
    III. Coping Strategies of Professional Dancers in their Marriage Maintenance
    Couples of professional dancers cope with various marital challenges through positive and optimistic perceptions and rich family resources.
    1. Prioritizing family first turns inconsistent working hours into a beneficial resource.
    2. Having the flexibility to earn money apart from dance performances stabilizes the family’s finances.
    3. Announcing marital status enables the couples to resist the temptation of extramarital affairs.
    4. Communicating positively strengthens the interaction among couples
    It is expected that the results of this study may help professional dancers or performers of similar nature to have a better understanding of marital challenges and coping strategies, and thus increase the stability of their marriage maintenance.

    第一章 舞之始.........................................................................................................1 第一節 想跳完的雙人舞......................................................................................1 第二節 舞之於我..................................................................................................3 第三節 學跳一首雙人舞......................................................................................5 第四節 舞之釋......................................................................................................6 壹、舞者........................................................................................................6 貳、婚姻維繫................................................................................................6 第二章 舞之史..........................................................................................................7 第一節 幸福雙人舞..............................................................................................7 第二節 舞者的處境..............................................................................................9 壹、何謂舞者?..............................................................................................9 貳、舞者難跳完這首雙人舞......................................................................10 第三節 雙人舞步................................................................................................13 壹、舞者的工作特性..................................................................................13 貳、夫妻的互動..........................................................................................16 參、婚姻階段的改變..................................................................................20 第四節 戴上視鏡看清舞步................................................................................21 壹、ABC-X 模式........................................................................................22 貳、雙 ABC-X 模式...................................................................................24 第三章 舞之矢........................................................................................................27 第一節 跳舞的人們............................................................................................27 壹、參與者條件..........................................................................................27 貳、參與者來源..........................................................................................28 第二節 找尋舞步................................................................................................31 壹、研究流程..............................................................................................31 貳、半結構式深度訪談..............................................................................32 參、研究工具..............................................................................................35 第三節 分析舞步................................................................................................37 壹、謄打逐字稿與記錄研究日誌..............................................................38 貳、主題分析..............................................................................................38 參、嚴謹的研究..........................................................................................40 第四章 舞之事........................................................................................................43 第一節 跳舞的人兒............................................................................................43 壹、有虔誠信仰的竹家..............................................................................43 貳、穩定婚姻要先搞定自己的松家..........................................................45 參、相信經濟好了才有家庭品質的楠家..................................................47 肆、都是職業舞者的冬家..........................................................................48 伍、聚少離多的風家..................................................................................50 陸、險入誘惑的雨家..................................................................................51 柒、夫唱婦隨的霧家..................................................................................53 第二節 雙人舞中的絆腳石................................................................................54 壹、舞者特殊的工作時間影響相處時間..................................................54 貳、接案式工作沒有穩定的收入..............................................................57 參、舞者魅力大誘惑多..............................................................................61 肆、夫妻慣用的互動方式大不同..............................................................65 伍、孩子出生帶來負面情緒、花費增加及時間不夠用..........................67 陸、婆媳因生活習慣、孩子教養及隱私等產生矛盾..............................71 第三節 照亮舞步的燈........................................................................................72 壹、家庭擁有的資源..................................................................................73 貳、正向樂觀的認知..................................................................................89 參、因應方法..............................................................................................94 第五章 舞之使........................................................................................................99 第一節 研究結論................................................................................................99 壹、舞者婚姻維繫的挑戰..........................................................................99 貳、舞者婚姻維繫的因應策略................................................................103 第二節 研究建議與限制..................................................................................105 壹、研究建議............................................................................................105 貳、研究限制............................................................................................108 第三節 研究者反思..........................................................................................109 參考文獻....................................................................................................110 附錄一、網路問卷....................................................................................122 附錄二、知情同意書................................................................................124

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