研究生: |
盧蓮恩 Lu, Lien-En |
論文名稱: |
藝術介入聚落再生實踐:以西西里法瓦拉Farm Cultural Park為例 Artistic Engaged Community Regeneration Practice: The Case Study of Farm Cultural Park in Favara, Sicily |
指導教授: |
Lai, Chia-Ling |
口試委員: |
Chen, Hung-Yi 董維琇 Tung, Wei-Hsiu 賴嘉玲 Lai, Chia-Ling |
口試日期: | 2024/01/15 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
歐洲文化與觀光研究所 Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 150 |
中文關鍵詞: | 文化再生 、藝術介入 、社群永續 |
英文關鍵詞: | Cultural Regeneration, Art Intervention, Community Sustainability, Farm Cultural Park |
研究方法: | 半結構式訪談法 、 田野調查法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400420 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:315 下載:38 |
分享至: |
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創意城市的概念掀起了全球城市文化再生熱潮,各式旗艦場館、文化園區紛紛興起,希望藉此扭轉城市的命運。然而,創意城市往往著眼於文化生產及消費面之活絡,城市彷彿歷經淘金客蜂擁而至,卻無法實質提升社群韌性及永續性。本研究以義大利西西里Farm Cultural Park為例,探究位於邊陲、缺乏觀光資源之小型文化園區如何藉透過藝術推動文化再生實踐,以及追尋社群永續歷程的成與敗。
本文研究動機基於臺灣文化再生案例眾多,以文化觀光及文化創意為大宗,從經濟層面進行區域振興。而Farm Cultural Park案例呈現藝術介入的另一種面貌—社會教育關懷。論文重心在於分析:一、園區所在市鎮法瓦拉之聚落社會與再生脈絡生成,從聚落探討其再生脈絡特殊性。二、園區藝術生產與消費脈絡,描繪園區之藝術介入建構,以及生產者與參觀者屬性。三、藝術介入法瓦拉之契機與困境,Farm園區與聚落的互動之情況,探究其正面效益以及衍生問題。藉著分析Farm Cultural Park案例,梳理聚落再生實踐和策略,並探究藝術介入模式之盲點及誤區,提供未來案例之指引與借鏡。
The concept of creative cities has ignited a global wave of urban cultural regeneration, with various flagship venues and cultural districts emerging in the hope of reversing the fate of dying cities. However, creative cities often focus on the vitality of cultural production and consumption, yet fail to substantially enhance community resilience and sustainability. This research takes the example of Farm Cultural Park in Sicily, Italy, to investigate how a small cultural district on the periphery, lacking cultural resources, utilizes art to promote cultural regeneration and explores the successes and failures regarding the process of developing community's sustainability.
Since cultural regeneration cases in Taiwan predominantly centered on cultural tourism and creative industries for regional revitalization, the Farm Cultural Park case presents an alternative facet of art intervention – social education. This thesis focuses on analyzing: Firstly, the social and regenerative context of the town of Favara, where the cultural district is located, examining the unique regenerative context from the perspective of the town. Secondly, the context of art production and consumption in Farm Cultural Park, the practices of art intervention and the attributes of producers and visitors. Thirdly, the opportunities and challenges of art intervention in Favara, the interaction between Farm Cultural Park and the community, investigating positive benefits and arising issues. Through the analysis of the Farm Cultural Park case, the thesis aims to analyze practices and strategies for community regeneration and explore blind spots and pitfalls in the art intervention model, providing guidance and insights for future cases.
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