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研究生: 曾慶玲
Tseng, Ching-Ling
論文名稱: 家庭主婦的生活滿意--以生命歷程理論剖析
Life Satisfaction of Housewives-A life Course Theory Approach
指導教授: 周麗端
Chou, Li-Tuan
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 202
中文關鍵詞: 生命歷程理論家庭主婦生活滿意自主行動力質量混合方法
英文關鍵詞: Life course theory, housewife, life satisfaction, self agency, mixed methods
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:828下載:228
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  • 家庭主婦常是被學術討論或是政策制定上忽略的一群人,但已婚女性中家庭主婦卻佔半數左右,她們的聲音應該被聽見。過去多數家庭主婦研究並未採取明確理論取向,有明確理論取向的則較多採用女性主義取向,女性主義取向多關注家庭主婦的依賴與限制,較少考慮家庭主婦的自主性。而生命歷程理論關注社會歷史脈絡對人類生活的影響,也強調在社會歷史脈絡下個人自主行動力的展現。因此本研究採用生命歷程理論探討家庭主婦的生活滿意,以期更深入了解家庭主婦的生活概況。

    Housewives are usually a group of persons that are neglected in academic studies and when policies are made. Since housewives account for approximately half of married women, their voices should be heard. Most of the studies on housewives in the past were usually feminism-oriented. The feminism-oriented studies focused more on the reliance and restriction of housewives, but less on the independence of housewives. The life course theory pays close attention to the impact on life by the social and historical contexts, and emphasizes the performance of personal self agency under the social and historical contexts. Thus, in this study, the life course theory is used to investigate the satisfaction of housewives in the hope of achieving a profound understanding of the aspects of the housewife’s life.
    In this study, the mixed methods approach is used. For the quantitative information, the secondary data analysis is used. The effective sample size of 418 persons in total is used for constructing the model of the housewife’s life satisfaction by using structural equation modeling (SEM). For the qualitative information, the combination of life history interview and life chart is used and the judgment sampling is used for the selection of 7 participants from 418 persons. Each participant was interviewed 2 times in the study, and the whole process was recorded and transcribed into a transcription for further analysis.
    Combining the quantitative and qualitative data in this study, the following results were discovered:
    I. The transition of housewife's life trajectory:
    From the life chart, it shows that marriage causes the transition of the satisfaction of life for most of the people and the satisfaction of life drops all the same. Hence, it can be shown that marriage is the important transition event for the housewife’s life satisfaction trajectory. Besides marriage, there are influences coming from the factors of linked lives principle that reduce the housewife’s life satisfaction. While the factor that increase the housewife’s life satisfaction is the performance of independent agency.
    II. The factors that influence the housewife's life satisfaction are organized and listed as follows, according to the principle of the life course theory:
    1. The principle of timing: It is discovered that the timing of becoming a housewife has a negative effect on the housewife’s life satisfaction, while the timing of getting married and the timing of giving birth have positive effects on the housewife’s life satisfaction.
    2. The principle of linked lives: it is discovered that the housewife's family social economic status, the consciousness of the evaluation to housewives by the family, the consciousness of the evaluation to housewives by society, the family relations and the support from the spouse have positive effects on the housewife’s life satisfaction.
    3. The principle of historical time and place: It is discovered that if the social economic status of the family of origin is higher and the social value of the housewife’s grow-up age is more modern, then the housewife's life satisfaction is higher.
    4. The principle of self agency: It is discovered that if the housewife voluntarily chooses to become a housewife, has positive self-concepts and has active role adjustment, then the housewife's life satisfaction is higher.
    In the SEM model, “the self-concept”, “the agency of choosing to become a housewife”, “the family social economic status”, “the social evaluation of housewives” and “the family relations” can be used to explain the housewife’s life satisfaction with effectiveness up to 39%. Among them, the linked lives and the self agency principles give a more accurate explanation of the life satisfaction, while the role adjustment does not support the influences of the life satisfaction. The timing and the historical time and space principles have indirect influences on the life satisfaction through the self agency. In the qualitative data, it is also discovered that the self agency has influences on the housewife’s life satisfaction and has interactive influences with the linked lives principle. Hence, from the general viewpoint, it is discovered that the self agency has important influences on the housewife's life satisfaction.
    Finally, according to the results of this study, suggestions are proposed for the housewives, schools, family education, other promotion organizations, the public and government, and the research studies in the future.

    第一章 緒論………………………………………………… 1 第一節 研究動機………………………………………… 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題…………………………… 5 第三節 名詞釋義………………………………………… 6 第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………… 7 第一節 家庭主婦的生活素描…………………………… 7 第二節 理論基礎—生命歷程理論……………………… 14 第三節 自主行動力……………………………………… 30 第四節 生活滿意………………………………………… 34 第五節 影響家庭主婦自主行動力和生活滿意的因素… 36 第三章 研究方法…………………………………………… 51 第一節 質量混合研究方法……………………………… 52 第二節 量化研究設計…………………………………… 54 第三節 質性研究設計…………………………………… 69 第四節 研究實施步驟…………………………………… 79 第四章 研究結果與討論…………………………………… 80 第一節 研究樣本基本資料分析………………………… 80 第二節 家庭主婦生活滿意結構方程模式……………… 92 第三節 家庭主婦的生命故事…………………………… 102 第四節 家庭主婦的生活滿意分析--量與質的對話…… 130 第五章 結論與建議 ……………………………………… 163 第一節 結論…………………………………………… 163 第二節 研究省思與建議……………………………… 171 參考文獻…………………………………………………… 179 附錄一 家庭主婦生活處境問卷專家效度名單………… 192 附錄二 家庭主婦生活處境問卷………………………… 193 附錄三 家庭主婦生命圖表……………………………… 197 附錄四 家庭主婦訪談基本資料表與訪談大綱………… 198 附錄五 假設模式參數估計……………………………… 201

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