簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 劉安迪
Liu, An-Di
論文名稱: 風景繪畫中的奇妙空間體驗 — 劉安迪創作論述
LIU An-Di’s Artist Statement: A Bizarre Spatial Experience Within Landscape Paintings
指導教授: 朱友意
Chu, Yu-Yi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 地方感奇妙體驗風景畫世界觀
英文關鍵詞: senses of place, bizarre experience, landscape painting, world view
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001143
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:151下載:30
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  • 本研究主要探討筆者從自身過往幾段經驗中所引導出的,對於空間與地方感的探問連帶影響並啟發了關於地方感以及空間經驗的一系列風景繪畫。參閱了部分文化地理學(Cultural Geography)、人類學(Anthropology)以及藝術史中對於地方感以及空間概念的討論,並從西歐風景畫歷史的脈絡切入,梳理「風景」、「風景畫」、「空間」、「地方感」等概念。「風景」意涵標示出特定時空背景下的一群人在一個地方中的故事,人們不僅塑造了地方,也被地方的作用下塑造出了自我與他者的身分意識;而「空間」體現了一段變化量的累積或是活動的存在,是一種被發明出來做為容納各種需求與活動的概念工具。



    In this thesis, I study a series of landscape paintings depicting sense of place and spatial experience, which are affected and inspired by the inquiries into space and sense of place based on my own experiences. Referring to discussions of sense of place and space in cultural geography, anthropology, and art history, I attempt to understand concepts such as ‘scenes’, ‘landscape paintings’, ‘space’, and ‘sense of place’ in the historical context of landscape painting in the Western Europe. ‘Scenes’ highlights stories of a group of people at a place within a specific context, that is, human form the place; the place shapes people’s identity of self and the others. ‘Space,’ on the other hand, is a place where various meanings act and practice. Hence, ‘space’ is regarded as a conceptual tool for containing different needs and activities.

    Works in this period of time might be regarded as creative practice exploring and representing a special space which exists at a particular place or site. The proposition, inquire and respond ceaselessly by my works, are bizarre spatial experience, the possibility of sensing place, and the arrangement of space in a flat drawing.

    In the end, I point out a problematic observation: If ‘space’ responds to people’s needs in different levels, the pursuit of transcendent, special spatial experience within landscape paintings implies the needs or crisis of the individual in the modern society, while considering whether they will last, doesn’t it?

    摘要 i Abstract ii 目次 iii 緒論 1 第一節、研究動機與目的 1 第二節、研究方法與範圍 3 第二章、世界的風景 5 第一節、地方與空間 6 第二節、風景 10 第三節、隱含的世界 18 第三章、風景中的奇妙體驗 25 第一節、地方中的多重作用力 26 第二節、地方感與個體的奇妙空間體驗 33 第三節、風景中的不可見空間:夜遊與晝行 46 第四章、作品分析 49 第一節、捕捉多重空間的繪畫實踐 49 第二節、將圖像轉為質地:無限的紋理 60 第三節、融為一體 69 結論 76 參考文獻 78

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