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研究生: 曾廷瑋
Zeng, Ting-Wei
論文名稱: 跑道上的敘說探究——一位長跑運動員的運動實踐知識認識歷程
The Narrative Research on the Track——The Process of Recognizing Practical Knowledge in Sports of a Long-Distance Runner
指導教授: 林慶宏
Lin, Ching-Hung
口試委員: 林慶宏
Lin, Ching-Hung
Lu, Chieh-Ju
Lin, Shu-Hui
口試日期: 2025/01/10
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育與運動科學系
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
論文出版年: 2025
畢業學年度: 113
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 195
中文關鍵詞: 敘說探究長跑運動運動經驗知識
英文關鍵詞: narrative inquiry, long-distance running, knowledge of sports experiences
研究方法: 個案研究法紮根理論法敘事分析現象分析深度訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202500150
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:329下載:22
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  • 本研究以敘說探究 (narrative inquiry) 為研究方法,重新回顧與還原研究者自身學習長跑運動的過程。透過書寫完整的個人訓練生涯歷程,從中分析與解構個人經驗知識的認識歷程,從中得出學習長跑運動的方法論本質。經文獻回顧可將運動知識分為最主要的兩種特質:一為經驗知識,二為個人知識。運動知識的學習,需要親身經歷、實踐才得以體會,並悟出其中真理。運動是為一默會知識 (tacit knowledge),具備高度的身體性,其學習與傳遞知識之路徑,無法輕易以語言、文字概括論之。再者,運動知識的傳遞方式又可分為具體、可分析訴說的表層知識,以及抽象、不可分析的裏層知識。過去關於長跑運動的研究,鮮少針對難以分析的默會 (抽象) 長跑運動技術及運動知識,進行說明與介紹,多數都只體現具體、可分析的外顯知識內涵。本研究經過個人運動經歷的自我敘說,綜合重與要他者的對談,最終建構出完整的經驗文本,並將文本內容所及的運動生涯時期,以具象化的身分象徵為分界,分別為:「運動生命的誕生」、「信徒」、「冒險者」、「良工巧匠」,以及「哲學家」。接續依照文獻蒐集方向進行經驗文本分析,得出研究者所學習到的運動經驗知識的樣態分別為, (一) 具體/表層的知識能力:(1) 跑的能力、(2) 自主調節的能力及 (3) 溝通協調的能力;(二) 抽象/裏層的知識能力:(1) 創造的能力、(2) 冒險的能力、(3) 思考的能力及 (4) 無為而為的能力。進一步對運動經驗知識解析出其內涵的形成要點及形成路徑,其要點有四,包含汲取、模仿、創造與融合,長跑運動員依照要點的逐步成形,並催生出新生的知識與本領,進而使運動經驗知識體系擴大。

    This study adopts narrative inquiry as the research method to review and reconstruct the researcher's own process of learning long-distance running. By writing a complete story of personal training career, the methodology of learning long-distance running can be derived from analyzing and deconstructing the cognitive process of personal experience and knowledge.Through the literature review, sports knowledge can be categorized into two main characteristics: experiential knowledge and personal knowledge. The learning of sports knowledge requires personal experience and practice in order to realize the truth of it. Sports is a tacit knowledge, with a high degree of physicality, and its route to acquisition and delivery of knowledge cannot be easily described by language or words. Moreover, the delivery of sports knowledge can be divided into concrete, analyzable external knowledge and abstract, non-analyzable inner knowledge. Past studies on long-distance running rarely focus on the tacit (abstract) knowledge of long-distance running that is difficult to be analyzed, and most of them only focus on the concrete and analyzable contents of the external knowledge.Through the self-narrative of one's own sports experience and the integrated dialogue with others, this study finally constructs a complete experiential text, and divides the periods of the sports career covered in the text into the following identity symbols: “the birth of the sports life”, “believer”, “adventurer”, “skilled craftsman”, and “philosopher”.Following the direction of the literature collection, an experiential text analysis was conducted, which resulted in the following patterns of experiential knowledge of sports learned by the researcher: (i) concrete/surface knowledge: (1) the ability to run, (2) the ability to self-regulate, and (3) the ability to communicate and coordinate; and (ii) abstract/inner knowledge: (1) the ability to create, (2) the ability to take risks, (3) the ability to think, and (4) the ability to do nothing. (4) the ability to do nothing. Further, we analyze the key points and formation process of sports experience knowledge. There are four key points, including learning, imitation, creation and integration, according to which long-distance runners gradually take shape and give birth to new knowledge and skills, which in turn expand the sports experience knowledge system.

    中文摘要i 英文摘要ii 目次iv 圖次vi 第壹章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景1 第二節 研究目的與問題3 第三節 研究範圍3 第四節 研究重要性3 第貳章 文獻探討5 第一節 運動知識的樣態5 第二節 運動知識的傳遞11 第三節 長跑運動技術的研究與技術訓練14 第參章 研究方法19 第一節 研究對象19 第二節 研究方法20 第三節 研究流程20 第四節 資料處理與分析21 第肆章 長跑運動的經驗敘說23 第一節 運動生命的誕生23 第二節 信徒40 第三節 冒險者68 第四節 良工巧匠102 第五節 哲學家137 第伍章 運動經驗知識的鍊成157 第一節 運動經驗知識的能力樣貌158 第二節 運動經驗知識的獲取路徑180 第陸章 反思與結語189 第一節 個人經驗研究的反思189 第二節 結語191 參考文獻193

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