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研究生: 楊健威
Yang, Chien-wei
論文名稱: 情感式彌爾頓:彌爾頓與前現代時期情感意識
Affective Milton: Milton and Early Modern Emotionology
指導教授: 梁孫傑
Liang, Sun-Chieh
口試委員: 張瓊慧
Chang, Chiung-huei
Deveson, Aaron
Stevenson, Frank
Chiou, Yuan-guey
Liang, Sun-chieh
口試日期: 2023/07/12
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 315
中文關鍵詞: 情感意識激越情感神聖情感情緒史神痛感約翰•彌爾頓《失樂園》《復樂園》《參孫力士》
英文關鍵詞: emotionology, the passions, the affections, history of emotion, divine passibility, John Milton, Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes
研究方法: 主題分析歷史研究法內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300989
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:183下載:66
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  • 隨著情緒研究的興起,以及學界近年來對於情緒史興趣的遽昇,前現代時期文學豐富多元的情緒風貌在過去二十年漸受重視。然而,彌爾頓雖然以創造出極具情緒感染力角色的過人天賦著稱,其作品中的情感面向卻尚未受到彌爾頓學界應有的關注。本論文試圖填補此彌爾頓研究的缺口,以前現代時期的情感意識為基礎,分析彌爾頓主要詩作中對於人、神、魔之情感維度的建構。筆者認為彌爾頓透過其主要詩作與相關散文興築出一完整的情感體系,涵蓋了三類情感:神聖情感、俗世情感、惡魔式情感。欲進一步理解彌爾頓式的情感宇宙,筆者首先追溯情感在古希臘哲學的起源與中世紀神學的發展歷程,藉以對於前現代時期情感意識進行考察,透過分析前現代時期大量出版的情感文獻,進而得以重現前現代時期對於情感定義與分類、靈魂模型、情感駕馭、神痛感等概念的理解。同時,試圖以情感分析的方法,就彌爾頓研究中懸而未決的議題提出新的解釋,從而認為在原罪前人類的近神聖情感中已有激越情感的存在。在《失樂園》第十一章與第十二章中,大天使米迦勒為亞當準備的視現與預言可解讀為彌爾頓對於亞里斯多德滌淨概念的再詮釋;而參孫力士對其所感受到的遽起靈動的誤判使其再度屈服於激越情感,遂行復仇,而非成為烈士;文中亦提出彌爾頓《失樂園》與《復樂園》中的上帝與神之子具有形軀且有神痛感;此外,有別於多數彌爾頓學者的負面評價,筆者認為《復樂園》中的神之子的平靜並非人性的缺乏,而是俗世情感的昇華結果與情感調和的平衡狀態,以啟發為墮落之後裔的讀者;同時文中也將撒旦作為彌爾頓角色的魅力歸因於其多樣化且與人性面向相通的情感領受與表達。

    With the rise of emotion studies and a rapidly growing academic interest in the history of emotions, the rich emotive landscape of early modern literature has been gradually brought to light over the past two decades. Whereas Milton is famed for creating emotionally contagious characters, his treatment of emotions has received relatively little scholarly attention. My thesis attempts to fill the gap in Milton scholarship by analyzing Milton's depiction of emotions in his major poetry in the context of early modern emotionology. I argue Milton's emotive universe consists of three categories: divine affections, human emotions, and Satanic passions, which represent three spiritual and emotive planes. To gain fuller understanding of Milton’s emotive universe, I propose to contextualize it in the early modern interpretations of the passions, a revision of the Greek philosophical and medieval theological legacy. My thesis also addresses some controversies in Milton studies. First, I will demonstrate the passions are not absent in the prelapsarian couple. The vision and the narrative Michael prepares for Adam in Book 11 and 12 in Paradise Lost can be illuminated by the Miltonic reinterpretation of catharsis. Samson’s revenge on the Philistines is an act of vile passions rather than martyrdom due to his misinterpretation of his rousing motions; I will also vindicate Milton's belief in passible God and angels in Paradise Lost. Opposite to some Miltonists' negative response to the Son in Paradise Regained, I argue Christ's calm as an emotive equilibrium, similar to aequo animo, to be emulated by Milton's fallen readers; I also examine how Satan's aesthetic charm can be attributed to his Satanic passions and some shockingly human-like emotions, which unfortunately are calibrated to fallen readers' taste.

    摘要 i Abstract ii Declarations iii Acknowledgement iv Abbreviations v Contents vi List of Figures ix Chapter 1 | Introduction 1 Why Milton (Still) Matters? 4 A Note on Terminology 7 Methodology: Intellectual Partnerships 8 Literature Review: Emotions in Milton 10 1. Poetical Passions in Milton 11 2. Affective Rhetoric in Milton 24 3. Divine Passibility and Milton 30 Chapter Summary 36 Chapter 2 | Emotions from Greek Philosophy to Early Modern Emotionology 40 i. Greek Philosophy and Theology 40 1. Plato on the Soul and Emotion 40 2. Emotion, Morality and Rhetoric in Aristotle 49 3. Augustine on Affections and Passions 61 4. Aquinas on Human Passions 64 ii. Early Modern Emotionology 71 1. Affective Terminology in Early Modern England 72 2. Passions, Humoralism, and Medicine 76 3. The Passions V. the Affections 81 4. Passions and the Human soul 88 5. Reason, the Will, and the Passions 97 6. The Government of the Passions 101 7. Divine Passibility 105 8. Taxonomy: Reinventing the Legacy? 109 Conclusion 116 Chapter 3 | Human Emotions 118 1. Affection and Passion in Milton's Prose Works 118 2. The Pre-lapsarian Couple's Near-affection 124 3. Happiness in a Heaven on Earth 130 4. Pre-lapsarian Copulation 138 5. Adam's Commotion Strange 141 6. Emotions, Diet, and Temperance 144 7. The Affective Education 157 8. Emotional Contagion of the Two Couples 166 9. Samson, All Passion Spent 168 10. Samson's Rousing Motions Reconsidered 172 Conclusion 175 Chapter 4 | Divine Affections 177 1. Milton and Divine Passibility 177 2. Milton's Corporeal God 187 3. Divine Affection through Love 191 4. Angelic Affections 196 5. Taming Chaos and Subduing Passions 204 6. The Passionless Son in Paradise Regained 216 7. Affection Defined by Calm 224 Conclusion 228 Chapter 5 | Satanic Passions 230 1. Passions and the Sinner Psychology 231 2. Satan's Human-like Passions 243 3. Passions and the Infernal Landscape 251 4. Affective Contagion and the Angelic Rebellion 253 5. Temptation through the Passions 260 Conclusion 271 Conclusion 272 Works Cited 276 i. Primary Sources 276 ii. Secondary Sources 283 Appendices 297 Appendix 1: Affective Terminology in Early Modern Treatises 297 Appendix 2: Happy and Happiness in Early Modern Times 307 Appendix 3: Images 311

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