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研究生: 劉宏文
論文名稱: 動態恢復對短期跑步訓練後體內免疫細胞及其亞群數目的影響
Effects of active recovery on immune cells and subpopulations following a short-term running training
指導教授: 徐孟達
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 41
中文關鍵詞: 動態恢復白血球T淋巴細胞亞群
英文關鍵詞: active recovery, leukocyte, T lymphocyte subpopulations
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:211下載:67
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  • 選手進行激烈訓練是為了追求更卓越的運動表現,但上呼吸道感染的機率可能伴隨著激烈的訓練而提高,進而影響訓練的成果及個人的健康。已知動態恢復能緩和單次激烈運動後免疫抑制的現象,但對於短期連續的激烈運動之影響仍是未知,因此本研究針對短期跑步訓練後,白血球及其亞群數目變化進行探討。
    本實驗對象為20位高中田徑隊男性選手,依照最大攝氧量進行配對,分為動態恢復組(平均年齡:16.17±1.13歲,最大攝氧量:57.25±8.71 ml/min-1‧kg-1)和安靜休息組(平均年齡:16.63±1.03歲,最大攝氧量:58.52±9.00 ml/min-1‧kg-1),兩組均進行連續七天的漸增衰竭運動,動態恢復組在每天衰竭運動後,再接著20分鐘低強度 (35﹪VO2max) 運動,而安靜休息組則採坐姿休息。並於第1、第4及第7天運動前、運動後立即、運動後20分鐘及運動後2小時進行採血,以便分析白血球、嗜中性球及淋巴細胞數目和T淋巴亞群、B細胞及NK細胞比例。所得資料以混合設計二因子變異數和重複量數單因子變異數進行分析。結果發現:除第一天運動後2小時及第7天運動前,動態恢復組CD3+CD4+亞群的比例顯著低於靜態恢復組,其餘採血點兩組白血球、嗜中性球和淋巴細胞數目及T淋巴細胞亞群、B細胞和NK細胞比例均無顯著差異。動態恢復介入對於連續衰竭運動後恢復期免疫細胞變化的趨勢與靜態恢復組相當,但可觀察到動態介入能緩和連續衰竭運動後恢復期淋巴細胞減少的趨勢。因此本研究顯示35﹪VO2max動態恢復,在運動後2小時內採血點與靜態恢復比較,對於舒緩免疫抑制的現象,並無顯著的效應。

    Athletes were undertaken intensive training to pursue better performance, but higher incidence of upper respiratory tract infection may be accompanied by strenuous exercise, and it will influence on training effort and personal health. It has been shown that active recovery can attenuate immunosuppression following a single bout of heavy exercise, but the effect of continuous training was still unkown. Hence, the present study was focused on calrifying the effects of active recovery on immune cells and subsets following a short-term running training.
    Twenty senior high school male athletes participated in this study. They were divided in two groups according to VO2max values : active recovery, AR (age=16.17±1.13years, VO2max values=57.25±8.71 ml/min-1‧kg-1 ) rest recovery, RR (age=16.63±1.03 years, VO2max values=58.52±9.00 ml/min-1‧kg-1). Both groups performed incremental exercise until volitional exhaustion on the treadmill and each subjects exercised 7 days continuously. After exhaustive exercise AR jogged lasting 20 minutes at 35﹪VO2max, and RR rested 20 minutes on the chair everyday. Blood samples were collected at rest before exercise, immediately exhaustive exercise, and 20, 120 min after exercise on the 1st, 4th and 7th day. Leukocyte count , neutrophil count, lymphocyte count and propotion of T lymphocyte subsets, B cell and NK cell were measured. Data were analyzed using mixed design two-way ANOVA and repeated one-way ANOVA. Results: there were no significant difference in leukocyte count, neutrophil count, lymphocyte count and lymphocyte subsets percentages between both groups excepting the ratio of CD3+CD4+ at 120min after exercise on the 1st day. Conclusion: active recovery attenuated the reducing trend of lymphocytes numbers, besides it could sustain baseline values of lymphocyte. Active recovery had no influence on the ratio of lymphocyte subpopulations during recovery.

    目 次 中文摘要....................................................i 英文摘要...................................................ii 謝誌....................................................iii 目次.....................................................iv 表次.....................................................vii 圖次....................................................viii 第壹章 緒論................................................1 第一節問題背景............................................1 第二節研究的重要性.........................................2 第三節 研究目的............................................2 第四節 研究範圍與限制.......................................3 第五節 名詞操作性定義.......................................3 第貳章相關文獻探討.........................................4 第一節免疫細胞及亞群簡介....................................4第二節 運動對體內免疫細胞及亞群的影響.........................5 第三節 動態恢復對體內生理值與免疫功能之影響....................8 第四節 影響白血球數目的相關機制...............................9 第五節 本章總結............................................11 第參章研究方法與步驟......................................12 第一節 受試者.............................................12 第二節 實驗設計............................................12 第三節 實驗日期............................................12第四節 實驗地點............................................12 第五節 實驗流程............................................13 第六節 實驗方法............................................13 第七節 資料分析與處理......................................16 第肆章結果...............................................18 第一節 受試者基本資........................................18 第二節 不同恢復方式對連續衰竭運動後免疫細胞數目的影響..........18 第伍章討論及結論..........................................30 第一節 討論...............................................33 第二節 結論...............................................33 參考文獻...................................................34 附錄一 受試者須知及同意書...................................40 附錄二 健康情況調查表......................................41

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