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研究生: 洪瑞璇
Hung, Jui-Hsuan
論文名稱: 國中教師專業認同之研究:游走在「結構─能動」之間
Between “structure-agency”: A Study of the Junior High School Teachers’ Professional Identities
指導教授: 潘慧玲
Pan, Hui-Ling
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 263
中文關鍵詞: 教師專業認同自我反思計畫結構與能動
英文關鍵詞: teacher’s professional identity, the reflexive project of the self, structure and agency
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:360下載:161
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  • 作為一個教育實踐工作者,教師往往被視為是教育成敗的關鍵,是所有教育政策或理念最重要的實踐媒介,「教師專業」也因此成為教育領域裡的重要課題,相關政策制定者或學者專家並相應賦予其各式各樣角色式的定義,藉以期望教師,反觀教師本身卻少有發聲的機會。然而,事實上教師對教育專業的看法並非單純的角色採納,而是融入其主體觀點的認同建構,並且會依循著他∕她對教師專業的認同,而發展不同的教育實踐。是以,為探求並呈現從教師觀點出發的專業認同樣貌,本研究以國中男女教師為研究參與者,欲以不同脈絡的教師參與、「結構─能動」的影響以及質性研究方法,來呈現教師的聲音、他們的專業認同樣貌,影響專業認同建構的結構因素,以及他們如何展現能動以回應結構,以豐碩教師專業論述。

    As a practitioner, the teacher is always seen as the key person of education reform or the most important mediator to put all the educational policies and theories into practice. Therefore, “teacher profession” is regarded as an important research issue and educational policy makers and academic scholars always identify the term dogmatically in light of their positions. Teachers are expected and silent. As a fact, teachers are never role adapting. Their subjective perspectives affect their teachers’ professional identities which guide teachers’ educational practices. In order to pursue and display more voices and perspectives of teachers’ professional identities, the sutdy recruited five male and female junior high school teachers with different backgrounds as research participants and used qualitative methods to explore the divergences of these teachers’ professional identities and how “structure-agency” functions. The study manifested the teachers’ professional identities through analyzing their life worlds and their agency to see how they overcame the obstructions and enriched the discourses of teacher professions.
      In the study, individual in-depth interviews, focus group interviews and journal writings were employed to reveal stories of five junior high school teachers who come from different schools and teach different subjects . The research findings are as follows:
    I.Teachers’ professional identities are formed by their life worlds not role-adapting.
    II.Educational structures affect teachers’ professional identities in complicated and multi-level ways.
    III.“Disenchantment-reflective-action”is the modle of teachers’ agency.
    IV.The reflexive project of the self in narrative form helps teachers to clarify their professional identities, enrich reflective aspects and make a stable value to teaching.
    According to the analysis and conclusion of the results, several suggestions were raised。

    第一章 研究動機與目的 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 7 第二章 教師專業認同之相關學術論述 9 第一節 「結構決定」與「主體能動」之間的擺盪-認同論述發展 9 第二節 眾聲喧嘩的教師專業認同論述 23 第三節 與教師專業認同交織作用的因素 35 第三章 研究設計與歷程 47 第一節 研究取徑 47 第二節 研究參與者 48 第三節 資料蒐集與分析 54 第四章 他∕她們的生活世界與專業認同 63 第一節 如蘋「為中義賣命」的那些歲月 63 第二節 希聖「我的意義在這裡」 91 第三節 富美「我還在找尋那個價值」 116 第四節 曉婷「無力的三年」 143 第五節 慧玫「那些都成為一個價值在我的裡面」 170 第五章 結構、能動與教師專業認同 203 第一節 教師專業認同與教育結構影響 203 第二節 教師專業認同與教師能動展現 216 第六章 研究結論及對教師專業發展之啟示 229 第一節 研究結論 229 第二節 對教師專業發展之啟示 236 參考文獻 243 附錄一 257 附錄二 258 附錄三 260 附錄四 261 附錄五 262 附錄六 263

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