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研究生: 李瑩柔
Li, Ying-Jou
論文名稱: 家庭背景、父母投資與自我期望對中學生學科素養表現之影響-以 PISA2018 為例
Effects of Family Background, Parental Investment as well as Self-expectation on the Literary Performance of High School Students - Take PISA2018 as an Example
指導教授: 徐美
Hsu, Mei
口試委員: 林俊宏 陳明郎
口試日期: 2021/07/21
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 46
中文關鍵詞: 父母投資自我期望家庭背景素養表現
英文關鍵詞: Family Background, Literature Performance, Parental Investment, Self-expectation
研究方法: 實證研究法計量分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101189
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:207下載:0
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  • 本文探討影響港澳台與中國大陸地區中學生學科素養表現的因子。主要以加權最小平方法(Weighted-Least-Squares, WLS)之迴歸模型研究如下的解釋變數:家庭背景(如:父母教育程度、家戶所得)、父母投資(如:家中教育資源、教育經費支出)與自我期望等。資料來源為經濟合作暨發展組織(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,OECD)於2018年舉辦的國際學生能力評估計劃(the Programme for International Student Assessment, PISA)之官網所提供的公開資料庫。研究發現家戶所得是主要影響中學生PISA2018成績之家庭背景因素。而父母投資除了能透過教育、物質資源的供給增進子女的學科素養表現外,對子女的陪伴以及教育經費支出也都能顯著正向地影響學生PISA2018成績,尤其是在課餘陪伴與教育經費支出並重的情況下。此外,自我期望對於學生PISA2018成績之顯著正向影響程度幾乎大於父母的教育程度。最後,區域變數也是影響學生學習成效的重要環境因子。值得大家注意的是,相較於鄰近的其他華人地區,台灣本地學生之學科素養表現有待加強。此現象需相關教育工作者、教育政策訂定者以及家長、學生們的共同努力、提升。

    This paper explores the factors that influence the literary performance of high school students in Taiwan, Macao, Hong Kong as well as China. We mainly use the regression models of Weighted-Least-Squares (WLS) to discuss the following independent variables: the variables of family background, e.g., parents’ education, household income, the variables of parental investment, e.g., educational resource at home, educational expenditure and the variable of self-expectation and so on. The data is provided by the open database on the official website of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) held by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2018. Among the elements of family background, we find household income is the main factor which influences the score of high school students on PISA2018 test. As for the parental investment, the supply of educational and material resource, parental companion as well as educational expenditure would affect the literary performance of students positively and significantly. What's more, the positive and significant effects would have obviously under the circumstance which the parental companion and educational expenditure execute at the same time. In addition, the extent of positive and significant influence of self-expectation on the score of PISA2018 test is almost higher than the factors of parental education. Last, the variable of area is also a crucial element of environment that affects the learning outcomes. Compare to other Chinese areas near Taiwan, the literary performance of students in Taiwan leaves a lot to be desired. It's worthwhile to pay attention for everyone. This phenomenon needs relevant educators, those who formulate educational policies, parents and students to make effort to improve it together.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機1 第二節 研究目的2 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 家庭背景4 第二節 父母投資7 第三節 自我期望8 第三章 資料來源 第一節 公開資料來源10 第二節 變數說明與敘述統計11 第四章 模型設定 第一節 WLS模型19 第五章 實證結果 第一節 個人特性與家庭背景對於學生學科素養表現之影響23 第二節 家中教育、物質資源與父母陪伴對於學生學科素養表現之影響24 第三節 學生自我期望與就學地區對其學科素養表現之影響25 第四節 比較港澳台與中國大陸地區學生之PISA2018三科成績25 第六章 結論33 參考文獻36 附錄38

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