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研究生: 許燁娜
Wu Hsu, Yeh-Na
論文名稱: OTT TV影音串流平台衝擊下我國無線電視發展策略─以民視為例
A Terrestrial TV Development Strategy against OTT TV Streaming Platforms - Formosa TV Case Study
指導教授: 劉立行
Liu, Li-Xing
口試委員: 陳柏宇
Chen, Bo-Yu
Tang, Wei-Min
Liu, Li-Xing
口試日期: 2022/06/16
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖文傳播學系碩士在職專班
Department of Graphic Arts and Communications_Continuing Education Master's Program of Graphic Arts and Communications
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 數位匯流串流OTT民視OTT
英文關鍵詞: Digital Convergence, Streaming, OTT, FTV OTT
研究方法: 深度訪談法內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200848
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:215下載:71
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  • 數位世代, OTT(over-the-top)影音串流平台興起,不僅改變閱聽大眾之收視習慣,也改變影視的產製及播送流程。這些平台業者提供閱聽人「不限單一收視平台設備,可隨時隨地,免費觀看高畫質影音、內容多元且獨家、清單隨選、甚或以月租費低於有線電視,且看到飽(Binge-Viewing)等,各種新穎的個人化服務營運策略」,快速吸引了網路使用者及閱聽大眾的喜愛,訂閱量迅速暴增,傳統電視業者剪線潮與日俱增,對業者的衝擊不僅巨大,甚或是存亡之戰。面對OTT摧毀性攻勢,世界各國大型媒體企業為了生存,紛紛轉型經營「訂閱隨選視訊SVOD (Subscription Video on Demand,SVOD)」,並加強投注在SVOD市場經營之財力及人力,以求生機。相較於世界各國電視業者積極的應變策略,台灣電視業者應何去何從以創造生機,贏得商機,是產官學必須嚴肅審慎面對的問題。
    本論文以我國OTT TV為研究主軸,以國內OTT TV之創始台「民間全民電視公司(民視)」為主要研究個案。除了蒐集並研析「外國及我國傳統電視經營者,面對OTT風暴的因應之道」,同時,亦專訪負責民視OTT TV規劃、建置及經營之王宗弘副總經理,以瞭解民視建置OTT TV影音串流平台之發想、建置歷程、OTT TV發展之規劃及策略,設置周邊設備科技公司之初衷及簡史、OTT TV傳輸及經營方式之演進、收視觀眾群之特性、節目規劃特色、業務運作模式,以及目前電視產業與OTT影音串流平台之互動及發展現況,未來發展趨勢等面向,並輔以我國產官學之深度訪談,以為我國電視業者建置及經營OTT TV之參考。
    廣告收入減少所導致無線電視的連鎖效應,在節目製作經費低落導致品質越來越差的惡性循環。在「AUDIENCE IS EVERYTHING」標的下,節目製作漸漸偏離了內容導向,轉向「有效抓住觀眾數的利益導向」。惡性循環的結果導致無線電視頻道業者面臨營運危機,相關之內容產製業亦因數位影音串流服務,已經超出傳統頻道電視疆界,遊戲規則及市場大幅變動,競爭激烈而危機四起,傳統電視台必須應戰與轉型,不只台灣這已是全球傳統電視業者熱門顯學。在國家電視台無法立即成立的情況下,強化公共電視人才培訓之功能當為要務。

    In the digital generation, the rise of OTT (over-the-top) video streaming platforms has not only changed the viewing habits of the audience, but also changed the production and distribution process of film and television. These platform operators provide viewers with "not limited to a single viewing platform device, and can watch high-quality audio and video for free anytime, anywhere, with diverse and exclusive content, on-demand lists, or even lower monthly fees than cable TV, and watch full ( Binge-Viewing), etc., various novel personalized service operation strategies”, quickly attracted the love of Internet users and the audience, the number of subscriptions has increased rapidly, and the traditional TV industry’s line-cutting trend is increasing day by day, and the impact on the industry is not only huge , or even a battle of survival. In the face of the destructive offensive of OTT, in order to survive, large media companies around the world have transformed and operated "Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD)" and strengthened their financial and human resources to operate in the SVOD market in order to survive. Compared with the active contingency strategies of TV companies around the world, what should Taiwan TV companies do to create vitality and win business opportunities is a problem that must be seriously and prudently faced by industry, government and academia.
    This dissertation takes my country's OTT TV as the main research axis, and takes the founding station of the domestic OTT TV "Folk National Television Company (Minshi)" as the main research case. In addition to collecting and analyzing "foreign and Chinese traditional TV operators, how to deal with the OTT storm", he also interviewed Wang Zonghong, deputy general manager of MinTV's OTT TV planning, construction and operation, to understand MinTV The idea of building an OTT TV video and audio streaming platform, the construction process, the planning and strategy of OTT TV development, the original intention and brief history of setting up peripheral equipment technology companies, the evolution of OTT TV transmission and operation methods, the characteristics of viewing audiences, Program planning features, business operation mode, the current interaction and development status of the TV industry and OTT video and audio streaming platforms, and future development trends, and supplemented by in-depth interviews with Chinese government officials, to think that Chinese TV companies will build and operate OTT TV reference.
    The knock-on effect of TVB caused by the reduction of advertising revenue is a vicious circle of worse and worse quality caused by the low funding of program production. Under the title of "AUDIENCE IS EVERYTHING", the program production gradually deviated from the content orientation and turned to the "interest orientation that effectively captures the number of viewers". As a result of the vicious circle, radio video channel operators are facing operational crisis, and the related content industry has also exceeded the boundaries of traditional channel TV due to digital video streaming services. Game rules and markets have changed dramatically, competition is fierce and crisis is on the rise, traditional TV stations must Challenges and transformation, not only Taiwan, but also the world's traditional TV industry has become a popular learning. Under the circumstance that the national TV station cannot be established immediately, strengthening the function of public TV personnel training should be the top priority.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 12 第三節 研究範圍與限制 13 第四節 名詞釋義 14 第五節 研究流程 15 第二章 相關理論與文獻分析 17 第一節 多平台媒介創新 17 第二節 民視OTT 28 第三節 OTT商業模式 30 第三章 研究方法 36 第一節 研究方法 36 第二節 訪談對象 37 第三節 訪談大綱 38 第四章 研究分析 41 第一節 深度訪談 41 第二節 我國OTT業者的發展策略 50 第五章 結論與建議 52 第一節 研究結論 52 第二節 研究建議 56 參考文獻 59 中文部分 59 英文部分 63 附件一 68

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