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研究生: 韓佩凌
論文名稱: 正向心理取向家長諮詢之賦能動力模式
The Empowerment Dynamic Model of Parent Consultation with the Perspective of Positive Psychology
指導教授: 鄔佩麗
Wu, Pei-Li
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 301
中文關鍵詞: 正向心理家長諮詢賦能模式文化意涵探本溯源否極生泰轉危為安
英文關鍵詞: positive psychology, parent consultation, empowerment model, cultural connotation, exploring and tracing back to the origin, initiating fortune rom the extreme adversity, diversifying crises into safeties
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:143下載:40
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  • 本研究主旨在以正向心理觀點來發展一個本土性之家長諮詢模式,進而探討求詢者在諮詢歷程中的賦能發展與轉換脈絡,且進行此賦能模式之文化意涵闡釋。
    研究一先由研究者發展正向心理取向之家長諮詢模式工作架構,涵蓋關係、覺察、重構與統整四個諮詢階段。在求詢者賦能模式建立部分,研究者蒐集四位女性家長在諮詢歷程中逐字稿與追蹤訪談逐字稿、追蹤問卷之文本等三種資料,以樣版分析(template analysis)進行資料分析,用以修正以Gibson(1995)所建構之家長賦能概念模式所發展初始樣版,在賦予文化與行動之意涵之後,而發展出「探本溯源」、「否極生泰」、「念轉心悟」、「應手從心」、「優勢薈萃」與「轉危為安」六個賦能主題。
    本研究於實務上之建議,就諮詢架構與執行方面而言:(1) 關係之滋養應做為正向心理取向諮詢模式之核心。(2)求詢者之優勢展現與強化應建立於對內省而發之真實感受。(3)困境感受之呈現與接納將有助於苦樂轉換,並強化其否極泰來之希望感。在諮詢關係與諮詢師角色方面,則為:(1)諮詢關係以平等尊重為內涵;(2)諮詢師做為一個滋養性之陪伴者、自主性之催化者與優勢展現之激勵者。(4)諮詢服務推展之必要性與諮詢專業訓練之重要性。在未來研究方面,將就諮詢模式運用之多元性、諮詢理論與研究主題之擴展性研究典範與觀點之豐富性三個部分提供相關建議。

    The aim of the study is to develop an indigenous parent consultation model based on the viewpoint of positive psychology, and to further discuss the empowerment development and transformation contexts of consultees in the process of consultation. Moreover, the study also intends to explain the cultural connotation of the empowerment model.
    Study 1: Firstly to develop a work structure for the positive psychology oriented to the parents consultation model, and results in four consultation stages including relationship, awareness, reframing and integration. As for the part of establishing the empowerment model of consultees, Three data were collected from four female
    parents, which are the transcripts in the process of consultation, the transcripts of tracking interviews and the texts of tracking questionnaires, then analyzed the data by the template analysis method, to revise the initial version of parents empowerment concept model established by Gibson (1995). After giving cultural and behavioral
    connotation, the researcher further developed six empowerment subjects which are “Exploring and Tracing Back to the Origin”, “Initiating Fortune from the Extreme
    Adversity”, “Comprehending from Converting Thoughts”, “Facilitating from Being Proficient”, “Flourishing Strengths” and “Diversifying Crises into Safeties”.
    Study 2: The study depends on studying the total organization and the staged use-pattern of the counselor’s consultation strategies in the process of consultation, to understand the possible impacts of counselor’s strategies on consultees’ empowerment development, to reveal the behavioral contexts of empowerment transformation. The researcher will use the same participants, and collect the transcripts in the same process of consultation, by choosing the quantitative data, to analyze the subsequent consultation strategies. The researcher sets ten consultation strategies which are “Structure Framing”, “Contexts Collection”, “Resources Providing”, “Atmosphere Culturing”, “Hope Implantation”, “Emotion Conversion”, “Strengths Regeneration”, “Awareness Deepening”, “Parent-Education Improving” and “Recovery Constructing”.
    The results of the study are: (1) The consultation structure is started by relationship establishing, mediated by strengthening the awareness of adversities and strengths. Then, through introspection mechanism transformed, the structure will promote the
    autonomous development of consultees. (2) The connotation of consultation model focuses on ”Awareness Deepening” and “Parent-Education Improving”, and assisted
    by “Atmosphere Culturing” as the promotion factor of positive condition. (3) Empowerment transformation uses “Exploring and Tracing Back to the Origin” and
    “Initiating Fortune from the Extreme Adversity” as the principal line, then, to form a dynamic force which will transform the origin exploration to bittersweet. (4) The results of empowerment are to establish parenting wellbeing by the extensibility of relationship culturing, to promote the appropriate expression of parenting by awareness
    transformation, so as to create a power of “Diversifying Crises into Safeties”. (5) The keys of empowerment transformation are the positive connection of relationships, the representation of accompany meaning and the confirmation of self value. And the cultural connotations of the model are: (1) The importance of mother’s role and the essential of father’s role. (2) The appropriateness of parent-child boundary will help
    reflect the parenting value. (3) The deepness of retrospection will breed a kind of real
    happiness. (4) The belief of bittersweet transformation will deepen the positive consciousness to adversities and strengthen the hope for change.
    The study provides suggestions on practical aspects, in terms of consultation construction and implantation: (1) The relationship culturing should be the core of the consultation model by positive psychology. (2) Strengths presentation and strengthening of the consultees shall be established on the real feelings from retrospections. (3) The revelation of feelings from adversities and the acceptance of the feelings will help the transformation of bittersweet, and strengthen the hope for “Initiating Fortune from the Extreme Adversity”. In terms of consultation relationship and the counselor’s role: (1)
    The basis of the consultation relationship is equality and respect; (2) The counselor is a company who can breed happiness, an autonomous catalyst and a stimulator for
    strengths representation. (4) The necessity of consultation service promotion and the importance of professional consulting training. In the further study, we will provide
    relevant recommendations on three aspects: the diversity of consultation model application, the extensiveness of consultation theories and participants, the richness of
    research paradigms and viewpoints.
    Inclusive in structure application, the development model of the study has influences on the growth of children, deepens the parenting value and internalizes the relationship culturing, and will become the reference for future consultation practice promotion and consultation research development.

    致謝詞 i 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 v 目次 vii 表次 ix 圖次 xi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 7 第三節 名詞解釋 8 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 華人文化之關係內涵與親子互動 11 第二節 正向心理學的發展與應用 19 第三節 家長諮詢理論與實務 36 第四節 家長賦能概念與運用 41 第五節 復原力發展之情境與內涵 48 第三章 研究方法 57 第一節 研究概念 57 第二節 研究設計 60 第三節 研究參與者 70 第四節 研究工具 77 第五節 實施程序 78 第六節 信度與效度 83 第七節 研究倫理 87 第四章 研究結果 89 第一節 求詢者的賦能發展之樣版分析結果 89 第二節 諮詢師的諮詢策略量化內容分析結果 182 第五章 討論 207 第一節 正向心理取向將家諮詢賦能模式之討論 207 第二節 求詢者賦能轉換與機制之闡述 231 第三節 正向心理取向家長諮詢之賦能模式之文化意涵闡釋 246 第四節 研究者之省思 251 第六章 結論與建議 257 第一節 研究結論 257 第二節 研究限制 264 第三節 研究建議 266 參考文獻 270 中文部分 270 西文部分 274 附錄 283 附錄一 訪談大綱 283 附錄二 追蹤問卷 284 附錄三 研究邀請函 285 附錄四 研究同意書 287 附錄五 賦能主題初始編碼系統 288 附錄六 賦能主題確認編碼系統 289 附錄七 諮詢策略編碼類目表 296 附錄八 諮詢歷程檢視回饋表 298 附錄九 晴云的諮詢歷程檢視回饋表 300 附錄十 瑞瑩的諮詢歷程檢視回饋表 301

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